Status: Active.

What Is Love?

Chance Encounter

Christofer had been sitting on the same bench for almost two hours. He had nothing else to do and no places to be so he stayed in the park. He had always been an outdoors kind of person. He had a passion for nature that had been present since he was a child. He remembered when he would bring Kelly to the same park he was sitting in. She never did like coming. Always fussing that her shoes would get ruined or she didn't like the smell. They were opposites in many ways, but they did have some things in common.

Suddenly, Christofer was pulled out of his thoughts by a ball hitting his leg. It wasn't a hard ball. It was just a little bouncy one. He leaned down and picked it up while trying to find the culprit. He found a little girl, around the age of five, standing before him.

"Lose something?" he asked as the little girl stepped closer to him.

She nodded and smiled. "Yes, my ball."

"This ball?" he asked, teasingly.

"Yes, that ball, silly," she said as she smiled bigger. "May I have it back?"

"Well, since you asked so nicely," he said, handing her back her ball.

"Jenny!" a female voice yelled.

The little girl turned around and looked at the young woman approaching them while Christofer did the same. She looked to be around his age. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Especially with the way the sunlight was hitting her. It was almost like a scene from a cheesy romance movie.

"Uh oh," Jenny, Christofer assumed, said. "I'm in trouble now."

"Jenny, what have I told you about running off like that?!" the young woman said when she got to Jenny. "You know you're suppost to stay with me."

"I'm sorry," Jenny said, innocently. "I kicked my ball over here and hit this man. Accidentally of course."

The mystery woman looked over to Christofer, who had been staring at her. She hadn't noticed as she was to busy scolding her little sister.

"Well, I hope you apologized to him," she said to Jenny.

"I was getting to it," Jenny said. "I'm sorry, mister."

"It's okay," Christofer said, finally taking his eyes off the mystery woman, and smiled at Jenny. "It didn't hurt me too bad."

"I'm really sorry about her," the young woman said. "I hope she hasn't bothered you."

"No, no," he said, quickly. "She hasn't bothered me at all."

"What's your name?" Jenny asked Christofer, suddenly.

"Jenny, quit bothering him."

"You tell me never to talk to strangers," Jenny said. "I've been talking to him and he's a stranger. If I know his name, I won't get into trouble for talking to him."

"She has a point," Christofer said. "She is a very smart kid. My name is Christofer with an "f"."

"My name is Jenny, Christofer with an "f"," Jenny said, extending her hand for him to shake, which he did. "This is my sister, Jadey."

"Nice to be acquainted with you both," he said.

"What's that shiny thing in your lip?" Jenny asked.

"Jenny, where are your manners?" Jadey asked.

Christofer couldn't help but chuckle at the two sisters. Jenny seemed to be a handful.

"Sorry," Jenny said. "Hey, will you play ball with us?"

"I'm sure Christofer was doing something before we came and intruded," Jadey said.

"No, I was actually just sitting here not doing anything," he said. "I'd like to play ball."

"Yay!" Jenny squealed. "Now we have three players."

Christofer and Jadey laughed at her excitement. They followed her as she ran, trying to find a spot to play at.

"She's a cute kid," he commented.

"She is cute, but she sure isn't sweet," Jadey said to him. "Since we weren't really introduced properly back there, my name is Jadey Brookes."

"That's a pretty name," he said. "Christofer Drew."

"Where have I heard that name before?" she asked, more to herself.

"Well, I'm a musician," he said. "Never Shout Never ring any bells?"

Jadey thought for a moment and, as if a light bulb literally went off in her head, recognition crossed her features.

"Yes, that's it," she said. "I've listened to you a little bit. You're really talented."

"Thank you," he said.

"Over here!" they heard Jenny yell a few feet in front of them. "This is the spot!"

Christofer and Jadey walked to where Jenny was standing. She gave them instructions on where to stand and how to play the way she wanted to. They were all having fun just tossing and kicking the ball around to one another.

Christofer couldn't remember the last time he had had so much fun in the park. He couldn't remember when he had had this much fun in a while and it was all because a little girl kicked her ball into his leg.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to go ahead and update since I already had this written out. I hope all of you enjoy it. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed. I really appreciate it :). Please comment and let me know what you think of the story so far.