Status: finished.

Together by This Christmas Tree

together by this christmas tree.

cally mcgregor

I shook my head at the phone still in my hand as I walked quickly down the street, hardly noticing the heavy traffic or the damp sidewalks from last night’s rain. No, all I saw was the promise of a great night with John, maybe a few stolen kisses and the night spent curled up next to him in bed. Those were the nights I cherished most, as I dug around in my pockets for my keys, instead finding tips from the bar and Timmy’s scratch tickets, which I always kissed for good luck.

I finally found my keys, unlocking the front door and sprinting up the stairs, taking them two or three at a time and sometimes catching my foot on the edge, but kept going. I had twenty minutes to shower and get changed and look decent, something I hardly did well. I decided to keep my hair dry and curl it once I got out, which took little to no time.

I found my way into my apartment, scrambling to pull clothes off and turn the shower on, in turn rubbing my sore wrists from carrying trays on my double shift. I felt awful, but I knew I had to make it work. I just had to. John was who made me happier than happy, him being around got me that close to that feeling of euphoria Gemma always told me to wait for.

The water was hot down my back as I multitasked, shaving and scrubbing my back with amazing speed, trying not to slip on the wet tile. I was out of the shower quickly, heating up the curling iron while I ran into my bedroom, slipping on my nicest dress, the dress I wore to Gemma’s reception, and added some heels, grabbing my makeup bag and still slightly out of breath.

My hair curled quickly and easily, and I was soon adding eyeliner and eye shadow and tucking bangs out of my face and working so fast it was almost impossible. Of course, I was toppling a little with my heels on but I didn’t care.

I was going to see John.

On the sink, my phone buzzed again, revealing a text message from John, always bright and happy the way he set my phone. He was going to meet me on the corner, the only place to park his car.

I smiled. I loved when he called me baby. I loved when he called me any of his nicknames, mostly since they were usually funny and witty or better yet, absolutely adore when said in his sleepy voice.

I looked at my reflection and chewed my lip. Since I was with John, I began to notice things about myself that I liked. I used to hate myself, but now, all of a sudden, things made sense.

I walked out onto the corner, venturing towards the edge on cloud nine, until there was a push and then a scream.
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lol i lied i'm sorry. there's one more chapter after this.

ironic chapter title. anyone wanna take a guess why?