Status: brand new, updates will be coming

Don't Be Afraid My Love, It's Just a Little Bit of Blood


After our short passionate kiss, he breaks away from me and gives me the stink eye.

"You're not planning on running away again are you?"

I bite my lip, giggling at him, "Yes. I'm going to run off with the laundry boy."

A grin spreads on his lips as he leans in to kiss me again. When he pulls away he looks down at the ring on my necklace. He reaches up around my neck and unclasps the chain, taking the ring off.


He points his finger at me, " I have to redo it now silly." Then he pokes my nose.

I'm a little shocked, "You still want to? Even after me telling you all of this? And to top it off, its five years later?"

"Nikki, I love you. I'm sure it was stressful on you and I understand. I am hurt that I wasn't told and couldn't be there for you but...the past is past."

He leans down and kisses my nose, then pulls away to whisper, " And now is now. So, get your shit together! I'm getting you out of here!"

I grab my bag from under the bed and smirk, "And where exactly are we headed to kind sir?"

Shaking his head he starts gathering my clothes from the drawers and shoves them in my bag.

"I wanted wrinkly clothes anyways." I mumble.

"Not telling!"

A groan comes out of me, " Whyyyy. Don't you love meeee?"

He stops what he's doing and I see he's holding a pair of lacy black underwear , "Nice."

I quickly take them away from him and shove him away from the drawer.

"Tell me please?"

As I'm grabbing another bag I notice him sneak back to the drawer again and pulls out a different pair of underwear. This time they are leopard print.

He spins to face me, flinging them at my face, "Meee-owww!"

My cheeks flush red as I put my hands on his back, shoving him out of the room as he's doing his signature laugh. One last shove and he's out the door. He faces me while pouting.

"But hunny!"

"Hunny this!"

I flick him off before shutting the door so I can finish packing without any interuptions. When I reopen the door, I shove a bag at him.

"Let's go bub, I have a car to return."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its short!
26 subscribers woohoo! Thank you all! If I could get more feedback it would mean a lit, I'd like to know I'm doing good and filling the johnny needs XD