Moving On

Working Things Out

I feel as if I’m pulling away from Vince. Maybe that’s what I really wanted. He wanted to save our relationship, but I want to save my friendship with Cody. Except, Cody doesn’t seem to think the same; he thinks I want my relationship. He’s not even answering texts and calls from Melanie.

To be honest, I just want this to be over and done with now. If anyone is really hurting right now, it’s me. There’s no way I can stay with Vince and not be allowed to be friends with Cody. That’s like taking candy from a baby; something you really shouldn’t do.

“I forgot to tell you... My mom called last night, I have to leave in a couple hours.”
“What? Why? I thought you wanted to stay until this was fixed.”
“Oh I do, but my grandfather was rushed into the hospital.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I hope everything’s okay.”
She sighed. “Same here.”

Well, looks like I’m going to be doing this on my own.


I took Mel to the airport for her flight back to Chicago at noon.

“Good luck with everything,” she gave me a hug.
“Same to you. Keep me updated with your grandfather.”
“You keep me updated with the drama here.”
“Always. Hope to see you soon.”


Nothing’s ever going to be the same, huh? It’s been a couple days since Melanie left; she’s told me that he grandfather is recovering from a heart attack; so that’s a relief.

It’s been days since I’ve talked to Cody and Vince. I thought maybe I’d try giving them both a call.

No answer for either.

An hour or so later, Cody called me back.

“Sorry, I was with Vince.”
“Oh, so you guys are cool then?”
“We’re on short-terms, as he puts it.”
“We were out looking for something... Liv, he thinks you’re trying to pull away from him.”
“I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I think I’ve said too much to him.”
“You can never say too much; I’m sure whatever you said all came from your heart.”
“I told him that I was done apologizing to him and that if he truly loved me, he would forgive me.”
“He’s trying.”
“How is he trying? I haven’t talked to him in days.”
“Just believe me.”

I was quiet for a moment before saying, “Cody... Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah, sure. What’s up?”
“Do you think Vince is a little too overprotective of me?”
“A little? Try a lot.”
I sighed. “Maybe that’s it.”
“Nothing. I just want everything back to the way it use to be.”
“Olivia, so do I. So do I.”

We were quiet for a second.

“Hey, you wanna come over?” I broke the silence.
“I’ll be there in ten.”

As we hung up, I ran to clean myself up.


When he says ten minutes, he literally means it. When he got there, we went up to my room to talk some more.

“Cody...” I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For everything you’ve ever done for me. I’m sorry if you ever thought that I’d choose my relationship over you. I’ve never told you this before,” I sat up, “but whenever the three of us hang out, I always wish that you would be able to find someone like Vince found me.”
“You mean, how I found you for Vince?”
“Shut up.” I laughed. “Maybe I should finally return the favor to you.”
He hesitated, “You’re not going to hook me up with Mel, are you?’
“You know I am.” I smiled. “I know you like her. You can stop hiding now.”

He smiled and laid beside me.

“By the way, Vince is trying to find a way to forgive you.”
I looked over at him. “All he has to do is say he’s sorry.”
“I don’t think it works like that in relationships anymore.”