Moving On

My Boyfriend's Best Friend

Let’s hope Vince is right.... Well, Cody too. Hopefully everything will be okay. The only thing is, though, I’m still mad at Cody. I seriously really hate it when he’s right. He hasn’t been wrong the whole time Vince and I have been together. It’s ridiculous. He’s practically the reason why we’re even together.

~ A week later ~

First Friday night we’ve had free for years. Vince for once didn’t have to work, so he took me out for a dinner to celebrate our anniversary. He took me to one of my favorite restaurants downtown. We figured that this would probably be one of the last dates we have before I leave for Boston.

“Olivia, I think you should apologize to Cody.”
“Why do I have to apologize to him?”
“Because I don’t know. He hasn’t talked to me all week.”
“Oh, so you think it’s because of me.”
“That’s because it is because of you,” he quickly responded.
“Maybe he needs to bud out of our relationship for a change.”
“You do realize that he is the reason why we’re even still together?”
“I don’t care, he’s not part of this.”
“Liv, I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but Cody’s been envious of us since the day we got together.”
“Well that’s his own fault, because he’s the reason we even met.”
“Liv, seriously. Cut him some slack.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I need to do something to make it up to him.”

As we ate our dinner, we chatted about anything and everything. Us, me leaving for school, everything. Then all of a sudden Vince had an idea.

“Liv, I just got an idea.”
“Sometimes your ideas are scary.”
“Seriously, Liv. Not this one,” he started. “You know how you want to do something to make it up to Cody?”
“Why don’t you take him out on a date or something?” he suggested.

Hm, maybe that is a great idea.

“You sure that’s a good idea?” I asked Vince.
“We won’t know until you try.”

We finished our dinner and went back to his place to watch a movie. We ended up watching Wall-E with his little sister and brother. My mom didn’t really care for me to be at Vince’s house this late, but when I woke up in the morning I realized that I had fallen asleep watching the movie.

“Shoot, Vince. My mom’s going to flip.” I rushed to grab all my stuff.
“Chill, let me give you a ride home. I’m sure your mom won’t give you much trouble.”
“Vin, you don’t get it. My mom hates it when I “accidentally” spend the night here.”
“This time was an accident, you fell asleep watching the movie.”
“I know, but you know how she is. She’ll think otherwise.”
He sighed, “Let’s go.”

His parents left for the weekend, so we grabbed the kids and drove me home. I tried sneaking in through the kitchen door, but Jordin caught me.

“You’re lucky mom didn’t check your room last night or this morning.”
“I fell asleep watching a movie at Vince’s.” I confessed.
“Yeah... ‘watching a movie’ is code for what now?”
“Jordin, I’m being serious. We watched Wall-E with his sister and brother.”
She narrowed her eyes.
“Seriously. I swear we didn’t do anything else other than watch a movie. I don’t get why mom doesn’t trust him...”
“Trust him? It’s not that she doesn’t trust him, she’s just looking out for you. She doesn’t want to see you get hurt.”
“What? Is she going to move in with me when I move into school so she can babysit me? Vince isn’t going to hurt me in anyway.”
“If you say so.”

I don’t get why my mom is still so protective of me. Vince and I have been together for four years now, I think we’re okay for now. We promised that we’d try to make it through this.


I ran upstairs to get a shower before mom got home from her morning shift. I gave Cody a call but he didn’t answer. So I sent him a text.

Text to Cody: Code, answer your phone.

I tried calling again. No answer.

Text to Cody: Cody, seriously.

Text from Cody: What could you possibly want from me?

Text to Cody: Forgiveness.

Text from Cody: Right, how do you expect to get that from me?

Text to Cody: I want to take you out. Just you and me.

Text from Cody: Yeah okay, let’s piss off Vince.

Text to Cody: It was Vince’s idea. Shut the fuck up and let’s go.
Text to Cody: Be at my house by 6:30. We have reservations at your favorite Bar & Grille downtown.

All I have to say is, he better forgive me. He’s one of my best friends... and Vince’s best friend. I’m sure he could use one right now. Speaking of Vince, I should probably let him know that I’m still alive.

Text to Vince: Hey babe, I’m still breathing :p

Text from Vince: Oh shucks.

Text to Vince: HEY, I love you, too.

Text from Vince: Oh I love you more than you love me.

Text to Vince: Okay, stop.

Text from Vince: Sorry. Have fun on your date with Cody tonight ;)
Text from Vince: Oh yeah, get him to talk to me again please.

Text to Vince: I’m not making any promises :) Just kidding, I promise that I will. But I’m going to take a nap before Cody comes to get me later. I’ll call you after. I love you <3

Text from Vince: I love you, too. Have fun.