Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Behind The Mask

I woke up to purring right in my face. My eyes opened to see Frodo's big blue-green eyes staring into mine. "Hello there, handsome." I smiled. "I bet you're hungry."

As expected, he didn't reply. He simply just purred and meowed, rubbing his head against my hand.

"Alright, alright, come on. Let's see if Jona has something for you to eat." I sat up and hopped out of bed, Frodo following at my heel.

I paused in the hallway hearing voices in the kitchen.

"I don't know what to tell yeh, mate," Jona's voice spoke.

"We leave on tour soon, yeh know?"

My voice hitched in my throat. If they leave, I wouldn't have a place to go.

"Yea mate, I know. It's juss a shame is all. Bad time on top of it."

Frodo meowed next to me and the guys stopped talking. I sighed and stepped into the room. "Morning Jona and Matt."

"Morning," they chimed. Awkward silence filled the room as I sat next to them at the table.

Frodo jumped up onto the table, padding his way over to Jona. "So," Jona began. "I guess I'm goin' to get this runt some food. I'm runnin' to the pet store, aye? I'll be back." He stood up and left the awkward room leaving Matt and me awkwardly alone in a room full of awkwardness. Did I mention that it feels awkward?

"So," he began. "How'd you sleep?"

I rolled my eyes and got up, turning on the coffee maker. "I heard everything."

Matt's eyes widened, "e-everyfing?"

"Yea, I get it," I said, grabbing a cup and pouring myself a cup of coffee. "I have to leave."

"Yeh leavin' now?"

"Yea, I'll find a place to go and I'll leave."

He groaned in his seat, "can't we juss talk about this?"

I shook my head. "Matt, it's understandable. I'm just grateful I got to spend last night here. You guys are going on tour and neither of you will be here. I'll find a place to go."

"Wait," he interrupted me. "Yeh fink we want yeh to move out?"

I looked over to Matt and nodded. "Yea. I heard you and Jona saying you leave for tour soon. It's-"

"No!" Matt laughed, coming over and grabbing a cup of coffee for himself. "Yeh misheard us. We weren't talkin' about that. Yeh can stay here in Jona's 'ouse as long as yeh'd like."

My brows furrowed as I eyed Matt suspiciously. "I don't need sympathy."

"I swear. Yeh can ask him yehself then."

"Ask who about what?" Jona said, coming in the door.

Matt's eyes shot over to Jona. "Nuffin mate. She finks yeh were goin' to kick her out."

Jona laughed and nodded, getting out a bowl for the cat food he had just bought. "Yup, Em, yeh caught us. I hate yeh so much that I'm kickin' yeh out." He placed the bowl on the ground for Frodo before pouring himself a cup of coffee.

I looked over to Matt who was texting away on his phone. "So... you're not?"

Jona rolled his eyes. "No yeh silleh bird. Yeh can stay as long as yeh'd like." Jona's phone vibrated and he looked down before quickly looking at Matt and nodding.

They were obviously texting each other. "Oh," I smiled, sipping my drink. "Well in that case, what were you talking about?"

Both Jona and Matt nearly choked on their coffee. "Erm.." Matt began, wiping hot coffee from his face.

"Guy stuff," Jona answered for him.

"Uh huh," I mumbled. "I'm going to shower." I walked out of the room and back into the guest bedroom very confused. I sighed, realizing I didn't have any clothes to change into. "Fuck," I mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

I turned to see Matt standing in the doorway.

"No clothes," I mumbled.

"I got some clothes I left here awhile back that yeh can change into if yeh want."

I smiled lightly and nodded. "Thanks Matty. That would be great."

He grinned back, flashing off his dimples before walking to a dresser and pulling out a pair of basketball shorts, boxers and a tank top. "It's the best I can do, sorreh."

"It's perfect."

"I have to shower too."

I stuck my tongue out at him, heading towards the bathroom. "I'm going first."

"No way!" He laughed, running passed me towards the bathroom.

"Yea right!" I yelled, jumping on his back. He collapsed to the ground, laughing hysterically.

"Get off me, woman!"

"Only if you insist!" I jumped off and ran into the bathroom, successfully shutting the door in his face.

"Fuck yeh!" He yelled, outside the door.

I laughed and jumped in the shower, ignoring him shouting at me from the hallway. When I got out, I tightly wrapped a towel around my body before walking into the hallway, seeing Matt sitting against the wall.

"It's about time yeh are out!"

"It was like a five minute shower!"

"Seven minutes!" He laughed, heading into the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bedroom. Slipping on Matt's clothes, realization hit me again. I didn't have any of my belongings, at all. I'm staying in someone's house and living in someone else's clothes.

I sat down on the bed, a sob escaping my mouth. Pictures of last night flew through my head. The entire building was on fire. I lost my photographs, camera, books, writings... it was all too much to handle. I placed my head into my hands and let out another cry.

"Emma?" Matt asked from the door. He shuffled over and sat next to me in the bed, immediately pulling me onto his lap. "What happened, love?"

"It's all gone," I cried.

He moved hair out of my face, moving my chin so I'd look up at him. "Is that what this is about?" I nodded a meek reply. "Oh Emmy, it's alright. Yeh made it out, and so did Frodo. Yeh are safe and not covered in soot anymore and yeh have me, right? I fink those are fings to smile about."

I stared up into his eyes, taking a deep breath to try and calm my shaking body down.

"And if it makes yeh feel any bettah, yeh look quite fit in my clothes."

I smiled, looking down at the mess of baggy clothes I was wearing. "Thank you for letting me borrow them."

"No problem, realleh. And yeh know what? Let's go out and get yeh some fings. Yeh need clothes."


He nodded, "realleh realleh, but yeh have to get off me so I can get pants on and such. Stores don't usualleh approve of naked men in their stores."

I looked down at Matt noticing that he was just in a towel. "Oh.. erm...sorry."

He laughed, getting off the bed. "Yeh need to loosen up a bit. Yeh always so nervous about fings. Relax."

"Alright, I'm going to 'relax' in the living room with Jona and Frodo. Come get me when you're done."

He nodded and I left the room. "Jooonnaaaaa!" I sang in the hallway.

"In the shower!" He yelled from the bathroom.

"Okay!" I answered back, heading into the living room. I sat down on the couch, noticing Jona's phone on the table. Call me a bad person but curiosity got the best of me and I picked it up, opening the most recent message from Matt.

From: Micky Pickles
She doesn't know it was about her.
Leave it at that, yea?

What did that mean?
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa snap ;) Thanks to Lyzzie-, ZombieCreatures, and cityofsin for commenting! You guys are sexy.