Status: Completed with Readers: 247; Subscribers: 101; Comments: 81; Stars: 10;

Catastrophic Meltdown

Gorgeous Nightmare

"Aren't they adorable?" Jona asked.

My eyes closed tighter when I heard a few chuckles. "Mregherp."

"Wha'?" Someone asked.

"Fuck off," Matt mumbled next to me. "That means fuck off, we're tired."

I nodded sleepily on his shoulder. We had fallen asleep watching movies last night, and facing the day was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Mate, our set is in like thirty minutes," a guy laughed.

"It's not my fault this bird kept me awake all night watching Lord of the Rings!"

"Lies! All lies! You brought me in here!"

Matt moved, stretching his arms out into the air. "I brought yeh in 'ere to watch one not all three with extended edition!"

"There is no other way to watch them!" I pouted, cracking my back and stretching as well.

I looked up to see all the band members looking at us very confused. "I'm not sure if I should be confused..." One began.

"...or concerned...." another finished.

"Uhm... hi I'm Emma." I smiled awkwardly, waving.

Matty chuckled. "This is Olleh, Matt, Lee, and Tommy. Yeh already know Jona."

"And we alreadeh know 'er," Oli laughed. "Between yeh and Jona, I always hear about yeh."

"Really? What'd they say?"

Tom laughed, "well we all came to the conclusion that yeh are the biggest fuckin' nerd on the planet."

I groaned and buried my face into the blankets around me, earning a few chuckles from the guys. "If it makes yeh feel bettah," Lee began, "yeh the hottest nerd I've ever seen."

"raaaampfh!" I yelled into the blanket.

Matt Kean chuckled. "Uhm, Matty, translation?"

"I fink that means she's embarrassed and she's not going to come out of 'er derp ball until yeh all leave so she can get ready fo' the show."

I nodded into my blanket, glad that my stupid smile was being covered.

"Yea yea, whatevah. We'll be by the stage waitin' fo yeh and sound checkin'." Oli laughed.

"I'll sound check yeh drums fo' yeh Matty. See yeh there!" Tom yelled, walking out of the room.

"Come on, silleh. They're gone now. Yeh can come out of yeh little cocoon."

I poked my head out making Matty chuckle. "That was so embarrassing," I squeaked.

"That's juss how they are. They like yeh. They fink yeh are cute."

"Yea?" I smiled lightly.

"Yea, at least, I fink yeh are cute." He grinned, flashing his dimples. "Go get dressed so we can go befo' we're late fo' the first night of tour."

I nodded, stealing the blankets off of Matt and wrapping them tightly around myself before getting up. "Where are my clothes?"

"In the bunk on the bottom left side closest to the front," he replied, stretching again.

I nodded and went to the bunk, grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom. I smiled to myself, letting my thoughts trail to last night.

"Yeh want to go to bed?" Matt asked, sleepily.

"But they're just getting to Mordor," I whined, resting my head on his shoulder. "You can go to sleep if you want."

"I'm not moving. If I leave, who's goin' to warm yeh up when I'm gone?"

"Frodo?" I questioned, leaning over and petting the small kitten next to us.

"But it's not the same as me," he mumbled.

"Are yeh readeh?" Matt asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

I opened the door and poked Matt in the chest. "Now I am. Are you ready?"

"I was waitin' fo' my nerd to leave the bafroom," he chuckled, heading out the bus.

"Oh, so now I'm your nerd? Who said?"

"I said," he grinned. "And there is nuffin yeh can do about it."

"Matty, why are all the kids taking pictures of you?"

"Well," he smiled, "in case yeh fo'got o' somefing, I'm kind of in this popular band. They're call-"

"Matt!" I laughed, punching him in the arms. "Shut up."

"To be honest, they're takin' picture of boff of us. I don't fink people have seen yeh and me togethah befo' so they're probably wonderin' who yeh are."

"Huh," I nodded, looking at the kids. "Weird. I'm not interesting or important."

"Disagreeable," Matt smiled. "I fink yeh are boff interesting and important - to me at least." His hand slipped in my own.

I smiled, looking down at our hands and back to the kids. A few were pointing fingers and whispering. Others were more intrigued snapping pictures away.

"They're going to think we're dating," I commented, waving at the kids.

He chuckled, pulling me into the backdoor. "Let 'em fink what they want. Sometimes rumors become true."

My brows furrowed, "what's that mean?"

Matt pulled me towards the stage, "don't worry yeh head about it."


He laughed, "yeh look so confused."

"...I am..."

"For bein' such a nerd, yeh are quite daft."

I pouted, shoving him lightly. "Go have fun on stage. I'm going to stay here next to a guy I just met twenty minutes ago and hope he doesn't rape me."

Matty raised his eyes, looking between Tom and I. "Tom won't rape yeh."

"That's what yeh fink, mate." Tom laughed, throwing his arms over my shoulders. "She's pretteh fit. Maybe I will."

Matt rolled his eyes, grabbing his drum sticks from one of the techs. "Yeh touch her and I'll kill yeh."

Tom chuckled, pushing Matty onto the stage. The crowd erupted seeing him. "Who the fuck is readeh to do this!" Jona yelled, following Matt onto the stage. The rest of the boys cheered running after both of them.

"I'm not fun to rape. I'll lay there confused as hell," I smiled up to Tom.

"Wasn't plannin' on it," he joked back. "I jus' like messin' wiff Matty. He's my best mate."

I smiled and looked back to the stage.

"Yeh comin' out wiff us latah?" He asked.

"We're going out?"

"Yea, usualleh aftah the first show, everyone goes and gets fucked up at a local bar. It's kind of a tradition, yeh know? Drunk till death. DTD."

I nodded, "I guess I'll go."

"Let's fuck this shi' up!" Oli yelled into the microphone, sending the crowd ablaze with anticipation. Tom unwrapped his arms from my shoulders and lifted his camera, starting to snap away. Partying can't be too bad, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
&& I am slowly realizing four stories on top of finals is downright impossible to manage.

I realized I forgot to thank a few people the last chapter o.o Thank you so much cityofsin, marie.eza, thepartyscene;, lexin3d and Lyzzie- for commenting, and I am really sorry I forgot to mention some of you! Don't hate me forever.

&&Enjoy your Friday!