Moving On

So Much for Celebrating

Cody has always seemed to have a little crush on me his whole life. Sometimes I think I can see a little envy in his eyes every time he sees me with Vince. I don’t know whether he’s jealous of Vince or what. Whatever it is, it’s quite silly. I always feel bad for the guy when he asks girls out and they turn him down. He’s been wanting to go on a double date with us since we’ve been together. We’re still waiting for that to happen. Poor guy.

We started to walk away when Cody stopped us.

“Hey guys...” he sounded kind of down.
“What’s up?” Vince asked him.
“I forgot to tell you...” he started.
“Tell us what?” we said together.

We always seem to be thinking on the same brainwave. It was starting to become scary.

“Oh it’s nothing... It’s just that...” He knew we’d be surprised. “I was accepted into college!”
“What!?” I yelled. “That’s awesome!”
“I think this deserves a couple drinks,” Vince was excited for him.

Cody never thought he’d ever make it out of high school. He struggled through the years and I’ve helped him through a lot. I’m so happy for him. I just don’t know how he’ll do without me there to help him. I guess we’ll think of something.


My parents owned a bar in downtown Pittsburgh and has always let us all drink. Just as long as we didn’t do anything stupid... which none of us have done yet. If anyone does anything stupid, it’d be Cody. Okay, okay, let’s not pick on him; HE JUST GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL.

Today marked a very important day in our lives. We’re all moving on. Moving on to different things. Some of us, moving to different places... and I am one of those people. It’s not that I want to, but if I want to pursue my dreams, I am going to have to do so. I thought I was finally completely happy until I started to think about the future. Sure, it was bright, but maybe too bright.

“Liv, you okay?” Vince looked concerned.
“Yeah... yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Vince... really, I’m fine.” I said harshly.

I got up and starting walking towards the lady’s room when Cody approached me.

“Hey Liv, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for me these past few years. It really means a lot.”
“Oh... sure. It’s really not a problem,” I sounded uneasy.

He looked at me with concern. “Are... are you okay?”
“Yeah... yeah, I’m okay.” I really felt nauseous.

As he started to walk away I started to say, “Actually...” He turned around. “Cody, I’m not okay. I was accepted into my dream school.”

“Well, that’s fantastic!” A smile came across his face. “Shouldn’t you be excited about that?”
“I should be.” I sat down. “But there’s one huge problem.”
“What kind of problem?” He sat down across the table.
“It’s in Boston...”
“Have you told Vince?” he questioned.
“That’s another problem... I don’t know how to.”
“Liv... I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Understand what? That I’m moving away to Boston for the next four years and only be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and for three months in the summer time? Yeah, I’m sure he’ll really understand.” I felt like crying.
“Liv, calm down,” he grabbed my hands.
“I’m sorry,” I apologized.
“Just talk to him. If he knows what’s good for you, he’ll understand.”

Cody waited for me as I went into the lady’s room to freshen up then we walked back over to where everyone else was.

“What was that for?” Vince asked me.
“Nothing, can’t I just give you a hug?”
“Oh, well then you really must not be feeling too well,” he joked.
“So funny. Can you take me home?”
“Of course, just let me grab our stuff.” He went with my mom to go grab all of our stuff.

Cody came over to me and sat next to me.

“Just tell him. He’ll understand.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“Olivia Marie.”
“Sorry,” I looked down at his hand on mine.
“You know, Liv... I always end up right.”