Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

It's Just Me

"Nice to meet you," I smiled back. "What brings you to the UK?"

"Touring in my band," he grinned. "You ever heard of us? We're called You Me At Six."

"Oh! You're on tour with Bring Me, right?"

He nodded, "yea, you a fan of the band? They're friends of mine. I can get Oli to-"

I giggled, shaking my head. "Nah, I'm friends with them. They're in that booth over there," I pointed.

"Oli's here, huh? Why didn't you say so! Let's go." Josh stood up from his bar stool and enlaced his hand with mine, leading me over to the table. "Hello!" He cheered as soon as we arrived.

"Josh?" Oli grinned. "Glad to see yeh mate! It's been too long! Sit wiff us!"

Josh grinned and sat down leaving the only place for me to sit between him and Matty.

"How've yeh been?" Tom asked Josh.

Josh shrugged, "been pretty well I suppose. I just wanted a few drinks so I came by myself tonight. This little lady," he said pointing to me, "was all alone at the bar so I bought her a drink. You guys clearly don't know your manners. You should be the ones buying her drinks!" He joked.

Matty rolled his eyes, "well she left befo' anyone could offer, Josh. It's not like we did it n purpose."

"Relax Matt. I'm just kidding," Josh laughed, taking a sip of a beer on the table. "What's your name again?" He asked me.


"Her name is Emily," Matty interrupted.

My eyes kept flickering between the two boys. I wasn't sure if I should be concerned with Josh's too laid back attitude or Matt's on-the-edge attitude more.

"Uhm... I'm getting some drinks!" Tom announced, sliding out of his sit.

"Let me help yeh..." Oli said, slowly following him.

Slowly, all the boys excused themselves out of the tense situation until it was just Josh, Matty and I left.

"I would have bought yeh a drink if yeh asked fo' one," Matty spoke.

"She shouldn't have to ask. You should have offered," Josh countered.

Matt crossed his arms, eyes dead-locked on Josh's. "Why'd yeh want to buy her a drink so bad anyways?"

"She's hot and she's alone. What part of me wouldn't want to buy her a drink?" He said, raising his voice.

"She's more than that. You don't even know her."

"As if that's stopped you from doing the same thing before!"

"This is different!"

"How?" He asked, standing up.

Matt mimicked Josh's actions. My eyes widened, watching the two men grow closer and closer to each other. "What's her favorite movie?"


"Wrong. Lord of the Rings. What's her favorite board game?"

"Are you-"

"Wrong. Chess. What song does she listen too when she cleans the house from her OCD?"

"The fu-"

"Another Bites The Dust by Queen."

"Shut up!" Josh finally yelled. "If you liked her, you should have fucking said something! There was no need to blow this up! And next time you take a girl out, especially one you like, buy her a drink and never leave her side, alright Matty? Next time, someone could just take her right up and she'd be gone. Think about it," Josh spat. "Oh, and another thing," he said, turning to me. "If you want a real man, come find me. I know this isn't the last time we'll be seeing each other. Have a nice night, Em, and to Matt, fuck you." We both watched him leave our area.

I looked up to Matt with my eyes wide, unsure of everything I just had witnessed. His eyes hit mine and immediately softened. "Hey Em-"

"Can we go?" I whispered.

He nodded and held my hand, leading me out of the bar and towards the bus a small distance away.

We were silent, the wind blowing around. The only communication Matt and I had was when he draped his jacket over my shoulders half way through the walk.

Once we were back on the bus, I plopped down on the couch, letting a huge sigh leave my mouth. I looked up to see Matt biting his lip before e sat down next to me. "Listen," he began, shifting nervously in his seat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't get near as much hate as I would o.o
Part two of this chapter will be coming... eventually .__.

Thank you iMusic-Freak, thepartyscene;, Leaaaaaaaah.,
Pretty Optimisitc, lexin3d
and HangingByAThread for commenting!

That's not the last you'll see of Josh (;