Status: Currently working on it with my co-writer, Cookiemonster2395! XD Hope you love it as much as we do! <3

Give 'Em Hell Kid

So, which are you?

Munro sat on her bed staring up at her ceiling not wanting to go to sleep just yet, just thinking about nothing and everything. The turn of events that had happened that afternoon were riding on her brain. Obviously Ray would get over the fact that she’ss bi, it just surprised him a bit, and her father probably won’t give a shit, his daughter is his daughter and nothing can change that. She turned over in bed wishing Melonie was there to cuddle with. After Ray had barged in and caught them in a heat of lust, Melonie had gotten so awkwardly embarrassed that she just went home , her face permanently red. She thought about just going into Lezlies room and just spooning with her, like they often did whenever one of them would get lonely, but she heard lezlie chattering away and giggling on the phone with her boyfriend, Mikey, through their paper thin walls. She sat up and turned on the lamp on the table beside her bed and looked at herself in a mirror she had hanging on the wall, playing with her sassy blue hair, wondering if she should make a whole bunch of tiny braids randomly throughout her hair. As she was examining herself in the mirror, she lifted up her shirt to see her tummy and the ribs that poked through. Her stomach started growling, and she remembered that she hadn’t eaten dinner yet. She lifted up her shirt one last time before leaving the room to retrieve goods to stuff the face. Pleased with the way her body looked she decided it was okay if she ate. In the kitchen she could hear Rays obnoxious snoring among Lezlie’s conversation with Mikey. She made herself a sandwich, and as she walked back to her bedroom, she couldn’t help but put her ear up to Lezlie’s door and hear what the cute couple was talking about this late at night. “Yeah, I know Mikey. I just feel like sometimes the pills aren’t working anymore. I love you too. I know, I will go to the doctors tomorrow.”
‘What the hell! What pills! Is she an addict?! Is my girl an addict?! Oh fuck no! What kind of pills? She said that they were medication. But for what? Whatever! I’m going to find out right fucking now!’ A jumble of out of control thoughts ran through Munro’s mind. The door was open just a crack of the way and for some odd reason Munro found it fit to kick her way into the room. “Hi-Yah!” she shouted as she kicked in the door, scaring the living shit out of Lezlie, who screamed and in return scared the living shit out of Mikey, who was still on the phone.
“What the fuck is going on!” Lezlie shouted.
“I don’t know, you tell me!” Munro shouted back, glaring the bitch down. “What pills are you taking?!” Lezlies mouth dropped open, not knowing exactly what to say, then glared at her and told Mikey that she would see him tomorrow at the band practice. After Lezlie hung up, she looked back up at Munro who was crossing her arms and tapping her foot as if she was her mother. “So…. Are you going to explain the pills? You’ve seen what happened to Reid! Do you want to end up like that?!”
“It’s none of your fucking business! Leave Reid out of this! He’s getting help! You’re not my mother!”
“You’re right! I’m not your mom! I saved you from that bitch!” Lezlie started crying, and Munro felt terrible for having used that against her.
“Just get out.” Lezlie said barely able to choke back the tears before streams of mascara came cascading down her cheeks. Munro ran to the bathroom and started crying and praying that her girl isn’t an addict. She had set the sandwich down on the bathroom counter, she looked at it and then at her reflection in the mirror before chucking it in the trash can beside the toilet and then shoving her finger down her throat causing her to gag and up-chuck what little she had in her stomach.
“Munny, Munny…..Munny…..” Munro opened her eyes just a peek, but in the sleepy confusion couldn’t comprehend what the hell was going on, and passed out…again. Someone shaking her woke her a second time.
“Wha…? Get the hell off of me. What time is it?” Munro, trying her best to sound awake, asked Lezlie as she crawled into her bed wiping tears off of her cheeks. “What happened?! Are you okay?!” Munro sputtered.
“Yeah I’m fine. I just don’t want you to be mad at me, or be disappointed in me,” lezlie said choking on tears. “I’m sorry, and I love you. The pills are prescription….” She said looking down and playing with her lip piercings.
Munro took Lezlie in her arms and cradled her. “Lezlie it’s okay, you can trust me, I promise,” she whispered into her ear, before taking her hand and looking Lezlie directly in the eye.
“I’m on anti-depressants, for obvious reasons, and….. I take medication for a condition, or a syndrome, or whatever…..I have turrets! I’m soooo sorry that I yelled at you! It’s just that Mikey is the only one that knows about my issues,” Lezlie sobbed into Munro’s shoulder.
Munro shushed her, “I’m so sorry for what I said about your mom, I know she didn’t accept you for you and that’s not right, just know that you’re amazing, and don’t change for anyone.” Munro started fidgeting with her blue hair, knowing that she should take her own advice, and be strong like Lezlie and open up to her best friend.
‘I won’t let these scars define who I am. Munro, Mikey, and Ray are my family now. I have no father, but I won’t let that hold me back. There will always be a beautiful tomorrow, and I know that my TRUE family will be there.’ Lezlie’s final thoughts before drifting off in the warmth of her best friend.
The next day, Ray was tuning his guitar and what not, out in the garage while waiting for the rest of the band mates to show up for band practice, “letting” Lezlie and Munro torture his hair to bits. Ray began strumming softly to the tune, “Demolition Lovers”, right when Melonie was getting dropped off by her older bro. Ray stopped playing as soon as she walked through the open garage. Munro whispered to him, “play nice,” then she skipped up to Melonie and kissed her. Lezlie giggled when Ray crossed his arms and slinked down in his chair. Luckily for Ray (or so he thought), just then Gerard, Mikey, Frankie, and Bob were all pulling up. All the guys stopped in awe, watching Munro and Melonie suck face.
“No way! Munro’s Lez?!”Frankie squealed in a high pitched voice.
“No, she’s bi,” Ray sulked.
“Duh!” Lezlie shouted at the guys, she secretly wanting them give her some attention.
“So, Munro,” Frankie began, with a child- like smile on his face, “are you a boobs or butt girl?”
“What the fuck dude?! That’s my sister!!” Ray protested. Munro stopped sucking face long enough to grab one of Bob’s drum sticks out of his hands and chuck it at Frank’s head.
“Uh, I’m gonna need that back,” Bob said.
“Owww!!” Frankie squealed, putting the palm of his hand to his fore-head, ignoring Bob. “How could you Munro? How could you risk the chance of destroying such a perfect and beautiful face?” Frank whimpered and made the puppy dog face.
“You, beautiful? Gerard maybe, but you? I don’t think so.” Munro shot back. Frank put his hand to his chest as if she had truly shot him. Gerard smiled and winked at her, surprisingly making her blush.
“Gerard is truly beautiful,” said Bob.
“Frankie is to, beautiful,” Lezlie chimed in.
“At least someone loves me!” Frank said dramatically.
“No, she loves me,” Mikey said before sitting on Lezlie’s lap and kissing her. “But seriously, are you a boobs or butt girl?” Mikey asked after smacking lips. Munro flipped him off as she continued to lock lips with Melonie. Ray sunk further down into his chair.
“Please tell us, Munny? Which are you?” Bob made a puppy face, begging.
“Oh fine,” Munro smiled at him. “I like both.”
“What the hell! You’ll answer if he asks, but not when any of us do?” Frank shouted.
“Well, I also would have told Gee, but he’s too much of a gentleman to ask,” Munro said simply, winking at Gerard. Munro began eyeing Melonie playfully. “Melonie has really nice boobs,” Munro said making Melonie giggle, “but her ass is better!” She shouted, before grabbing it, causing Melonie to squeal even louder than Frank.
“I’d have to say that Munro’s ass and breasticles are equally mind blowing,” Melonie smiled, looking into Munro’s eyes.
“I second that!” Lezlie said.
“Me too,” Frank chimed.
“Agreed,” Gerard joined in.
“Well so are Lezlie’s!” Mikey shouted. Everyone turned their heads to examine Lezlie, then back to Munro, then back to Lezlie, then back to Munro.
“Would you all stop ogling my sisters?!?!” Ray shouted, finally getting fed up. “Let’s just play some damn music!” The next four hours consisted of the gang playing all the songs of their second album (which was coming out soon) over and over again, and whatever nonsense the group of Neanderthals had to pull out of their asses. 
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I made sure to make this chapter longer :) It was fucking hilarious writing the last bit <33333 sorry to keep you waiting, but i think it'll be worth it. i'm currently writing the third chapter so it won't be long my lovelies! <3