Status: In progress.......

Kingdom Rising

The Beginning of the End

My world came crashing down around me all at once, and all it took was one simple blow.

Corso and I were in the practice yards when we received the news. There was an accident. Our father-Who was on a hunting, trip had been shot. We were told it wasn’t fatal, that we shouldn’t worry. It wasn’t until he returned that we realized how serious it really was.
No long term damage had been done but on the long journey home infection had set in, and there wasn’t much the physical could do. I was at his side constantly, all hours of the night. Corso would have been there too but he had taken over father’s responsibilities as Earl of Riverdale .

A week had passed since the “accident “, I thought Father was returning to good health.
My joy was short lived. His fever returned, more vicious than ever. Through this I never left his side. One afternoon the physician took Corso and me aside and told us that we’d be lucky if father lasted until the end of the week, that we should say our good byes now before it was too late. I ran to Father’s bedside sobbing.

“What is the matter child?” He said weakly.

I shook my head.

“You spoke to him… Zaria listen to me, you must be strong. Your brother needs you more than ever now. You must protect him at all cost. He is soon going to be all you have left.”

“No! No Papa, you’re going to be fine. You’re going to get better.” I sunk to the floor next to his bed.

“My death is inevitable child.”

“Corso doesn’t need me. He needs you. You can’t die! You’re going to be fine.” I started shouting.
Corso walked in at that moment.

“Zaria, Stop. Shouting won’t help him get better.”

I stormed out of the room tears still stinging my eyes, running down my cheeks.
Father died that night. My life would never be the same.
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My first "real" story. Let me know what you think.
Good or bad I would appreciate it.