The Way I’m Living Makes You Feel Like Giving Up

New Kid In Town

Dylanne's P.O.V.

I took a huge bite out of my pretzel. "Fucktard." I muttered under my breath.

"What are you looking at?" Ryland asked.

"Nothing!" I said coming back to my right mind. I took one last glance at Ryan. He was back to himself again, flirting with every damn girl he could get his eyes on. Before it was the gas clerk, now the Pretzel Time worker. For all I know, next it could be the new math teacher. Gawd, I hated him sometimes.

Wait, I take that back. I hate him all the time. I hate him for being so damn cute. I hate him for being so damn heartless. I hate him for dumping me. I hate him for asking me out. I hate him for making me fall in love with his corniness. I hate him for not loving me anymore. I just plain hate him.

"Hello? Dyl?" Ryland snapped him fingers in my face.

"Yeah-what?" I focused my eyes on him. Now he was the kind of guy I wish Ryan was. The kind that was so annoying you never would fall in love with.

"I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie. . ."

"Hey guys." Sunnie came up to us.

"Oh hey." I smiled at her. I'd have to thank her later for saving me.

"Are we shopping or what?"

"Shopping. Definitely."

- - - - -

"How does this look on me?" I turned to Sunnie in the dressing room.

"It looks fine." She said, still evaluating her outfit in the mirror.

"You didn't even look!" I groaned, trying on a different top. "Aha!"

This time she turned to see it. "It makes your boobs look fake."

"Well sorry I'm not a double D like someone over here." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, I little padding never hurt anyone before.

She laughed. "Just find a fucking shirt so we can leave. Gabe and I have a date tonight."

"Oooo." I began making gooshy sounds. "How long has it been, two gazillion years?"

"Nah, just three, four in about- oh my gosh!"

"What?!" I dropped my hanger.

"Four months as of today! Shit Dyl, I gotta go! I haven't even got him a present or anything!" A trail of fucks, shits, and other various cuss words were spoken following a rushed teen trying to find her cellphone as well as get dressed into her normal outfit all at the same time. If you are like any other 15 year old, you'd know how hectic that can be.

"Chill Sun, I'm sure he'll understand." I reassured her.

"No no no no no! Dylanne you don't understand! When Gabe and I first started dating he forgot my birthday and I made it clear from that day on that days like this were important!" By this time we were just passing star bucks.

"Babe!" The look on Sunnie's face turned blank and her cheeks quickly became white.

"Gabe!" She smiled, pretending she was glad to see him. "I was just looking for you!"

"Liar." I coughed. She nudged me with her elbow.

"Well Dy, as much as we'd love to sit and chat, I have something special planned so.."

"Oh, I totally understand." I gave Sun one more smirk and walked off. I knew she'd kill me later.

I aimlessly walked around for about a half hour, which may sound fun with a group, but not if it's just yourself. I did manage to pick of a few shirts but that was it.

"That will be Sixty dollars even." The clerk said ringing up my items. He looked them over. "Ice cream, milky way, twix, tootsie rolls, diet Dr. pepper. . . sounds like somebody is trying to get over a breakup, hmm?"

I grinned. "You could say that."

"Well I'm Brendan. You are?"

"Dylanne." I said. I held my hand out for him to shake.

"Dylanne. . . nice to meet you." He shook it. "I'm new here. Just moved from Las Vegas about a week ago."

"Well welcome to California!" I grinned. "I'm sure it's not what you expected but-" There he was. Ryan.

"That's him isn't it?" He leaned over the counter.

"How can you tell?"

"I know a cheater when I see a cheater."

I laughed. "He's not a cheater."

"Then what made you guys break up?"

"We. . . well he, broke up with me. I'm not exactly sure why. . ."

"Well I'm not physic, but I can tell her a great girl. He's missing out."

"Well thanks." I glanced at Ryan. he looked so happy. Was he actually not thinking about me?

"If their's anything I can do-" Brendan began but I cut him off.

"Actually, their is something."

"Hmm?" He asked, but I'm sure his question was answered. I grabbed his collar and pulled his lips to mine. We must have kissed for at least 60 seconds, and judging my how far Ryan's mouth was dropped, I could tell he noticed. Maybe, just maybe, he was a little jealous?
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