Worth The Pain

A New home

Chapter two;

Someone is prodding me. Who is doing that? Stop it! I start growling, they stopped. Ha! That will get them to leave me alone. Another shove, another growl. Whoever is pushing me is really getting on my nerves. "Syvren, wake up right now, we have to get off the plane."
I open my eyes slowly, realizing where i am. Swiftly standing up i grab my small, black purse and start walking towards the door. Wanting to get off this metal.... Thing. We got ourselves down to the carosel with all the luggage. My mother's bag came first, then mine. I had to push through a group of people to get the bags. My mom pratically dragged me to the street, it was cool, and the breeze felt nice blowing through my hair. It was especialy hot for me; first because of my raven black hair, my black makeup, and my black clothes. Yes you could call me emo or goth, but i say im emo, not neccisarily hating the world like a goth. I smile, and i sing and dance. Just emo. Which i think is what attracted all those guys. Lots of boys tried to get me on a date, even after i broke the other boys jaw. My thoughts trail back to all of that blood welling from his face... "Syvren bring those bags i got a taxi!" i scowl at her and pick up our bags, the movers probably got there already, not having to continusly take brakes to get luggage and to eat. Well, maybe eat.
The taxi drove us down the crowded roads of Tokyo, there was lots of buildings that had huge glowing signs. I kept looking for Spiderman to show up at the top of one of theese towers. Other than looking for spiderman, i was staring at the people here, there was lots of demons and Hanyos. But the humans over populated them all. It was almost scary how the humans outnumbered us, and for a breif second i was afraid of them.
I pushed the thought away quickly, i was at the top of the food chain, they wouldn't attack me, would they? I asked myself silently. The taxi driver stopped my silent conversation by quietly announcing, "here we are."
The house was huge, i was suprised my mother bought such a big house for the two of us. It was a grey house, and looked more like a mansion with 4 levels. Atleast i would have some privacy. I had been right, looking at the driveway i saw the moving vans unloading the furniture into the house. One of the men was holding an list of what was to be put where, they could thank my mom for that, where as we could have done it easily by ourselves, but no, she had to make the humans work. She hated humans, if she had it her way humans wouldn't exist. But most of all she despised hanyos, i didn't have an opinion of them really, i haven't had lots of contact with humans or hanyos. But i really don't see what's wrong with them, i think it's actually romantic that a demon could fall in love with a human. My mother thought it was a disgrace to our kind. I wouldn't judge by stories, i had to experience it firsthand to believe it.
I stepped onto the new porch and looked through the open door, it was as big on the inside as it was outside. I could get used to this.
"Alright Syvren you can-" i didn't wait for her to finish, i darted up the stairs with my bags to the fourth floor, the highest point in the house, where i would have my own tower of solitude. I reached the fourth level pretty quickly, and began looking for a room. There was two bathrooms on this level, and around five rooms. I entered the farthest room from the stairs, and it was perfect. It was a big room, with one huge window, and a pretty big windowseat infront of it. There was two closets, (just what a girl needs) and my own bathroom. I dropped my bags at the door and walked over to inspect the view from my window. When i looked out the window i immediately saw a huge tree, and right by the window, a long fat branch stretched out towards me, it hit the side if the new house and was just a few inches under the windowsil. Perfect for climbing in and out. I sighed and sat on the windowseat with my sketchbook. I cracked the window open slightly to let a small breeze in. And i began to draw.
A stroke of my pencil here, shade this curve, erase that line. Over and over for what was maybe an hour, because when i was finished there was an incredably detailed picture of a full moon dissapearing behind some trees, while underneath it a panther was stalking an unseen creature. I was suprised i drew this.
It was getting dark, and the movers had to be done by now, so i walked warily down the stairs to go get the furniture for my room. My mom had probably already taken what she wanted and was setting up her room. All the furniture was set up just the way my mom ordered. Couches in one room, electronics in another, and so on.
There was a sheet on the ground that stank of humans. Probably the sheet that showed what was where. Sighing i picked it up, and stared at my mom's messy handwrighting. I wandered through the enormus house, sheet in hand and went straight to the room with the beds. It was dark, but i didn't mind unlike my mother i had cat's eyes. Literaly, deep green and with black slits for pupils. Scary right? I know why people ran, my eyes could do that, i just hope it isn't the same at this school. I hoisted the queen bed onto my shoulder and supported it with one of my hands. Moving onto the next room with the couches and chairs i piled my two favourite reading chairs ontop of the bed. I threw a bunch of other things onto the bed from multiple rooms, and walked up the stairs to the fourth level. Walking down the hall, take a left and here we are. My new room.
Now to get to work on putting everything in it's place.
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2nd chapter, enjoooy :D