Lets Go Back To The Room Where It All Began

We're Unstopable Now

"so uhh" Jack paused, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. "Do you have a date to..pr-prom?" He stuttered out
I smiled to his question.. "well..no" i laughed as his face had this huge grin plastered on it.
"Do you want to go to prom with me?!"
"Of course, Jack" i smiled as he hugged me.
The principal's voice blared through the multiple speakers around the Commons Area.
"Prom will be moved to tomorrow night, graduation will be the day after" the speakers made a horrid noise. I smiled at Jack.
"Well, i-i will pick you u-up at like uhm.."
"7..."i suggested to him.
"Yeah. 7 is good... Bye" he hugged me one last time before running out of the school.
"Awe." Lisa's voice signaled me to turn around. Alex had his hand interlocked with Lisa's and she smiled to me.
"We are going as friends" I smiled back to her.
"You sure?" Alex smirked.
"Yes. I'm....i think so" now that i thought about it, jack did seem to really like me. I really liked him too but i felt so much more of a connection to Alex. But he had Lisa. Lisa had Alex. They were together.
"You know, they need a band to play at the dance. 3 full songs before the DJ takes back over." Lisa grinned to me.
"No." I snapped. I turned to walk away and felt Alex's hands on my shoulder's.
"Why not? Lisa showed us your band, you guize are great. I didn't know you played bass"
"You didn't know me at all" i snapped at him. "i'm not doing it. Thats final." I walked off. God. I think it might just be my period but everyone are being bitches today. Robin and my 'horrible diet', Clarissa and my 'accident', the boys and the park issue, now Alex and Lisa about my band. I can't suit anyone. And it was really making me pissed. My iPod forced the blink-182 into my brain. I started moving my hand as if i was playing bass. I was walking home and another lunge foward made my body go num. 'Not again' i prayed in my head. It were these 2 girls.
"So you like to fuck around with other girl's boyfriends huh?" One asked.
"No. N-no.. what are you talking about..." The fear over-took my body.
"Zack...Rian... Yeah.. our boyfriend's" the other snapped.
"I-i j-ju-just met them to-today." I stuttered out as one girl kicked me.
"STOP" Jack's voice made the girl's stop everything. "She did nothing" he helped me up.
"Whatever, Jack" the girl's walked away.. i stared at them as they left.
"You okay?" I got out of his grip.
"Whats it with everyone and thinking I can't handle myself" i walked away from him.
He caught up to me. "I-i was just worried"
"Okay well i was able to do things for myself before you and the guys. I can handle myself now too."
"What about Lisa?" His words felt like a ton of bricks on my stomache.
"What about her" i said standing there but not looking at him
"It seems that she had to keep you from doing stuff... Like she was your mom or something"
"don't ever compare my mom to Lisa. Ever." I could feel my eyes starting to burn.
"Why?" A few escaped from my grasp.
"BECAUSE, JACK. BECAUSE MY MOTHER BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF ME. TELLING ME THAT I WAS ALL TO BLAME OF MY BABY BROTHER DYING. SHE TOLD ME EVERY NIGHT, YOU SHOULD OF DIED NOT YOUR BROTHER. THATS WHY JACK." i screamed as i faced him. He pulled me into the warmest, most wonderful hug ever as I cried onto his chest.
"i-i'm sorry... Please stop crying" he rubbed my hair and i felt his lips touch my forehead. I wiped my cheeks and looked up at him. I smiled to him.
He leaned in closer and his lips pressed mine softly.
Our lips started moving in the perfect motion to eachother. I sat my hands on his shoulders and stood on my tiptoes to get a better kiss. His hands, which sat on my waist, kept me very balenced.
'How do you go from yelling at him and being pissed at everyone to having a total perfect world lips locked moment with him? And i thought you liked Alex' my brain felt like it was screaming at my heart.
'I know Jack is perfect for her. Its a fact.' My heart said back. My brain ignored everything and said 'stop kissing him. Right now. Right NOW' and i pulled my lips away from his.
"i better go get a dress. For prom...remember?" I smiled to Jack. He pulled me back into one more soft, gentle, quick kiss.
"See you tomorrow... At 7" he smiled and walked to the park. I walked back down the road as i felt someone's arms wrap around me. I looked down at them and saw Lisa's braclet covered forearms in the front.
"What do you want" i laughed at her.
"I SAW YOU AND JACK" she giggled. She walked beside me.
"What about us?" I knew what she meant but i wanted to know how much she heard and saw but still seem casual.
"i heard you screaming and Alex walked without me and i glanced and saw you two kissing and I called Alex over and we watched you guys." She laughed.
"But i do need a dress." I glanced at her.
"SHOPPING. YEAH" she flailed her arms around and stood weird.
"COME ON" i laughed, grabbing her wrist to pull her to my sister's house.
"Did you know we could get an apartment together?! I've been looking!" I smiled as I walked into the smoke filled house.
"Whats that smell?" I coughed out. My sisters head shot up and her boyfriend sat up on the couch. That made sense. Fucking smoking weed and shit.
I ran up the stairs right before my sister could yell at me.
I grabbed my wallet and ran out. Falling down the stairs because her boyfriend tripped me on my way down. Thank god Lisa was outside.
"Don't fucking tell anyone" her high as a kite ass couldn't stay still so i stayed extra still because of the pocket knife being held by my throat.
"Okay" the knife moved away and i walked out.
"What happened?" Lisa got close to where the knife was.
"What do you mean?" I felt a stinging and attached my fingers to the part of my throat. Bleeding. "I fell, probably cut it on something" i said smiling in Lisa's direction.
"Okay" she gave me a worried, unsure look and walked me to the dress shop. "Like any of these?" She pulled out tons of pink, blue and purple dresses. All short cut. All strapless.
I shook my head. I looked around. White dresses.
One stood out. It looked like it was torn at the bottom but it was strapless. Oh well.
"You like that?" Lisa's voice ringed in my ears as she stood behind me. It wasn't a 'ew really?' Tone but more of a 'that suits you, get it' tone.
I tried it on. My thin arms were pale. A bit darker than the dress but pale. My stomach fit perfect into the corset like mid-section. My tiny boobs didn't fill the dress completely but it was covered. My sister could tighten the top part. My legs were hardly seen except for the left calf which was shown off due to the design of the dress. I loved it.
I got back into my own clothes and bought the dress.
"What about your hair?" She was right. I had it fading badly. The black was now a dark brown and shown roots.
"Red?" I glanced at her as my look begged for an answer.
"You would look good in red" she smiled.