All That I've Got

Movie Night

Carys' P.O.V.

I woke up and realizing that I was still wet from the water balloon fights earlier, I also saw that Frank was in the kitchen on the phone, more than likely ordering a pizza. As his back faced the entrance of the kitchen I got an idea, getting and silently walking over to him. Just as he was in mid-sentence, I wrapped my arms around his waist, laughing when he jumped, turning to face me with a grin.

"Go get changed, the guys'll be back over here any minute now," he whispered as he gave me a quick squeeze.

I nodded my head and left the kitchen, jogging up the stairs and into my room. I slid off my jeans that were still damp, pulling on my gray sweatpants and replacing my t-shirt with a white tank, walking into the bathroom for my brush. Once I'd managed to get the newly formed tangles out, I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, deciding to take off my make up for a change. Hey, it was late at night, I wasn't trying to impress anyone by re-applying eyeliner just to have it smudge when I fell asleep.

Once my face was washed and I'd brushed my teeth I went back downstairs, Frank coming up just as I was on the last step. He didn't notice that I had no makeup on at first but when he did he stared wide-eyed, making me feel slightly self-conscious.

"How do you still manage to look beautiful with or without make up?" he asked quietly, his eyes stopping me from taking another step as I stared back at him. Really I tried hard not to blush, but I did. Having someone tell me that would either make me flat out cry because I knew they were lying, or in this case, blush because they were honestly trying to convince theirselves of something impossible. Let's see, I was pale-skinned with dull blue eyes, short and skinnier than your average supermodel that goes on a crash diet to still be able to fit into a size 0; I was nowhere near beauitful.

Frank seemed to pick up on my thoughts, smiling before he gave me a quick hug, continuing up the stairs. Ever since we'd developed our lost bond in this second week of our being 'alone', he'd been trying to convince me that I was pretty, I was just being too hard on myself. While I must give him credit for his persistance, I still disagreed.

He came down a few minutes later in jeans and a Black Flag t-shirt, about to say something before the ringing of the door bell cut him off.

I opened the door to see the guys, all smiles as I stepped aside to let them in. I looked to Frank, wondering if he was going to repeat what he'd been about to say. He shook his head with a smile, meaning he'd get to it later probably. I closed the door behind Mikey, all of them piling into their regular seats. Frank came up and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, the sounds of the guys cheering behind us, could a group of teenagers be any less mature? I sat beside him on the couch once he'd let me go, Gerard and Mikey in their usual spots to my left. Ray sat in an arm chair, Bob sitting on the floor beside it, they both looking equally bored.

"Okay, pizza will be here in about fifteen minutes, so instead of getting into the good part of a movie and the doorbell ringing, how about we find something to do while we wait?" Frank suggested, everyone thinking to theirselves before Ray spoke up.

"Truth or dare?" he asked looking around, everyone else nodding their heads to me to answer his question.

"Carys wouldn't be able to answer to truth, smart one," Mikey said simply.

I suddenly remembered the pad of paper on the table besides Frank, reaching over him to get it and a pen before I started writing.

It can be done Mikes.

"Alright, truth or dare it is," Gerard declared, looking at Ray. "Your idea, so do the honors."

"Okay, Frank, truth or dare?" Ray asked with a smirk.

"Truth," Frank asked, not looking pressured at all.

"Who was your first kiss with?" Ray asked, everyone complaining about his dumb question, then raising eyebrows in confusion when I cracked up laughing and Frank blushed.

"When Carys and I were five we were walking in the woods and I guess I was talking too much, and she kissed me to shut me up," he said, burying his face into my shoulder as everyone laughed at his embarrasment. We had been little after all, and while that incident had shocked the hell out of Frank, it hadn't even put a dent in our friendship. Neither of us had known what a kiss really meant, we'd just seen it in movies that we probably shouldn't have been watching in the first place.

"That's cute, but technically, it doesn't count," Mikey laughed. "Your turn Frank."

"Alright Gee, truth or dare?" Frank asked once everyone was quiet.

"Dare," Gerard said bravely, an echo of 'oohs' going around the room, and Frank was thinking hard about his dare.

"You have to stick a cigarette up your nose, and light it," Frank smirked, Gerard's eyes going wide for a minute.

"Wait, you're serious? Come on Frank, I don't even have any on me," Gerard lied.

"And my natural hair color is purple, now do it," Frank said smartly, Gerard muttering curses to himself as he took out a lighter and a cigarette out of it's pack. I didn't think he'd actually do it, but once the cigarette was lit, he indeed stuck it up his nostril, looking very uncomfortable as Frank laughed, reaching across me and Mikey already handing him the camera. As Gerard shot daggers at him with his eyes, Frank jumped up from his seat, camera in his hands, and snapped a few pictures.

Gerard took the cigarette out as soon as Frank collapsed on the ground in laughter, getting up to go outside and put out the cigarette. I rolled my eyes as I reached down to pull him back up, and since he was not only heavier than me but also his sneaky self, he grabbed my hands and pulled me down with him, rolling us around until he was on top, staring down at me with a smile.

"A genious idea wasn't it?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and like Gerard had earlier, Frank started tickling me in the place only he knew was where I was most sensitive, my sides.

"Frank, stop before she runs out of air," Gerard said as he came back in, referring to my roaring laughter as I tried to get away, Mikey, Bob and Ray being of no help as they laughed at the scene. Frank either hadn't heard him or was ignoring him, for he didn't stop until my knee 'accidentaly' collided with the crotch of his jeans and he rolled over in pain, even Gerard was laughing now.

I took the opportunity and moved his arms so that I had him pinned to the floor, smiling down at him as I sat on his stomach, knowing he couldn't stay mad at me.

"How dare you laugh at my pain," he breathed as his expression softened, unable to hide his smile for long.

There were a few more rounds of the game played before the pizza came, revealing that both the Way brothers had crushes on girls at school, involving Bob prank calling an old woman and Ray gulping down a glass of salt, we truly were creative little monsters.

We ended up going through three pizzas, and were just at the beginning of Dawn of the Dead when everybody had to go home. I got hugs from everyone and we'd arranged to meet up again tomorrow as the opening scenes started, nothing really important, as we said our goodbyes. Not until they all were gone and I sat beside Frank in the dark, did I start getting scared. Zombies were popping up everywhere and attacking people, and while all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and hide, telling myself that it was just a movie, I watched in almost a state of intrigued horror as the movie continued.

Frank, on the other hand, didn't jump or anything whenever an especially gut-wrenching scene happened. He rubbed my back softly whenever I got scared and it calmed me, that is until another zombie appeared out of nowhere and started eating someone. The middle of the movie was where I'd let the fear get to me, and when the next person screamed I litteraly jumped on Frank, my legs on either side of his and my arms around his neck as I cried into his shoulder. I was being a baby and I knew it, but when I'd expected him to push me off and tell me to grow up, he did the exact opposite. He picked the remote up and turned the DVD player off, hands gently rubbing the bare skin of my sides as my tank top rose slightly from the sudden hug attack.

"Shhh Car, it's okay," he whispered in my ear, was it wrong that I felt butterflies in my stomach at the sound of his soothing voice? Frank was my best friend, that can't be normal...

I hadn't felt his breath so close until he planted a soft kiss on my neck and what happened next had absolutely nothing to do with the movie. I cried harder at the memories that were now rushing full force out of the places in my memory where I'd locked them away, the memories of the night when my life became controlled by fear.