The Life and Time of The Sisterly Chaotics- Miss Kill Me Now

Chapter 4 Miss. Putting away the knives, safety pins, and Band-Aids

They’re really getting to be close friends again, Yuri and Juna. Last year, Jane worked as hard as she could at keeping them apart. It was just another one of her jabs at us, of course.

Skya has been asking Juna and I a lot of questions here lately about a partner. Yuri will be leaving again for her Uncle Ben in South Carolina. So, just five members of our little group will be left. It’s hard to believe, or at least it is for us.

Juna has been hitting on Joey. I guess being denied so much has REALLY gotten to her. Juna and Skya found some kid from the keys who has agreed to go out with me. He’s supposed to be here in an hour or so.

When I overheard them talking about it, I could have strangled them both!
-ding dong-
Great, he’s here. *opening door* Oh my sweet lord! It’s Jess!
“Uh, come on in” I manage to say. I am going to KILL those girls!

“So…where you want to go?” Jess asked me.
“Well, none of the movies start for another two or three hours. I guess we could go to the park?”
“Sure, sounds like fun.” Jess said, holding his hand out for me and holding the door open with the other.