All That I've Got

A Day At The Park

"Come on Car, you know I won't drop you," I said smiling as I stood in front of her. I was trying to convince her to hop on my back for a piggy back ride, but she wasn't caving in. "I will tickle you girly."

At that she sighed, making me smile as I turned around and she wrapped her legs around my hips, her arms securely around my neck.

"Okay, we ready to go yet?" Bob asked as they walked into the room from the kitchen with six water bottles.

Mikey did the honors of opening the door and Carys clung to me as we stepped outside, fearful that I'd trip or something.

"Well we have to prepare for this outing, so taking a trip back to kindergarten, follow the leader," Ray said as Gerard led the way in the direction opposite from the park. I had a feeling what the water bottles were for now that I thought about the stores we were heading towards were. There was the flower shop, a few resturants, the movie theatre, all kinds of stores besides the mall, and the dollar store.

Sure enough, we left the dollar store with not only weird stares from people, but six water guns and packs of water balloons, we were getting wet today.

It took ten minutes to get to the park, and the way it was so warm and sunny out today, made it obvious that there was no better way to spend the day than joking around with your friends.

Once inside the gated park, we thought it best to start out with the water guns, and for the game we had in mind, we'd need to be split up.

"Okay, Frank and Carys, Ray and Mikey and Bob's with me, now load your weapons," Gerard instructed with a smile. Every team went off a little ways, sitting down on the ground and using their bottles to fill their guns, also taking a sip from them. When everyone was done, the war began.

The object of the game was to make it back to the gate, the team who got least wet won. To do this the team's had to have each others backs, and you needed strategy. The park was pretty big, which is what made the game harder. We started towards the back, and for Carys and I, the strategy was to use the trees to our advantage and save our ammo.

Mikey had gotten nailed by Gerard and Bob at least ten times before he even made it behind the third tree, Ray trying to fight them off while Mikey thought of another idea. We'd come to the end of the trees, and this open space meant that if Carys and I didn't run, we'd be next.

A squirt of water directed our way from Mikey was blocked by the tree as I told Carys what our options were.

"We either run for the hills or surrender basically," I explained, keeping an eye out, it'd gotten oddly quiet behind us. When I heard the sound of four water guns being pumped at once, that's when we decided on the first option, fast.

"Run Car!" I said taking her hand. We were almost halfway through the field when I got hit, and the back of my shirt would no doubt be soaken wet when we reached the gate. Since Carys was smaller, naturally she ran faster, and when she stopped for a breath, that's when the guys turned on her.

Gerard and Mikey teamed up silently, sneaking in the shadows and coming up on Carys from her blind spot, hitting her right in her side. She darted off once Ray and Bob had gotten the message and despite their chasing after her, I'd caught up with her and we'd made it, the least wet team.

"Oh god, I'm dying," I said dramatically as I collapsed onto the ground once we'd reached the gate. Carys laughed, dropping down next to me, looking up at the clouds.

Everyone lied down on either side, and we started the cloud game, arguing over what each cloud was. I was convinced that the huge one was a hippo, but Carys sided with Gerard and Ray about it being a horse. Both Bob and Mikey thought it looked dog-like.

"Hey Gee, didn't you bring the camera?" Mikey asked looking at his brother.

Gerard nodded, the smile on his face meaning that he had an idea.

"Hey, everyone scoot together as close as possible, we're recording this day," Gerard said and everyone obliged. As Carys was squished between Gerard and I, he held up the camera, everyone looking up at it and once he had everyone, he snapped the picture twice, the second time all of us were making goofy faces and poses.

We spent the rest of the day fooling around, playing tag and filling up the water balloons, just throwing them at each other for fun. Carys got me at least five times, but I was quick to return the revenge. I came up behind her and dropped one down her shirt, Gerard seeing this and tackling her again so that she fell onto her back, and the balloon popped.

She laughed at how cold the water was, pushing Gerard off and making some motions with her hands to him before pointing to me, uh oh....

Within an hour I can honestly say that every inch of me was wet. Not only had the water guns been put back into use, but Gerard still had two packs of water balloons to fill and throw. Ray unfortunately had suffered the same fate, and his naturally curly hair was now getting frizzier with every balloon attack, something told me it'd take awhile for that to dry. How Carys, Mikey and Bob had managed to dry off and keep attacking us, I have no idea, which is why Ray, Gerard and I were plotting against them.

"Show no mercy men," Ray said smiling.

"Ray, we're not in the military," I said looking up at him with a smirk.

"What? It felt right for the moment. But how are we getting them back?" Ray asked looking to Gerard.

"Fill your guns and use your balloons to your advantage, soldier," Gerard said with a smirk as he saluted Ray.

We each took as many water balloons as we could hold, using the pockets of our jeans to store our balloons as we moved in on the 'enemy'.

In the end, Bob had more balloons than we thought, and we got soaked, again. I was mainly aiming for Carys and she was using Mikey as her shield, and Gerard and Ray had basically left me hanging, so I was fending off all three of them.

"Frank, get out of there!" Gerard yelled once they were a safe distance away. Like I had any hope of getting out of this dry...

And just my luck that Carys caught me off guard, straddling me as she picked up a fairly large red balloon, smiling down at me.

"Carys please no-"

Right in the face.

"Evil," I said pointing a finger to her, getting an idea. "Now give me a hug."

I'd caught her before she could get off and after a few minutes of rolling around, she was just as wet as I was. She stuck her tongue out playfully as I held her shoulders down, grinning at her.

We stayed at the park until it got dark out, then decided to head back to Carys' house, it wasn't exactly safe to be out at night in New Jersey.

"Aww, I think Carys is asleep," Mikey smiled.

Carys had taken my offer and Mikey had a point, her breathing had grown quieter and her arms around my neck had relaxed.

"How about I order pizza and we have a movie night?" I asked.

"Sounds good, but we have to be home by midnight, so at least we have...two hours," Gerard said glancing down at his watch. "But I think everyone should change into dry clothes first, order the pizza and we'll be there."

I nodded, waving everyone off as they took their seperate ways home. I took the key out of my pocket, unlocking the door to the Winters' house, one arm still supporting Carys. I closed the door behind me with my foot, smiling as I gently unwrapped Carys' grip on my neck, sliding her over so that she lie in my arms. I brushed my lips against her cheek before lying her down on the couch, walking quietly into the kitchen and grabbing the house phone, dialing the number to the nearest pizza place. No better way to spend a whole summer day than with your friends.
*Random note: Today I had my first offical guitar lesson, my first two fingers are basically numb right now but I am so excited! Just to let you guys know and so you don't freak out, I have lessons every Saturday at 2:30, which means I'll be going to work with my mom at about 9 or 10am every weekend (getting home about 6 or 7 at night) so she can drop me off. I'm still going to be updating in the morning and when I get home, but it could take awhile for the second one of the day. Patience is all I ask for, two comments and I start on another update.