All That I've Got

Tell Me

Jake's P.O.V.

Neither of us had to think twice, we both knew it was Dr. Andrews standing behind us, and we were busted.

"So close to sorting out the puzzle, huh?" he smirked as he turned us around to face him. "Unfortunately, neither of you will be able to report this interesting news to your friends. Isn't that right Mr. Winters? You see, that Ms. Susan of yours isn't going to make it out of here either. We eventually got your secret out of her. So Jacob, what do you have to say, now that your genious plan has failed?" he asked.

"Alec, run, now!" I screamed before Andrews' arm lashed out, a needle in hand. I pushed Alec out of the way, holding Dr. Andrews' hand litteraly an inch away from my chest. This was definately a different medicine than the usual. No, this was deadly.

"No Jake, I'm not gonna leave you behind like this," Alec yelled, voice cracking as he stood a few feet behind Dr. Andrews, who was intent on stabbing me with whatever was in that needle.

"Alec, go, please," I said firmly.

He backed up a few feet, eyes wide with fear before he turned and ran, footsteps echoing into nothing.

"Didn't think it would end like this, did you Jake?" Dr. Andrews sneered as he backed me up against a wall. My hands still kept the needle away, but he was fighting my strength. The resistance was making me weaker by the moment.

I don't know how it happened, but somehow I'd turned the needle around in his hands without him even noticing, and when he went to push it into me, it was injected right into his chest. He stared down with wide eyes at the syringe, and before I could blink, was lying on the ground, groaning in agony. At that moment, my legs became jello and I sank to the ground, rocking myself back in forth as I watched the man I despised most in my life, slowly die right in front of me. For what seemed like an hour later, my head was in between my legs, trying desperately to block out Dr. Andrews' gasps for air. I heard quick footsteps approaching, and without the strengh to fight, was gently pulled into someone's lap.

"Shhh babe, it's okay Jake," Emily whispered into my ear, hugging me tightly.

"Is he dead?" I heard Paige ask nevously, bringing to my attention that the dreaded gasping had ceased.

"Almost," Alec sighed.

"What happened?" Emily asked him calmly.

"I don't know. We were standing in the doorway, about to go explore the room when he caught us. He was going to stab me with whatever the hell just killed him and Jake pushed me out of the way and told me to run. He must've turned the needle on him or something," Alec said, fear evident in his voice.

"I didn't mean to kill him Em, I didn't. It's not my fault!" I sobbed, totally losing a hold on whatever adrenaline rush had carried me this far. "I'm sorry."

"We know you didn't Jake, you don't have to apologize," she said, kissing the top of my head. "You were just defending yourself, we believe you. It was an accident."

"Well what now? Andrews is dead and we're going to be the first suspects. Everyone knows he hated us the most," Paige said as she squatted down beside us and laid a hand on my shoulder.

"They don't have any proof that either of us did it, and they won't bring the police into this because it'll give them away. Let's just get upstairs and try not to get caught. We'll figure out something tomorrow," Emily said before loosening her grip on me to stand.

"But seriously, dead body at the end of a hallway. Looks a bit suspicious," Alec said laughing nervously, trying to lighten the mood. On the inside though, it was all too obvious to see that he was falling apart.

"They'll think it was suicide or something, come on," Paige replied, wrapping an arm around his waist. We all continued up the stairs, always being alert. Once we were clear, we had to move fast.

Emily and I dropped Alec and Paige off at their rooms, Emily's arm still around me as we moved onto mine. We stopped at my door and she looked up at me, a calm expression on her face.

"You gonna be okay Jake?" she asked.

"I don't know Em," I whispered sadly as I looked to the ground. I'd killed someone. Even if it was in self defense, Dr. Andrews was dead, and it was because of me.

"Hey," she whispered softly as she stood on her toes, lifting my chin with a finger tip and forcing me to look into her eyes. "I may be only able to heal physical pain, but we're here for you Jake. You did the right thing, no matter how guilty you feel."

If that was so, why did I feel so numb as she looked into my eyes? And why didn't I hesitate or tense up when she leaned forward, her lips softly brushing against mine?

"Night Jake," she said, smiling at me before she'd disappeared into the darkness.

At that moment, I knew the answer both of those questions. I, Jacob Aaron Winters, was falling for a girl I barely knew, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Carys' P.O.V.-Two Days Later

"Okay, so how do we go about the whole speech therapy thing?" Frank asked with a smile.

We sat across from each other on the porch swing, slowly rocking back and forth. It was about noon now, and since we were both bored, we figured we'd give Dr. Scott's suggestion a try.

I simply shrugged, working to keep some hope alive that this might actually help me.

"Alrighty then, welcome to Frank Iero's Pre-k class, where we learn to talk like civilised individuals," he said sarcastically, causing me to poke him playfully. "Cat."

"C-" I started out, throat burning already.

"Just try again," he said patiently.

"Ca.....," I stuttered, rubbing my throat mindlessly before taking a sip from a water bottle that Frank handed me.

"That's progress," he smiled. "I'm not expecting you to give me a college format essay on the first day. Dog."

I shook my head, knowing already that we weren't getting that far today. Just getting the first half of a syllable out was hard enough.

Frank was about to continue on with his lesson when we heard two familar voices, looking up to see Gerard and Mikey having an argument. According to Frank, it wasn't anything new to them

"Iron Maiden is better," Gerard said shaking his head at his brother as they continued to walk.

"Smashing Pumpkins, Gee," Mikey disagreed.

"Well that's the end of today's lesson. Yo, boneheads!" Frank called out, successfully getting their attention. I curled up beside him on the swing, closing my eyes as we rocked back and forth.

"What? And please tell Gerard that Iron Maiden has nothing over the Smashing Pumpkins," Mikey said when they had walked onto the porch, I didn't have to open my eyes to know that.

"We were making some progress with her therapy. And sorry to tell you this, but Black Flag rules over both bands, case closed," Frank smirked.

"Nice way to end a debate Frank," Gerard said sarcastically, leaning his head on my shoulder. The smell of coffee and cigarettes met my nose, and it oddly seemed to fit him. "I think Ray and Bob are coming back today. Ray called last night and said he wasn't sure what time his plane was landing."

"Quick, someone poke Carys to see if she's alive," Mikey said randomly, everyone laughing when my eyes fluttered open and I glared at him.

"Well Gee is over there suffocating her, poor thing," Frank said, pretending to grab for me.

"You have her for 24 hours a day. Learn to share Frank," Gerard said, waggling a finger at them. I went back to my cat nap, not caring to intervene at the moment.

"Getting back to Ray and Bob," Mikey said, rolling his eyes before he continued. "Would that mean we have band practice today?"

"Well we'll wait a few hours before we harass them, as they do have to get here first," Frank acknowledged. "Band practice at the usual time, 5:30?"

"Sure," Gerard and Mikey replied with a shrug.

As we waited for our missing members to return, the four of us sat crowded together on the porch swing, talking about dumb crap and laughing for no real reason. For once, I felt like I actually belonged. Some one other than Frank cared about me in a different way than my parents did, it was like Gerard and Mikey were my friends too. And with the three of them around, it felt like anything was possible, no matter how hopeless it seemed.