Status: brand new, updates will be coming

Don't Be Afraid My Love, It's Just a Little Bit of Blood


I made my way across the street, past my car and to a park that's right across. It has a baseball field, playground, benches and swings. It's pretty empty seeing it is a Saturday and kids aren't at school. Walking on mulch in heels, isn't the easiest thing to do but I safely made it to the empty swings and sit down. My feet just reach the ground so I can push myself just a bit while I take out my pack, hands still shaking as I bring a cigarette to my lips. I start feeling around for my lighter and look in my pack. Then I realize its in my car.

"Shit!" I whisper.

A lighter flicks next to me, making my eyes dart towards the noise. There he stands. In a all black suit with a black button up shirt and a white tie. My one and only love, Johnny Knoxville, holding the lighter towards me. He already has one lit, between his lips and exhaling smoke through his nose. I lean in slowly, lighting mine up while I inhale deeply. My head turns away from him, looking towards the trees surrounding the park but my eyes dart back to him to watch as he takes a seat on the empty swing next to me.

He then looks back at me, his eyes darting around my face. Birds are chirping in the distance, a few cars driving past and then he smiles.

"I'm Johnny. And you are?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I posted the picture of.Nikki in the last chapter, sorry haha.
Comments? How am I doing?
Ahaha sorry for spelling mistakes, I'm updating from my phone.