All That I've Got


Ten minute's later: Alec's P.O.V.

"Jailbreak, take one!" I laughed lightly as I opened the door, checking both directions to make sure the coast was clear. Good, it was about 11 at night, everyone would be settling in my now.

I folded up Jake's sheet under his blanket and pulled the door window's curtain back up, giving off the appearance that he was asleep under his blanket, perfectly normal right? I slung Jake's arm over my shoulder, though he'd been walking around for the past fifteen minutes, his legs were still a bit unstable. He let out a deep sigh, nodding at me so that we could start this foolhardy plan. We listened intently for any approaching footsteps, shaking off our fears as we finally left the room.

"So what's the plan boss?" Jake asked as we turned the corner, ducking to keep ourselves out of sight.

"To be honest with you Jake, I have no clue. I'm getting you upstairs and into Emily and Paige's room, and calling your sister, after that we're hoping to God that this asylum isn't going to be step ahead of the game," I said, pulling him into the shadows as the low click-clack sound of a nurse's shoes met the floor. She passed by, luckily it wasn't the brunette that I'd seen come out of Jake's room, if had been, that would give us even less time to run.

"How's Carys?" he asked looking at me with a worried expression.

"Emily has been emailing her for the past week, telling her about your condition, and a Frank replied telling her that she's had a few breakdowns but she's fine? Her boyfriend or something?" I asked out of pure curiousity.

"Not that I know of, he'd always lived next door and they grew up together and became close friends, his parents went through a pretty nasty divorse when they were about six, so he moved to Brooklyn with his mom and just moved back with his Dad this year. After he'd left Carys went through some rough weeks but made friends, but then I was off in college and that one night our mom called, telling me that something horrible had happened to Carys and that she wasn't talking to anyone. She locked herself in her room for weeks and then they said they didn't know what else to do but to admit her here. Frank came back the same day that she got out and now there's no seperating them. So as our parents are off on some family reunion thing, Frank's being protective of her until they get back, I'm proud of that boy really," he smiled at the last part.

"Seems like a good kid," I nodded, a random thought popping up in my head. "Why do I get the strange feeling that your sister and you look almost exactly alike, obvious differences of course," I said looking up at him.

"Everyone says that, but I guess we do, same eyes, shape of face and hair color, why?" he asked.

"I think that's how they linked you to Andrews' death in the first place, they had no proof but the fact that you both looked alike and from what you've told me, that she hated Andrews just as much as you did. You probably could've styled your hair into a huge mohawk and dyed it electric blue and they still would've seen the resemblance," I said shaking my head.

"Sneaky fiends," Jake laughed as we continued down the hall, the stairs not far now. "But the mohawk sounds like a cool idea, I should try that."

"It was just an example," I said poking him in his upper arm, seeing his face tighten up.

"That damn brunette shot me with something, twice in the same place," he said rubbing his shoulder.

"The doctor did say something about arthritis and sore muscle relief," I mumbled to myself, explaining to Jake what I'd overheard when I was desperate for a hiding place. Who knows what had been on that floor? I was taking a loooong shower when I got back to my room.....

"Did I mention that I hate this place?" he asked sighing. "Not that I'm for animal testing or whatever, but god damn, we're not freaking guinea pigs!"

"We are in their eyes my friend," I sighed, looking up at the stairs when we'd finally reached them. "I'm not jinxing us, so don't say anything negative Winters, we're going strictly on impulse and if we do get caught, it was nice knowing you."

"Deal," Jake said nodding as we did this stupid 'secret' handshake that we'd made up awhile ago, something between us guys.

It took awhile to get halfway up, as not only were Jake's legs hurting from the long walk after not being active for so many days, but we were being extremely careful not to draw attention to ourselves.

After what seemed like an hour, which could've been possible, we were passing through the basement's exit doors, the moonlight from outside streaming down into the hallways from the windows. Jake took in a deep breath, making me laugh at how dramatic he was being.

"What? I'd like to see you being chlostrophobic and being cramped in a small white room for a week, underground might I add," he said pointing a finger at me.

"Whatever, drama queen," I said, muttering the last part to myself and smirking when Jake looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

We talked quietly as we walked down the familar corridors, finally letting out a sigh of relief when we reached Emily's hallway. It was strange how you could remember a place well enough to find your way in the dim light, we probably could've found the hall with our eyes shut to tell you the truth. Always being cautious, and me being sympathetic of Jake's warnings that he was going to pass out if we walked another foot, we kept ourselves hidden in the shadows at all times possible, stopping for a breather before continuing on.

Once reaching the door I did the secret knock, the sound of shuffling and mattress' quietly creaking before the door opened, Paige staring wide eyed at the two of us.

"Oh my god, you did it!" Paige whispered excitedly, wrapping her arms around me before nearly glomping Jake.

"My own girlfriend having doubt in me," I said, pretending to sound hurt.

"Well you have to admit, the chances that you'd even get in his room without a key are slim to nothing," Paige said with hands on her hips as we stepped inside, Jake closing the door behind us.

"Oh really now, well I guess the English dude needs some help figuring out what the hell this thing is then," I smirked as I pulled the dull red key out of my pocket. "Didn't believe me, eh?" I asked as I leaned down to peck her lips.

"Okay, I didn't believe that you'd really gotten in there, but you did and I'm proud of you," she smiled, kissing me back.

"Not to interrupt the adorable couple really, but where's Evil Mastermind #1?" Jake asked, using one of the nicknames we'd given to Emily.

"She locked herself in the bathroom, I think you should go talk to her," Paige said breaking from her embrace with me to look at him.

Hopefully Em was okay...

Jake's P.O.V.

I let out a sigh, walking over to the bathroom door and knocking twice.

"Please just go away Paige, I'm fine," Emily sniffed from the other side of the door.

"What if I said it wasn't Paige," I smiled, silence answering before I heard the door unlock, revealing a miserable looking Emily as she looked up at me from the floor with wide eyes. Black tears were staining her pale and delicate face, her green eyes dulled. She scooted over to let me in, eyes staring back at the floor as I entered, shutting the door behind me.

I sat against the door, taking her hands in mine and smiling at her.

"Turns out Alec was more of a super genious than we thought," I smirked.

"Don't you ever leave again," she sniffed as she wrapped her arms around me, burying her head into my neck, a few tears falling from her eyes and landing on my shoulder.

"I won't," I promised as I held her, breathing in the scent of lavender, she'd always smell like that to me for some reason, and it was so calming. I stroked her hair gently, smiling when I saw her eyes close after I'd started rubbing her back to comfort her. "Try not to fall asleep Em."

"Don't make any bets," she smiled. "I'm just glad you're back."

"I can see that," I laughed as she snuggled closer to me so that she was sitting in my lap, her arms still around my neck as she stopped crying. "You okay?"

"I should be asking you that question," she smiled as she looked up into my eyes, that familar trance catching my full attention. "But yes, I'm fine now. Could I ask you something though?"

"Anything," I nodded.

"When I kissed you that did it feel?" she asked, eyes breaking contact with mine, looking down to the ground and blushing.

"How about breath-taking?" I smiled.

She looked up in suprise, that cat-like spark coming back to her eyes. Really, how did she not see that she was gorgeous?

"Jake, if you don't come out of there in five seconds we're going to think very bad thoughts," I heard Alec's voice laugh from the other side of the door.

I shook my head with that same smile, releasing my hold on Emily before standing up, pulling her up with me.

"How about next time I'm the one suprising you?" I whispered in her ear before slipping out the door, leaving the room with Alec before she could respond.

So I hadn't totally unvieled my feelings for her, but hopefully that was a good enough hint to start something...

Jake's Room

"Okay, it's one in the morning now, they're gonna start waking up everyone at 7, so you'll have time to sleep. We're emailing your sister and then getting you to Paige and Emily's room," Alec said as we entered my room.

I found my laptop exactly where I'd left it, Alec sitting beside me on the bed as I waited for the screen to load before logging into my email address.

"So what do I say? You guys are the ones with this master plan," I asked looking over at him.

"That we busted you out of the basement and your staying in Emily's room while they search the place for you. And I don't know, ask her where the hell we go from there! If they find you we're all going down with you, no question about that," he smiled. "Now start writing."

Carys and Frank,

I know you guys have heard from Emily, but Alec and his brilliant ideas actually got me out. No I'm not lying, he's sitting right next to me and we left the basement an hour ago. But the asylum's onto our plan, some brunette knows you're my sister and I think that's why they brought me down to the basement in the first place. I don't know what's going to happen next but some kind of a way, we're getting out of here, but not without proof that this place is commiting numerous crimes. I've been stabbed with random needles so many times that there's no rethinking what I came here to do, if anything that's going to be what I plan to do next.

Carys, you need to tell me everything you know about this place. Alec and I need to get to that file room and find something, anything, that'll help. I'll be staying in Emily and Alec's girlfriend Paige's room until we make our next move, no doubt they'll be swarming the place.

Frank, never in my life did I ever think I could trust a guy around my little sister, but I can't tell you how glad I am that you're there for her. If anything ever happens to me I want you to know that I'm proud of you. You were always like a little brother to me and keeping Carys safe is all I could ever ask for. But have faith in me guys, I plan to see you two sometime soon hopefully.

Love from all of us,

I read the letter to Alec as I wrote and sent the message after receiving his nod of approval, closing my laptop and letting out a long sigh.

"I still can't get over how much pain I'm putting her through," I said bowing my head. "It killed her that day I said goodbye to her in the hospital, and now the risk of me dying here is even greater."

"No turning back now Jake, you came here to shut this place down, and we're here to help. All we can do now is hope it all works out, no worries," Alec smiled. "Now come on, I need to get my beauty sleep."

"Then you might as well start hibernating," I joked.

"Oh, American boy's got jokes huh?" Alec laughed as I packed up what I needed, the both of us leaving the room, hopefully for the last time.