Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Friends and Alibis

"Emmmmaaaa," Matt's voice rang through my ear. "It's time to wake up."

"Five more minutes, mom," I mumbled, rolling over.

"Nope. We let yeh sleep through us packing the bus up, putting Frodo on the bus, picking up all the other guys, everyfing. All we need is yeh and we're ready to go."

I peeked my eyes open to see a very excited Matt in my face. "Well I say I sleep five more minutes."

"Nope!" He laughed. "I'm not arguing wiff yeh this mornin' either. Come on, let's go."


Matt reached down and wrapped myself into a giant cocoon before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Matt!" I laughed.


"You're silly."

He grinned, exiting Jona's house. "I know."

"Mornin' Emma!" Jona laughed.

"Hey, no talkin' to 'er." Matt commented, "she's still sleeping."

"No I'm not!" I laughed.

"Don't believe her," Matt chuckled to Jona. "She's insane!"

"You're the one with me cocooned over your shoulder!"

"I don't know what she's talkin' about."

Jona chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Bring 'er to the bus. I'll lock the house up."

"Aye aye, captain!" Matt made his way over to the bus, carrying me inside.

"Will you ever let me down?"

"Nope. Yeh might run off somewhere. "

"Where am I going to go?"

He shrugged, opening the fridge with one of his hands and grabbing a water. "I don't know. Yeh might run away fo'evah and nevah come back."

"Yup, you're right. I wouldn't let me go either."

"Told yeh," he chuckled.

"Alright, we're readeh to go!" Jona announced, hopping onto the bus. "I'll drive first shift."

Matt nodded, "alright. I fink we're goin' to watch a movie in the back lounge."

"Oh, are we?" I asked, laughing. "I didn't agree to this."

"You will when yeh see what we're watching."

I rolled my eyes as he walked into the bunk area. I smiled when I noticed a few of the curtains open with the rest of the band sleeping silently. I guess they weren't much of morning people, besides Jona. I looked down when I saw Frodo run towards the front of the bus.

"Can I trust yeh not to run?" Matt joked, shutting the door for the back lounge.

"I mean, I guess. We're kind of friends, right?"

"Kind of," he chuckled.

"Okay, then you can put me down."

Matt's hands moved me and my bundle of blankets onto the couch before he flopped down next to me. "Yeh look silly in all of them blankets."

"You're silly."

"Well yeh are nerdy." I pouted and he laughed, reaching for the DVD remote. He clicked play and I watched the screen for the Title credits.

"Lord of the Rings!" I yelled happily.

He laughed, "hush yeh silleh bird. The other guys are sleepin'."

I nodded and pulled the blankets closer around my body.

"Are yeh realleh that cold?" He asked.

"A bit," I mumbled into the blanket.

He chuckled and scooted closer, pulling the blanket and wrapping it around both of us. His arm snaked around my waist. His body warmth radiated onto my skin. I went to thank him, but he opened his mouth first. "Gandalf always reminded me of Dumbledore."

I looked at him and laughed. "Hmm, I wonder why..."

"Are yeh bein' sarcastic wiff me?"


"Emma," he warned, chuckling.

"Matt," I joked back.

"I was tryin' to be nice and get yeh all warmed up and now yeh are makin' fun of me. I thought yeh were nice."

"You always make fun of me!"

"That's it!" He grinned, moving away from me.

"No! Warmth, come back!"

"Juss kiddin'," he laughed, scooting closer again. "Are yeh excited fo' tour?"

"Mhm, are you?"

"Yeah. I have a really good feeling about this one."

I nodded and leaned on his shoulder, letting my eyes fall onto Frodo adventuring around in Middle Earth. "What city are we stopping in first?"

He shrugged, "no idea. Good fing Jona is drivin' though 'cause now I'm startin' to get sleepy."

"Go sleep then?"

"Nah, I'm quite comfy where I am."

I smiled and snuggled into Matt's side. "Me too."
♠ ♠ ♠
And so the tour begins, and as lexin3d said, with tour comes drama ;)

Thanks kissing.goodbye, lexin3d, playingheartpinata., and dreamingyouhere for commenting.

You guys are sexy FUCKS.