A Sprinkle of Love

Chapter 3- Method Acting

I entered the class with reluctance. I could not believe the nerve of that bastard, seriously who acts like that now a day. I decide to forget about it; hopefully this will be the only time I have to deal with the douche. I took a seat in the middle of the room next to a boy with way better fashion sense than myself, that’s for sure. The teacher wasn’t in yet and it was already 9:35. I began taking out my notebook and a pencil for notes and began thinking what this class what be about, method acting class could mean anything.
“Hey, I’m Connor.” The boy next to me said, jolting me out of my thoughts. I turned to introduce myself when I realized just how gorgeous this boy actually was. He was about 5’11 with gorgeous blond hair with perfect brown eyes with a fleck of green in them. He smirked at me obviously realizing I was checking him out, “I’m not interested.” He stated with chuckling to himself.
I was flabbergasted, “don’t have to be so rude about it.” I replied with turning to look to the front of the class again.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not interested in any woman. Now Jace over there can check me out all he wants.” Connor said while wiggling his eyebrows at me.
Wow. Everything definitely makes sense now. I had to laugh; I was laughing so hard my eyes started to water. When I was able to catch my breath I stuck out my hand and said, “Skylar Stromm, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He took my hand in his and shook it.
“So why do you think the oh so famous mister Michaels is attending out class this morning?” Connor asked with a sly grin.
“Community service?” I suggested “ I mean he does have a pretty bad rep.”
Connor shook his head, “If it was community service don’t you think he’d be like a guest speaker or something, not actually attending a class?”
I thought about it for a bit and realized he had a pretty good point, “Point taken.” I replied, “But you know the saying curiosity killed the cat.” I stated laughing.
Connor just looked at me and raised an eyebrow, “good thing we are humans than right.” I just had to laugh, who says these things. “I’m going to go and ask him myself” Connor stated with a smug smile plastered on his face as he slid his chair out to walk over to Jace. Thank god out teacher decided to grace us with his presence at that moment.
“Okay class this is your method acting class, I’m glad to see you are all early this morning.” He stated.
Just then Jace spoke, “I thought the class began at 9:30a.m.. What do you mean early?”
The teacher chuckled, “Class starts at 10:00a.m., and we just like to print your schedules ahead of time. We know how you young actors like to slack off and show up late.” With that he turned around and wrote on the board for us to partner up in groups of three, one girl and two boys.
Connor was obviously one of my partners so to find another I turned around to find someone when Connor yelled, “Jace, you can join our group!”
I groaned and whispered to Connor, “Seriously? Do you hate me or something? Who wants to work with that pretentious asshole?” I really need to work on my whispering cause I was not as quiet as I thought I was, Jace replied, “Who’s the pretentious asshole?”
I just ignored him and continued looking at the board. He pulled up a chair and sat right in front of me.
“Excuse me; I can’t see the board now.” I stated, getting extremely annoyed.
“Now that right there honey, sounds like a personal problem to me.” Jace replied with a smirk.
“Oh, SNAP!” stated Connor. I shot him the dirtiest look I could muster. If looks could kill then he would be on the ground begging for his life right now.
“You are not helping anything Connor, not even a little bit.” I muttered hoping this time Jace wouldn’t hear. I refused to speak to that douche.
“Well I would introduce myself but you should already know me, and if you don’t then you probably live under a rock.” He winked at me then shifted his attention to Connor who had his hand extended. As soon as Jace took Connors hand in his, he was off.
“My name is Connor, I absolutely adore you and your films. How do you do that hair thing where you make it just perfect, do you have someone to do that for you or is it all natural?...” Connor continued with his twenty million questions and all I could do was laugh, the look on Jaces face while he tried to release his hand from Connors was just priceless. Once Connor was finished Jace turned to me and pointed at Connor, “Is he okay?” He asked clearly worried.
I nodded while laughing, “Just a huge fan I suppose. Maybe he’d stand behind you for an autograph.” I stated.
Realization spread across Jaces face, “you’re the girl from outside. I remember now, the creeper.” He replied with a chuckle.
I could not handle this class with this imbecile. “Seriously? Are you just naturally an ass or do you have to act like one to cover something up?” I asked with as much annoyance as I could muster.
Jace smiled, “It takes years of practice.” He said with a wink.
At this moment Connor interrupted, “We might want to pay attention, he posted the project on the board and we are not going to accomplish it if you two keep bickering like that.” I look on the board to see the teacher has written,
Method Acting Class Assignment One
Groups of Three- Two Boys, One Girl
Once in this group you must think up and write out a love scene involving all three of your group members. Make it into a love triangle and make it look as real as you can.
Remember this is method acting, so use all your emotions to act this out when you perform in two weeks.
I groaned and rolled my eyes, I was definitely not going to enjoy this class.