Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

As You're Falling Down

I galloped through the vast fields of Hyrule, the master sword fit snugly into my hand. I slashed at a goblin causing it to release a blood curdling meow. Wait, a meow? Meow! Meow!

The claws of my cat on my stomach stirred me out of my dream, but it was the smell of embers that made my eyes jolt open. Fire. Everywhere.

"Frodo!" I yelled, scooping my pepper colored kitten into my arms. I covered him the best I could as I ran to the door of the flat. I tried the not look at all of my belongings burning in the blaze. It was an unforgivable death of everything I ever owned.

I half stumbled down the stairs, clutching the railing with my free hand. Pushing the emergency exit doors open, I was greeted by a fireman who pulled me towards where a crowd of people built up. The fireman brought me to an ambulance to be checked out, among my other neighbors in the apartment building.

"Emma!" Someone yelled. I looked up to see one of my neighbors, Matt Nicholls.

"Hi," I mumbled. I stroked Frodo gently, trying to calm him down along with myself.

He sat down on the back of the ambulance next to me and smiled lightly. "I'm glad yeh made it out of there. I was worried yeh'd sleep right through the fire! I was finking I would of had to go get yeh."

That made me smile. We've been neighbors for a few years now, and every time something major happens - lightening storms, floods, earthquakes even, I've slept through it. "Frodo woke me up," I replied, stroking the cat once more.

His muscular arms reached over and pet the cat gently. "Good fing or else yeh'd be a roasted ma'shmellah."

I covered my mouth with my free hand, trying to hide my smile. If you have ever heard someone with a British accent say the word 'marshmallow,' you'd know why.

"Ah-hah!" He laughed. "I knew that'd get yeh to smile. Stop coverin' it."

I dropped my hand and smiled at the drummer. He knew how to cheer me up, I'd give him that. Another fire truck pulled up causing my eyes to drift towards the building. The firemen were shooting water into flames. "Matt... everything is... gone."

He nodded, following my gaze to the building. "Aye, everyfing."

Tears built up in my eyes as I thought about it. Pictures, my bed, gifts, Frodo's cat toys, my home... everything. Gone. Tears started slipping down my face the more I thought about it. My books, oh god, my books. "'s all gone," I repeated, losing it afterwards.

"Aye, come here," he hushed, pulled me closer to him. I buried my head into his chest. His arm wrapped around my shoulders, hugging me. "It's alright lil' bird."

I shook my head into his chest, sniffling lightly. "No it's not! How is this okay?" I asked.

He sighed and rubbed my back lightly. "Well now it's a chance for a new beginning."

I sighed and sat up again, wiping a few tears off my face. "How are you so positive when something like this happens?"

He shrugged, looking back to the building. "Yeh have to find somefing positive even in the worst of times because if yeh don't, then it will all come crashing down on yeh at once. Yeh won't be able to take it anymore."

"Thanks, Grandpa," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Was that an old person joke?" He asked astonished, laughing.

I nodded, grinning at him. He always hated the old jokes.

"Jeez, Emma. I try cheerin' yeh up and bam, yeh hurt my feelings."

"I'm horrid."

"Absoluteleh," he joked, throwing his one arm over my shoulder. After a moment of silence, he spoke again. "What were yeh dreamin' about?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"Yeh always dream in yeh sleep. I can hear yeh talkin' through the walls. Before yeh cat woke yeh up, what were yeh dreamin' about?"

My cheeks flushed lightly. "I was dreaming about being in Hyrule."

He looked down and laughed. "Hyrule? Like the field from Legend of Zelda?" I nodded and he laughed more. "Now I knew yeh were a nerd, Em, but yeh were dreamin' about being in a video game!"

"Don't judge me!" I yelled, laughing.

"I'm not, I swear."

I rolled my eyes smiling. At least I had a friend that could make me smile in a situation like this.

"Frodo," Matt stated.

"What?" I asked.

"Your kittens name is Frodo."

My eyes furrowed. "Yes?"

"As in the Lord of the Rings."

I tilted my head similar to what a dog would do. "Yes?"

"Oh jeez, yeh are a nerd." He chuckled.

I pouted, "so what! I said not to judge me!"

He laughed again. This kid was always smiley, and I liked that. "I'm a nerd too. I have a tri-force tattooed on my thumb." He grinned and showed me his finger. Sure enough, the three triangles rested there.

"Ah-hah! You're a nerd too! I have a tri-force tattoo!" I stood up and showed him my calf where the tattoo was.

He nodded in approval. "Very nice." I smiled and sat back down next to him; the flames on the building were on their way to being completely out. "Do yeh know what I was just finkin'?"


"We don't have a place to sleep tonight."

I sighed and nodded, stroking Frodo in my arms. The kitten finally relaxed and started falling sleep. "I know. What am I going to do with my kitten?"

"Hold on," he mumbled, getting his phone out. I watched as his tongue hung out of his mouth slightly as he typed away on his phone. Luckily he had his cell. Mine was ablaze somewhere in the building. "Good news!" He smiled.

"What?" I asked again.

"Jona is coming to get us."


He grinned and nodded. "Yes, us. Yeh and I can stay the next few nights at his house. He likes cats so he said Frodo can come too. He's on his way to get us."

My eyes lit up, "really?"

"Realleh realleh!"

"You're simply the best."

"Don't fank me, love. Fank Jona. He's givin' us a home for a bit."

"I'll thank him too, but I'm thanking you first. You're the best neighbor ever."

He grinned and poked my nose. "Now I'll be yeh best roommate evah."

"Aye mates!" Jona yelled, stepping out of his car. "I don't usualleh pick up homeless people, but I guess yeh two are alright."

Matt laughed and shook Jona's hand. "Fank yeh, mate. We appreciate it."

Jona peaked around Matt's shoulder and grinned at me. "Ahh, the famous Emma. I've seen yeh around and Matt's mentioned yeh a few times but it's nice to finalleh meet yeh!"

I smiled and walked over with Frodo in my hand, reaching out with the other hand to shake Jona's. "Nice to meet you too! I'm a huge fan, as nerdy as that sounds."

"Doesn't sound too nerdy," he laughed shaking my hand.

"Wait until yeh talk to her in a conversation." Matt grinned, winking at me. "A huge nerd this one is."

I rolled my eyes at him, smiling. "Shut up."

"And who is this little cutie!" Jona smiled and picked up the kitten from my hands.

"That's Frodo," Matt chimed in.

"Frodo, aye?" Jona chuckled, stroking the cats fur. "You're right. She is a nerd."

Matt laughed and I rolled my eyes, scooping the kitten back into my arms from Jona's grasp.

"Come on new roomies. Time to go home." I followed Jona and Matt to Jona's car to head towards my new temporary home.
♠ ♠ ♠
And things start to burn ;)