Ballad of a Cat Lady


I’m going to die alone. It’s official; I will be that crazy old lady with the fifty cats running wild in my house alleviating where ever they please. I will be that old lady who never loved, never felt, and never was loved.

It isn’t that I want it like that, but every time I start falling for someone, they find someone else. It’s happened many times before, so what’s new with him? I see how his face lights up when he talks about her, when he gets texts from her.

I didn’t think I’d ever feel this strongly for someone and now, I have to make myself stop because he only sees her. I kind of feel let down because I let myself start believing that he might have had the same feelings – clearly I was wrong about that.

You know that old Christmas song, the one that lists the reindeer? I’ll have to change the lyrics to that and extend it just a bit just to remember the names of my animals.

You know Bailey and Charlie, Toby and Lucky, Harley and Riley, and Teddy and Winston…