Moving On

Mel's Visit

Monday morning I felt a little bit better, but not much. My stomach is going to be in knots until I tell Vince what happened. Except, how exactly am I going to tell him? It’s not the easiest thing to do. It’s actually the hardest. How do you tell your best friend and boyfriend of four years that you got totally wasted with his best friend and then made out?

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday went by so slowly. I really haven’t talked to Vince much this week. I told him that I needed some time to myself so I could clean house for Melanie’s visit. He offered to help, but I’d rather do it myself. Cody checked up on me every day just to make sure I was okay; but other than that, we really haven’t talked either. Jordin started to worry about me, even though I told her not to. I kind of had to hide it from my mom so she didn’t worry and start making a huge deal over it.

Friday... finally.

“Oh thank God,” I sighed with relief. “Mel comes in today.”
“What time is she coming in again?” Vince said to me over the phone.
“Oh um, 2:30...” I sounded tired.
“Babe, are you okay?”
“Yeah, just exhausted from all the cleaning I’ve been doing.”
“I offered to help you.”
“I know, I’m gonna go take a nap. Call me when you get here.”
“Alright, sleep well. I love you.”
“I love you more.” I smiled to myself and hung up the phone.



Oh here we go again. Another quiet car ride with Vince.

“Liv, why have you been so quiet lately?”
“Vince, since when were you so concerned?”
“Since forever. What bit your ass?” he said rudely.

I crossed my arms and looked back out the window. Tears started down my face.

“Now what’s wrong?” Vince chirped.

I ignored him.

We were both quiet for another moment until he said, “I’m sorry...”
“No, I’m sorry.” I wiped away the tears falling down my cheeks.
He looked over at me.
“I... There’s something I need to tell you.” I looked back out the window.
“Last Saturday...” I started.
“Your night out with Cody?”
“Yeah... I, uh.... guess I got a little crazy.”
“Let me finish.” He pulled the car into the airport parking garage. “He had too much to drink and was professing his love to me and shit. From there forth, I couldn’t handle it so I ordered myself a round of shots.... and then Cody ordered another round. I couldn’t tell you how much I drank, or what I even did or said.”
“That’s not all...” Tears started down my face again. “Cody told me that... we made out at some point. I don’t remember anything. I’m sorry...”
I could tell that he was quiet upset and full of rage. I tried apologizing again.
He interrupted me, “One broken promise breaks a lot more.” He then proceeded to get out of the car and slammed it shut. I stayed where I was and just cried. So much for being excited for Mel to be here today.

After a while, I decided to get out to go in to greet Mel when she arrived. I sat in the section of seats a few rows back from where Vince was. We’ve never really been so mad at each other. Great, now that I think of it, I feel like we’re going to fall apart because of this. In all honesty, he really shouldn’t be mad at just me. Cody’s part of this problem too.

I saw Mel come off her plane. She spotted Vince and ran to give him a hug. They walked over to grab her luggage from the luggage claim.

“Hey, where’s Olivia?” Mel asked.
“Out in the car.” He tried covering up the rage inside of him.
“Oh. I thought maybe she’d come in. OLIVIA!”

Vince stopped in his tracks and stared as Mel dropped everything and ran to give me a hug.

“Are you okay?” She hugged me.
“Better than ever.” I smiled, lifting my eyes to meet Vince’s.
“Alright, let’s go.” We linked arms like we use to do. “We have lots to catch up on.”
“Oh yes we do,” Vince said catching up to us.

The drive back to my house was mainly Mel talking and me listening. Vince tried to crack jokes every once in a while, but he’s not very funny. Although, Mel always thought Vince was funny; but this is Mel we’re talking about, she likes Cody.

I fussed around looking for my cell phone in my purse. “Oh where is it?” I said quietly to myself. Found it. I sent Cody a text saying, “Guess who’s here ;)”. A couple minutes later he sent back, “Oh, wonderful.” He’s not that interested in dating her or whatever he calls it now-a-days. I think he’s still mad at me for when I gave her his number, because all she ever does is text him constantly.

Text to Cody: lol I’m sorry I ever gave her your number.

I smiled.

Text from Cody: No you’re not, you want us together.

Text to Cody: Nah.

I saw Vince glare over at me a couple times.

“So why are you both so quiet today?” Mel broke the awkward silence.
“We are um...” I started.
“Just a little exhausted.” Vince finished.
“Oh well then, guess we’re not going out tonight.”
“Actually Mel...”
“Yeah Liv?” We got out of the car. “Thanks Vince! See you later, I guess!” She waved goodbye.
“There’s something I have to tell you... Vince and I are fighting.”
“What? Why?”
“Because of something stupid I did.”
“Oh, you did something stupid? That’s new one.” She laughed.
“Mel, really.”
“Oh... sorry.”
“I really don’t feel like talking about it now. I just wanted to tell you that much.”
“It’s okay. I guess he won’t be coming over later?”

He really needs to go talk things over with Cody. I just really hope this whole thing isn’t what tears us all apart. There’s not too much that can make me mad at either of them. Cody was someone that Vince could trust, but I think he just lost all that trust in him.

If there’s no Cody, there’s no Vince and me.