Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

On To The Next One

"I just, uhm, well, yea. Hi, how are you?" I stuttered.

Matt's brows furrowed. "Are yeh alrigh' Em?"

"Oh me? Yeah! Psh, totally fine, why?" I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and glanced around the hall.

"I don't believe yeh." Matt placed his hands on my shoulders. "Em, look at me. Will yeh tell me what's wrong?"

I looked up into his eyes fearing my emotions. As expected, nervousness and fright flooded my veins. "I..."

Worry flickered across his eyes before he sighed. "I'm sorreh I don't have time fo' this right now. Listen, go back to the bus and relax, alright? I'll come check up on yeh then, okay?"

I nodded before slipping out of his grasp and walking back to the bus. It felt like the world was in slow motion. Did I honestly think I had a chance with him? He's famous, talented and a great guy. Of course he has a girlfriend.

I wanted to cry when I got on the bus, but of course I couldn't. Things could never be as easy as you want them. Walking into the bunk area, I sat down in Matt's bunk. The smell of him enveloped my nose and I was immediately reminded of why I was upset. Tears began streaming down my face. I let out a sob before collapsing on Matt's pillow, bawling into it.

After a few minutes, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. My hand slipped under his pillow when I went to pull it closer and I felt a bag. "What the..."

Sniffling, I pulled the bag out to see another bag of weed. I never tried weed. I was always too nervous to think about that. "Maybe..." My eyes flickered between the bag and the papers waiting inside the bag. Before I knew it, I was rolling and lighting my first joint.

By the time the band came back to the bus, I had finished it and was already coming down from my high. I was currently sitting on Oliver's computer adding more to one of my stories.

"What the... Emma did yeh hot box our bus?" Oliver laughed, walking passed me into the bunks

Jona gave me a confused look before going into the back with Vegan. Lee went directly into the bathroom to shower. That only left Matt.

Before I could, I felt the seat sink beside me. "First yeh look a wreck inside the venue and couldn't even speak and then yeh steel my weed and hot boxed our bus?"

I looked up in horror, waiting for him to start yelling.

Matt sighed. "What the hell is wrong wiff yeh little bird?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his sweaty chest. Against my might, the tears began spilling again. "I'm not mad yeh know. I'm scared fo' yeh. Somefing is wrong wiff my little bird and all I want to do is help. Will yeh let me do that?"

I looked up at him, wiping a few tears. "You aren't mad?"

"No!" He laughed. "Whatevah. That weed wasn't mine. I sell it to people is all. I stopped smoking a while ago."

I smiled lightly, "sorry about all of this."

"It's fine, love." He smiled, flashing his dimples. "I'm jus' concerned about yeh. Is everyfing alright? Please tell me. I don't like seein' yeh sad."

"Uhm, it's just, I..." I sighed, rubbing my temples. I can't tell him now, can I? "That girl..." I began, looking away.

"Who, Maudie?" I shrugged in response. "The one I was wiff. What about her?"

"It's nothing, I just-"

"We're not together." He interrupted quickly. "We used to be. Not anymore. She was in the area though. She wanted a dime bag."

"A what?"

Matt laughed. "Yeh smoke me stash but yeh don't know anyfing about it. Yeh fuckin' nuts."

"I just..." I sighed, chuckling. "Yeah, I guess I have been acting ridiculous, huh?"

He nodded, "a bit. But I like yeh sillehness. It's so you, yeh know?"

I let a deep breath out. "Okay, I think I'm good now."

"Good," he laughed. "Sorreh fo' smellin' yeh up."

"Doesn't bother me," I smiled.

Matt stared at me, grinning. I watched as his eyes flickered down to my lips and back up to my eyes. He shifted nervously in his seat. "So, uhm, yeh tattooed lip..." He trailed off.

"My key?"

He nodded, flashing his eyes down again. "What's the key on the inside of yeh lip for?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't spell check. Don't yell at me.

Thank you teenage z0mbie, Leaaaaaaaah, DropDead4Me, Krystal-Khaos,
and ComeOnCloser (x3!) for commenting! I love you all!

Merry Holidays my loves!