The Life and Time of The Sisterly Chaotics- Miss Kill Me Now

Chapter 2 Miss. You're kidding, right?

September was a lot better than August, but it still sucked. I don't get what it is about Katzcan that it can't have anything, or anyone, nice. I finally have my schedule down:

3.English/ Language arts
6.Change up
Thing with my group, we all had the same schedule. Plush the teachers only made one of us turn in the work, since we always gave the same answers...the right ones. We had a lot of nicknames pretty early into the year, as usual. Freaks, we embraced that. Geeks, we tolerated. But if someone called us sucker nerds, there was hell to pay. We were not NERDS! Not that there's anything wrong with nerds...but there is a difference between a nerd and a geek. Nerds are typically an outward stereotype, of which are a common insult. Geeks are the same, but rather instead of being an insult is a compliment.

We were, and I quote, the “Twisted Emo's”. Skya had always called us her Twisted Gifts, so it was no surprise when we were labeled as such. Technically, there's six of us; seven counting my mother. There was me, Joey, Boca, Juna, Skya, and Ian. Ian was some thirty four year old that Skya's known since she moved to Katzcan during her third grade year. Mom is thirty three, so there wasn't a big issue for her.

Lucky number seven in our group was mom's godchild, Yuri. Juna had a thing for her, but couldn't get Yuri to be open about it. So she gave up on getting Yuri's heart.

Yuri's parents died when she was five and Skya had promised that she'd always be there if anything lost Yuri her family. On thing I didn't know until last year, Yuri's name translates into 'Girl on Girl' or something like that...
We've protected that little secret from Jane and her followers with all desperation since we found out.