Moving On


My whole life I’ve been happy, and I’ve been heartbroken. There were always those few things that stood in the way of other things. My junior and senior proms, I went with my boyfriend, Vince, who I thought, for sure, was going to be the one true love for the rest of my life. We have known each other since we were three and we were best friends. On the same day of graduation marked our four year anniversary. Crazy weird right? Except I think he might have forgotten about it.

“Vince!” I yelled with excitement.

“Hey babe, congratulations! I didn’t think I’d ever see this day,” Vince said with a huge smile on his face.

His smile was perfect.

I laughed, “I know right? Seems like yesterday we were just starting freshmen year.”

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me towards him. Hugging me, he gave me a kiss.

“Oh by the way, Happy Anniversary,” I said, giving him another kiss.

“Oh shit,” he said pulling away.

“You forgot... It’s okay...” I looked down at my diploma in my hands. “I’m sure there’s a million other important things on your mind.”

“Nothing’s more important than you,” he gave me another kiss. “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

“Of course,” I pulled away. “But first, I have something to tell you... except I don’t know how to stay it.”

He replied, “Olivia, you know you can tell me anything.”

“I know.” I sighed. “I was accepted into my dream school.” I tried my hardest to sound excited about it, even though I really wasn’t.

“That’s great! Why were you so afraid to tell me?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Let’s go find Cody and tell him the news.”

I took his hand and pulled him along as we looked for Cody.

Cody is Vince’s best friend. He was always there for both of us when we fought or whenever something was wrong. He always knew how to make me smile and laugh. However, I don’t think he ever had a girlfriend for longer than three months. He was the “playa” of our school; kept everyone on their feet. I always wanted him to settle down with someone for a while but who would listen to me? Well, maybe someday he will.

Up ahead, we saw him.

“Cody!” I yelled to grab his attention.

He turned around, looking confused like always.

I let go of Vince’s hand and ran towards Cody.

“Oh... it’s only you,” Cody said as I approached him.

“Gee thanks!” I said in return. “Congratulations to you, too.”

I gave him a hug.

“Can you guys believe it?” Cody asked as he let me go.

Vince and I said together, “No!”

“C’mon guys, give me some credit.”

“Okay, fine... but you know you have me to thank,” I told him.

“Oh, how can I ever thank you?” Cody sarcastically asked.

Vince glared at him. “Don’t you even think about it, bro.”

Before anyone even knew it was coming, Cody gave me a nice kiss on the cheek.

“TOO LATE!” Cody shouted with a huge smirk across his face.