I'm Only Running From Myself

I Forbid You

Alex's POV
Geez, some guys can be right creeps! Especially that Frank Iero! He can be such a perve sometimes! Let alone a right show off! All day he's been trying to annoy me, it's working! Him and his group of friends are all throwing bits of paper with little messages on at me. They all say the same sort of thing. It's annoying! Why can't they just leave me alone for once! Me and Frank's best mate Gerard used to be really close, until Frank came along. Frank has almost turned him completely against me now. Gerard hardly ever talks to me anymore. Sometimes he says the occasional word to me when Frank isn't around but apart from that, I'm almost invisible to him! Oh dear, there's a whole gang of them in front of me now!

To make it easier for you, let me tell you about Frank's little group. There's him, Frank Iero, his best mate Gerard Way, Gerard's brother, Mikey Way, Mikey's mate Bob Bryar and then lastly there's Mikey and Bob's mate, Ray Toro. So now that I've got that out of the way, I can carry on.

I'm just simply sitting there minding my own business when Frank and Gerard turn around and start talking to me as if we've been friends for years. I try blanking them but they just nudge me and get right up in my face.

"Can't you guys just leave me alone already? I don't want to talk to you idiots! Go away," I shout at them, but it just seems to motivate them.

"Aww, is poor Alex angry at us? Is Alex a bit stressed? Aww, bless her!" Say Frank then pats me lightly on the head like I'm some kind of little three year old kid.

"Back off Frank! Why don't you and Gerard just go and have fag sex in the toilets rather than bothering me! I have better things to do than sit around talking to you guys," I replied with a harsh tone in my already aggravated voice.

"Frank just leave her man, she's not worth it," Gerard said directly Frank without even looking at me.

"Fine then. Whatever Alex, you had your chance to talk to us!" Frank said to me with a fake hurt look on his face.

"And I didn't want it! And I probably never will! You're a creep and I forbid you to ever talk to me ever again! Now go away and leave me in peace you idiots."

"You heard her Frank, let's go. She's just another little Goth girl with no social life," I heard Gerard say to Frank as they turned to walk away from the table I'm sitting at.

"You just wish I would talk to you, you fags!" I shouted after them as they walked back over to their own table.

After that I would catch the two of them glancing over at me every now and then. God they can be so annoying! I wish they would leave me alone!
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Hope you like it so far lovies. Took me a while to get some of it but I think it's alright.. Ish.
