Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Cellar Door

We had been shopping for a few hours now and we were both exhausted and hungry. After dropping out bags in the car, we went back into the food court to much on McDonalds. "So, when do you leave on tour?" I asked Matt.

"Erm, at the end of this week actualleh. It's one of the reasons I wasn't too upset about everyfing burning anyways."

"That and you needed new clothes."

He scoffed, throwing a french fry at me. "Did not!"

"Did too. Did you see what you were walking around in?" I asked, throwing a french fry back at him.

"Yea, it was the same old shit yeh were! We shop at the same stores yeh know." He replied, throwing a few french fries back.

"Oh so you stalked me, huh? Watching me from afar, huh? Sounds pretty creepy, Matty." I smiled, throwing a french fry into his face.

"Maybe I did," he laughed, "or maybe you were just my neighbor that I happen to pass by frequently."


"Nerd," he grinned, throwing more french fries at me.

"I'm not a nerd damnit!" I laughed.

"Oh yea, well how many tears of light did Link 'ave to collect in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?"

I rolled my eyes, "well that's an easy question. Sixteen, obviously."

Matty laugh, throwing french fries into my hair. "See? Only a nerd would know that."

"Only a nerd would know whether or not I was correct, which makes you a nerd too."

He shrugged, "I nevah said I wasn't a bit nerdy, I'm just not as bad as yeh are."

"That's it!" I laughed, standing up. "You're going down!" I grabbed a handful of french fries and chucked them at him.

He looked stunned at first before returning the favor. "Take this yeh little nerdy demon!" Matt grabbed a handful of french fries and threw them back, successfully hitting me and a few other people sitting around.

"You ass!" I laughed, throwing my empty soda cup at him.

"I know what yeh are, but what am I?" He laughed throwing his not empty milkshake cup at me.

"Matty!" I laughed, wiping some of the milkshake from my face and flicking it at him.

"That's enough!" Someone yelled.

We turned to see mall security running over to us.

Matt took a step closer to me, whispering. "On the count of three, run to the exit."

I giggled and nodded. "One..." I began.

The tallest security man started yelling.

Matt grabbed the milkshake cup from the ground. "Two..." he whispered, enlacing his hand into my own.

"Three!" We yelled together. Matt threw the cup still half-filled with milkshake at the security guards before turning and running out of the mall.

"Get back 'ere yeh stupid runts!" Security yelled, chasing after us.

"Go go go!" Matt laughed, pulling me along. We reached the car and jumped inside, turning it on and speeding away.

"Holy shit!" I laughed to Matt.

"Did yeh see their faces?" He laughed back.

"I can't believe you threw milkshake at them!"

"He was propa pissed!"

We pulled up to Jona's still laughing. Once inside, Jona stopped us at the door. "What the 'ell happened?" He laughed.

That only sent Matt and I into a frenzy of giggles. "He started it!" I yelled.

"Did not! She did!" He laughed back.



"See!" I yelled to Jona. "He's pure instigator!"

"Well yeh were the one throwing french fries at me!"

"You threw a milkshake!" I laughed.

"Enough!" Jona laughed at us. "Stop dripping milkshake all over my floor and go shower, boff of yeh!"

"Yes mum," I rolled my eyes.

"Go!" Jona laughed, pushing us down the hallway.

"I hope he doesn't ground us," Matty mumbled, sending me into a fit of giggles.

"Or take away the television for a week."

"Oh no, what if he takes away desserts? I'll nevah live!" He joked.

"I call shower first!" I yelled, running towards the shower.

"No way! Yeh had it first this morning!" He replied, running after me.

"Suck my dick!" I yelled back at him.

"What?" He laughed, grabbing my waist before I made it to the bathroom.

"Matty! Let me shower!" I whined.

"No way, yeh had it first this morning!" He chuckled, spinning me around and holding me against the wall next to the bathroom. "See? I'm stronger. I win."

I tried to keep my calm, but considering how close we were, it was hard to do. "You have a french fry in your hair," I mumbled. I brought my hand up and grabbed it. I smiled lightly before putting the french fry into my mouth and eating it.

"Yeh 'ave milkshake on yeh cheek," he whispered, leaning his nose on my cheek.

My face flushed when his hot breath hit my face again. We stood there for a bit before he released his hold on me and went into the bathroom without saying another word.
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s e x u a l t e n s i o n xD <3 Thank you playingheartpinata., ELizzieBethh, Narc0tic- and killxtoxfeel for commenting. I appreciate the love.