Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Choose Your Fate

I woke up to Matt speaking into my ear. "Emma," he whispered. "Yeh kitteh is meowin' and it's wakin' me up."

I shook my head in response. "We're bedmates right now. He's just as much your cat as he is mine."

"Go play wiff him."

"You do it," I sleepily aruged back. "I'm too comfy."

"Yea, I bet yeh are," he chuckled.

My eyes peeled open at his words to see Matt and I entangled in each other's bodies. His head was right next to mine. My legs were on top of him and his arms were holding my body. "Matt," I whined. "What the hell?"

"Yeh were talkin' in yeh sleep again. Yeh were askin' me to hold yeh."

My cheeks flushed immediately. That does sound like something I would say. "It takes two to tango, buddy," I muttered.

"I'm still not movin'."

"Get off me," I groaned.

I felt him shake his head before he nuzzled it into my neck. "Not what yeh were sayin' last night."

"I was sleeping! I could have asked for anything!"

"Yeh distinctly said, and I'm quoting 'ere, 'Matteh, come hold me.'"

"You're making this up now."

"I'm not arguin' wiff yeh dreams. Onleh trin' to make them come true," he chuckled.

"I did not say that!"

"Yea, yeh also said, 'Matteh, fuck me. Bang me harder than a screen door durin' a 'urricane."

"Alright, now you're making that up." His laugh confirmed that. "I bet you made the whole thing up."

"Yeah actualleh," he grinned.

I groaned and tried to push him off. "Then why are you on me again?"

"Like yeh said befo', it takes two to tango."

"I'm going to hit you."

"Yeh onleh going to hurt yehself again."

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"Go feed yeh kitteh."

"No, you go feed him."

"Let's both go feed him," Matt suggested.

"But I'm so comfy," I complained, closing my eyes.

"Of course yeh are. I'm still holdin' yeh in my big, strong arms."

I opened my eyes again, glaring at him. "We just argued about this five minutes ago."

"Yeh right," he sighed. "Let's both go into the kitchen. I'm hungry anyways."

"Carry me?" I asked.

Without questioning it, he got out of bed and came over to my side, kneeling down on the ground. "Come on, love."

I smiled and rolled out of bed, hopping onto his back. He carried me to the kitchen with Frodo following at our heels.

"I can't cook and neither can yeh so we're havin' cereal."

I pouted and slid off the counter to prepare Frodo's food. "How do you know I can't cook?"

"The seven fire alarms yeh set off at the apartments kind of gave it away," he chuckled.

"Did you ever find out how the fire started anyway?"

He shrugged placing the bowls on the bar. He sat down and took a large bite of food before talking again. "No idea."

I nodded and grabbed the stool next to him.

We were enjoying our Cheerios in silence before he started shifting nervously in his seat. "So I was finking..." He sighed and looked down at the bowl, moving a few stray pieces of cereal around with a spoon. "We leave fo' tour tomorrah..."

"Oh...Does Jona want me to leave?"

He rolled his eyes. "Quit finkin' we want to kick yeh out yeh silleh bird. Yeh should know bettah by now. Jona is like a mother hen o' somfing. He'd nevah kick any of us out."

I nodded, "so what were you saying?"

"Okay, so I was finkin', and don't freak out or anyfing, but I was finkin' that maybe yeh'd be able to come wiff us on tour wiff us or somefin maybe if yeh want. It won't be long, but I fink yeh would like it, and I want yeh to be there wiff me, wiff us, the band, yeh know? I fink yeh'd enjoy it. I'd let yeh do anyfing yeh want and I'll help yeh meet any band yeh want, so yeh won't be bored. It won't be that bad. It might be a bit smelly, but that's all. The guys like yeh and I asked them and they said yea yeh could come and I fink that they'd like yeh there. I talk about yeh all the time and stuff. They all are excited to meet yeh, except Jona 'cause obviousleh yeh know him. And yea, yeh'll have Jona wiff yeh too so it won't just be yeh and me if yeh get tired of me. Yeh don't have to come, I was juss asking. It's whatevah." He smiled lightly, fidgeting like a mad man.

I turned to face him, trying not to laugh at the nervous fit he was having. It was very cute, needless to say. "I'd love to go with you."

"Realleh?" He smiled.

"Really really... but on one condition."


"Frodo has to come too."

He grinned and nodded. "I don't see the problem there. We're not touring fo' too long. Only like two weeks or somefing. Just around Europe is all. It won't take long. If yeh aren't havin' a good time though, we can figure somefing out and bring yeh back 'ere. I don't want to keep yeh stuck somewhere yeh don't want to be. And -"

"Matt!" I laughed, interrupting. "You're getting all worked up and nervous for no reason. I'd love to go. Really."

Matt smiled and jumped up, grabbing me and spinning me in a circle. "Brill!" He grinned. "I'm goin' to go tell the guys. They'll be propa excited, especially Jona since Frodo is comin'."

I laughed watching him practically skip down the hallway. Tomorrow would be the first day I'm stuck on a tour bus with Bring Me The Horizon, their sound technician and a bus driver for two weeks. Including my cat, I'm the only female. "Oh jeez," I chuckled, face-palming. "What did I get into?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't stop smiling when I wrote this entire thing xD Thank you kissing.goodbye and Narc0tic- for commenting. Matt Nicholls loves you guys ;D