Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Bad Blood

"Make yehselves at home," Jona spoke, motioning us into his house.

I placed Frodo down on the floor, letting him explore his new surroundings. "Jona, I hate to bother you but I need a few things for Frodo."

He smiled lightly, "don't worry about it. I'll get the bowls and some sort of litter box set up. Yeh and Matty need to rest some. It's nearly three in the mornin' and I'm wiped. I'm sure yeh both are too after the night yeh two are havin'. Guest bedroom is on the left."

We both thanked Jona and headed towards the bedroom. "Afteh yeh, m'lady," Matt spoke, holding the door open for me.

I rolled my eyes and enter the bedroom, falling helplessly on the bed. Matty laughed and fell down next to me.

"Hope yeh don't mind sharin' a bed wiff a big ol' bloke like mehself."

"As long as you don't smell."

"Only sometimes," he commented, making me giggle.

A few moments later, I felt a hand trace on my calf. I lifted my head and saw Matt tracing the tri-force tattoo. "Can I help you?"

"What other tattoos do yeh have?"

I showed him my ring finger. On the inside I had the numbers '143'. "It means I love you." He nodded and gestured me to go on. I pulled the inside of my lip down revealing an old styled key.

"A key?" He asked.

"Don't ask. Uh..." I pointed to my feet. The left foot had 'mind your feet' in script while the right had 'mischief managed.'

"Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter? Nerd," he laughed.

I scoffed and laid back down. "Fine, I'm not showing you anymore if you keep calling me that."

"Emma," he whined. "Bein' a nerd is a good fing. It's cool if yeh ask me. I want to see more."

I groaned and sat up again. "Fine, but don't make fun of me for this next one."

His brows furrowed but he waited patiently.

I lifted my shirt to reveal in a stone heart. In a small cursive around the edge it said, 'everything I touch turns to stone.'

"Is that a tattoo for my band?" I nodded and he grinned. "Yeh so freakin' cool."

I rolled my eyes and fell back onto the bed. "I'm so tired, my eyes could fall out."

Matt chuckled, pulling the covers over both of us. "Time fo' yeh to go back to Hyrule."

"Time for me to go back to Hyrule," I mocked back.

"Aye!" He laughed. "I was juss tryin' to be nice!"

"Yeah yeah, Mister Nicholls, if that is your real name."

"Yeh are ridiculous. Sweet dreams, Em."

I closed my eyes, attempting to get any amount of shut eye, but the burning image of the building kept popping up into me head. It brought me to Mordor.

"Emma," Matt whispered. "Emmy," he spoke gently, shaking my shoulder.

"What?" I whined.

"One, yeh were havin' a bad dream, and from what yeh were sayin' in yeh sleep, I'm pretty sure it was about Lord of the Rings. Two, yeh layin' on top of me, which is fine, but I realleh 'ave to take a leak."

My eyes peeled open and I looked up at him in horror. I rolled over, my eyes still wide.

Matty laughed and got out of the bed, heading to the bathroom. By the time he came back, my heart rate didn't calm down any, causing him to go into a fit of giggles again. He climbed into the bed and looked at me. "Should I be yeh pillow again so yeh can dream about the shire and little hobbits?"

I shook my head slowly, causing him to laugh again.

"Yeh silleh, and need to loosen up a bit if yeh ask me. Relax, love. Go back to bed."

I nodded and turned so I was facing the door. I couldn't get over how embarrassing that was. I felt Matt jump slightly when Frodo jumped onto the bed and padded his way over to the pillows where he promptly laid practically on top of my head. "It's just Frodo," I mumbled.

He nodded into his pillow. "As long as it's not Voldemort, I don't care."

"I'm going to hit you."

"That's juss goin' to end up hurtin' yeh hand in the end."

I rolled over and punched him in the arm, earning a laugh from him and pain searing through my fist. "Fuck!" I yelled.

Matt busted out laughing. "I told yeh!"

I pouted and rubbed my hand.

"Aw, come 'ere, love." Matt sat up in bed and took my hand, rubbing it gently. "Better?"

I nodded, "lesson learned. Don't punch drummers."

He grinned, flashing off his dimples. "Yeah, save it fo' the singers. Yeh can easileh take Olleh."

"He's also a twig. You actually have muscle on you."

"Oh, yeh checkin' me out, aye?"

I rolled my eyes. "All day, every day."

"I knew it."

I smiled, my eyes drifting to where he was still touching my hand. This whole situation was interesting to say the least.

"Come on, love. Yeh realleh do need to rest." I watched as he maneuvered the pillows around with his free hand before laying down. I carefully laid down next to him careful enough to leave space between our bodies.

I stayed awake, waiting until his breathing started to even out in deep breaths. All the while, our hands never stopped touching.
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This story already has four stars o.o

Thanks to iMusic-Freak, lexin3d, singmealaugh, dreamingyouhere, lalalaloveme, Lyzzie- and AbbyHomicide for already commenting.

I fucking love you guys more than bacon. That's real love.