Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Reverse This Curse

"I don't want to say. It's stupid."

Matt's brows wrinkled. "If yeh like it, then it's not stupid."

"Well for one it's about your band..."

He grinned, "well go on then."

"It's from the song 'Visions.' You know, 'I couldn't see a thing until I shut my eyes. I never knew a thing until I lost my mind. I would sell my soul to know it all but I held the keys all this time.' I really liked it. It's like about how you have to look at the world differently to truly understand it. People always try to understand everything in the world and the world isn't so black-and-white, you know? There are so many shades of gray. Everyone has the power to figure it out though. I really liked that."

"I fink that's lovely that yeh found so much inspiration out of that."

"Well yea. That and how I will always have the key to my heart. At least I won't lose it like some people," I sighed.

"Hey," he smiled, caressing my cheek. "Don't say that. Yeh propa amazin'. Yeh'll find someone that will love the fuck out of yeh and they won't let yeh go 'cause if they do, they're propa stupid. I can promise yeh that."

"Really?" I sniffled, looking up at him.

"Promise, love. Yeh amazing. Yeh smart, funny, talented, and quite fit if yeh ask me. I don't see how any guy could pass yeh up."

"That's stupid."

"No! I mean it! And yeh know what? Nevah settle for anyfing less than perfect, 'cause yeh certainleh don't deserve any less than that."

I smiled, "has anyone ever told you that you're awesome, 'cause you are."

He chuckled, "has anyone evah told yeh that yeh nerdy?"

I scoffed and shoved him lightly. "You're worse than Draco Malfoy. And that's on a good day!"

"See!" He laughed. "No normal person would say that!"

"Fuck off," I laughed, trying to climb over him and get out of the booth.

"Nuh uh! Yeh stuck wiff me." Matt chuckled and grabbed my waist, pulling me to his lap.

"But I'm tired!"

"I bet yeh are. Yeh just cried a whole bunch, smoked, cried some more, and it's pretteh late. Why wouldn't yeh be?"

"Why aren't you tired? You just played a show."

"Oh I'm propa tired actualleh."

"Go to bed!" I giggled, trying to escape from his grip.

"See, I would, but this crazy nerdy girl is sitting on my lap right now and is refusing to get off, so I can't."

"You won't let me up!" I whined and pushed on his chest, trying to get his hands off of me.

"I don't know what yeh talkin' about."

I groaned and gave up, resting my head on his shoulder. "I fold. You win."

Matt chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "Finalleh. Now can we go to bed? I'm tired."

My eyes shot up and glared at him. He just laughed and picked me up before getting out of the seat and heading to the bunks. Matt placed me gently in mine.

"There yeh go little baby Emma."

"You didn't tuck me in," I joked.

Matt rolled his eyes, smiling. He pulled the covers up and kissed me on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Em." I closed the curtain and listened to him getting in to his bunk just above mine. He shuffled around some before letting a hefty sigh leave his mouth.

"Sweet dreams, Matty," I whispered. My hands trailed up to the kiss he left on my forehead and I couldn't help but smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I may or may not have planned out the rest of the story.
Sadly to say, there are only about five to nine chapters left.
What do you guys think about that?
Thank you SO FUCKING MUCH to myspineteasedtight, dreamingyouhere (x2!),
Leaaaaaaaah. and teenage z0mbie for commenting!

Are you guys enjoying your winter breaks?