Status: Working on it little by little

Her Last Unfortunate.

Chapter Six - Setting The Leg/The Dream(Nightmare)

Marie yawned as she lay down on her bed, tight against her pillows.
"Okay, we're going to give you a shot through your I.V. line to put you to sleep. Now you remember how the surgery will go?" Dr. James asked, inserting a needle into the plastic tube leading into her arm.
"Yes." Marie said, taking a deep breath.
"Alright, let's go!" Dr. James said. He put up the railings, and unlocked the breaks, and along with two other men and one women, he pushed Marie's bed through the hospital hallway towards the operating room.
Marie slowly began having a harder time concentrating and staying awake. Once in the hospital's O.R, three female nurses in scrubs leaned over.
"You are gonna start feeling really sleepy now. Can you count backwards from 50?" One of the nurses spoke through her mask.
"50......49......" Marie closed her eyes. "48..............47....................................." She closed her mouth, and relaxed completely, letting this unnatural sleep overcome her.

Marie was standing in an ocean of white. Clear waves lapped at her feet, yet they remained dry. She looked around her. Everything was white and silent. Suddenly, she saw something; A black, shiny casket reflected a sun that wasn't there. She stepped towards it, looking on with curiosity.
Then, a crack radiated in her ears like thunder. The lid of the casket fell off to the side, and Marie suddenly felt compelled to look in. Her mother's body lay there, dressed in all white, which stood out against the red padding.
But something was wrong, her body was twisted and bent in a way that couldn't sustain life. Her neck was snapped upwards, and her torso was bloated. Suddenly, the corpses eyes, that once belonged to her mother, snapped open. The eyes were bloodshot and caked with a yellow liquid.
"Hello, Marie." A voice similar to her mother's said through chapped and purple lips. Marie tried to look away, but her mother's decaying body held her gaze.
"I've missed you." The unpleasant mouth whispered, eyes unblinking. The more her mother's face spoke, the skin seemed to grow looser and looser. Finally, the flesh on her face slid of to the side of her skull. Her eyes rolled back, so only the whites were showing.
Marie tried to scream, but her throat was hoarse and had no sound to it. Tears began rolling from her eyes.
"Oh, my Marie, my sweet, sweet Marie. Why do you cry? Don't you love me?" The face asked, emotionless. Maggots suddenly ate their way out of her eye sockets, wriggling across her empty cheekbones. Marie watched in horror.
"Marie, baby, give Mommy a kiss." The face demanded, growing aggressive. A bony, decaying hand shot out from the casket, and grabbed Marie from behind the neck, pulling her face down to meet her mothers.
Suddenly, the odor hit her. Her mother's decaying flesh smelled of rotting meat. The odor was sour and tore at the inside of her nostrils.
Marie looked down, as her face got closer and closer to her mother's. Tears dripped onto her mother's face. They turned pink with the dried blood on the corpses face. They rolled off her dead cheekbones, gathering little clumps of flesh.
Marie's vibrant, red, full lips met her mother's. Marie gathered all her strength, and tore back, shaking the now disconnected arm from her neck. The arm clinked onto the floor, as Marie ran to the water's edge, and dunked her head in the clear, clean water. She screamed at the sand underneath the wetness, then lifted her head back up. He rubbed the water from her eyes, and looked at herself. Her mothers face stared back at her from the water.
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I can't believe I'm going to sleep after writing this... o.O