Worth The Pain

Wolf boy

Chapter four;

Sunlight burned through the lids of my eyes, I rolled over to hide my eyes from the small ray of light that had found it's way through my curtain, only to end up falling off the side of my bed and onto the carpet. Groaning I squint, trying to get my sensitive eyes to adjust to the light, while I crawl along the floor looking for the door to my room. My head bangs into the wall, and I open my eyes wide to force my eyes to adjust to the light. I need my room pitch black, or when I wake up, my eyes won't adjust to the sudden light when I open them. After a few seconds I scan my room to see the crack where the light came in. I growl and pull the curtain up abruptly, my eyes do not protest as I yank the window open to let the cool air in. Feeling calm I head to the bathroom and take a nice hot shower.
"I'm late I'm late!!" my mother yells as I try to eat my breakfast. Her alarm decided to sleep in today and now she is set on the thought that it is trying to get her fired. I sigh and dump my cereal into the trash as my mother yells at the alarm clock while running around the house frantically. I grab my sketch book and pencil as I run out the door to escape my mothers ranting. My feet make crunching noises as I walk down the sidewalk to the park I had discovered later last night, and climb a tree that I find good for sketching, an begin to draw The sun setting behind some trees, but after maybe half an hour I discover I have drawn a transparent inuyasha peeking out from behind a tree. I sigh at the drawing, it looks just Like him, and I'm overwhelmed with a pang of longing to see him again. Another sigh escapes me as I rest my head on a nearby branch, and gaze at the little children on the swings. I close my eyes and sit there for a bit listening to them play with their friends. My serenity is broken by three boys maybe my age, walking into the park and scaring the other kids off, I growl to myself and tuck my sketchbook under my arm. Watching them carefully, I jump down from the tree silently, and walk slowly to the archway that led out of the park and back to the busy streets. One of them spotted me, and whispered something to the darker haired one, who looked at me and motioned the rest of them to follow. I was out of it, so I was startled when they all appeared infront of me. "Hey there" one of them said, he had pale blue eyes, and a long black ponytail flowing down his back, on normal circumstances I would have thought of him handsome, but the way he looked at me like I was a piece of meat turned me away entirely. So I glared, but said "hi" in a soft voice. They looked at me like I was going to book it any second, which I wasn't going to of course, but it made me uneasy. The boy leaned against the tree and started flexing, I swear I was about to hurl when he looked at me, trying very un-successfully to seduce me. "you're a pretty little thing aren't you?" he was really starting to scare me, what was he getting to? "what's your name babe?" He asked me, i was really freaking out, I was out numbered and they were all full demons, I could take maybe two out before the other two got me. Damn, I was screwed if they decide to use force. "Syvren"
"Well, that's a nice name, mines Kouga" I shivered as he said his name, he's a wolf demon.. Now that I think of it, hey ALL were. Shit. I gave him a small smile and said "It's nice to meet you, Uh, Kouga, but I really need to go now" I started walking past him through the archway, but his arm shot out blocking my way. He leaned into me so I felt his breath on my cheek and said, "Aw, babe why don't you stay awhile, spend some quality time getting to know me and my boys?" he grinned wickedly as his friends circled around him, completely surrounding me and Kouga against the archway. I started breathing heavily, Kouga grabbed my arm and tried to kiss me. I frantically pushed him away and started running. I got two steps in before Kouga got ahold of my arm, and my sketchbook went flying. I gasped, and tried to grab it before one of the wolf boys got ahold of it, which I failed at. The shortest wolf boy picked it up and handed it over to Kouga.
He flipped through the pages, then his face got red, and his jaw tightened. "Why did you draw this?" he was seething with rage as he shoved the picture into my face. It was the sketch of Inuyasha I had drawn not a few minutes before. "I-I I don't-" I stammered, not able to finish my sentence, because I really didn't know why I had drawn that. "That pesky dog demon! Why did you talk to him?" he was fuming and it would have been funny if he wasn't so scary. He grabbed my arm, and I thought, 'why am I putting up with this' oh yea, that's right, there was 4 of them 1 of me, haha FML. Kouga's grip tightened, and I heard a voice that was dripping with venom come from the other side of the archway, "What the hell is going on here?" Inuyasha
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again suggestions r welcome