Larry Grotter and the Half-Inch Wand

Chapter 3

At long last that delightful time had arrived. Larry packed his plastic carrier bag of his few possessions and grabbed Pinzo his furby. Larry sighed as he gazed at Pinzo, he cast his mind back to that fateful day when Lord Fartalot had turned up at Bogstars and demanded a rematch with Larry. In the deadly attack, his beloved furby had come to the rescue, dragging Sir Fungusgrow (the headmaster at Bogstars) in his little feet. But alas, Pinzo got painted pink and green as a spell of dazaling colours intended for Fartypants, hit the brave furby.

Back in the present, Larry laughed with delight as he spied his aunt spraying the house with strong air freshener as he sprinted round the corner to the train station.

Sitting on the train with his own peaceful, smell proof carriage; Larry noticed that his door was slightly ajar. Looking out the window that viewed the rest of the train, he saw a mass of fans waiting for his signature. But something was wrong; the people at the front were lying on the floor with their hands covering their airways. He opened the door and heard a yell of “No Larry, shut the door!!” as the last remaining people standing collapsed to the ground.

“Rise, my adoring fans; I know I’m wonderful but no need to bow to me. I’m not Lord Fartalot you know, only Larry Grotter.”

The dreaded name that usually resulted in groans and shivers left Larry confused when no one emitted a sound.

“Hmm, I wonder what is wrong with them all. Perhaps they are dead”

He walked over to his friends Gron and Ert-My-Nee and kicked them, hard, he kicked them very very hard. Nothing happened.

“Gron. Gron. Wake up I say. I love you more than Erty. Wake up now I say, I say now wake up!”

Nothing happened.

The train came to a stop and Larry stepped off carrying his striped blue and white plastic carrier (now badly battered) and Pinzo.