All That I've Got

The File Room

Jake's P.O.V.

"You are absolutely positive about this Jake?" Alec asked for the tenth time. "You realize that you could die and never see your sister again? Or the upcoming baby at that."

"100% sure Alec, and if you weren't willing to do this you wouldn't have searched the office with me in the first, okay?" I asked looking at him.

"You're right, there's no turning back now, but it's just the what if's that scare you, ya know?" he asked gulping.

"Try not to think about it," I told him as we walked down the hallway to the file room. It was about midnight and after receiving Carys' reply and spending all day planning, we were finally doing this. It wasn't hard to find the key once we got into Andrews' old office, it was hidden under all the needles he kept in his top right drawer. Alec would be keeping watch and once I got the door open, he was going to help me search through the files to find something important.

Of course they'd discovered that I'd gone missing last night, and while we were planning we had to talk quietly, the staff was searching every inch of the asylum for me. But even when they'd looked through Paige and Emily's room, I'd been hidden in the bathroom, so so far we were doing a good job of avoiding the staff.

Alec and I made it to the file room at last, our plan already going into action. I opened the door that was still left unlocked, Alec standing by the doorway as I quickly made my way to the back of the file room, always being cautious of what was going on around me. The door wasn't that hard to find either, the black stood out amongst the pale paint of the walls. I could see the alarm system to it's right, remembering that once I opened the door, we had five minutes before the alarm set again and gave us away. I gave Alec the signal to come over and he soon stood beside me, nodding his head at the door knob.

I unlocked the door, the sound of the alarm clicking off, the bright red light dulling. When nothing else happened we breathed out deep sighs, walking into the room and seeing the shelves of files.

"Just grab whatever you could run with," I told Alec as we glanced around the room.

Alec and I were facing back to back as we searched through countless files, looking through some to see that Carys was right. Once we both had about six each, we made it out of the room and closed the door, making sure that it was locked. Suprisingly, it'd only taken us three minutes.

"I cannot believe we just did that and didn't get caught," Alec breathed out as we made our way towards the stairs, acting just as paranoid as I was.

"Me either Alec," I laughed as we passed through the basement doors, using our newly found shortcut to get back to the correct hallway. Alec knocked once we'd reached the girls' room, and Paige soon answered the door.

"Oh my god, it worked!" she whispered loudly, hugging the both of us with a huge smile. "Come on, we've got work to do. Em, get your butt in here!"

Alec and I placed the files down on the floor, and once they were all spread out, we'd discovered that there were twenty all together, some files were divided and had smaller ones on the inside. Emily soon came out of the bathroom with her hair pulled back, eyes going wide when we smiled up at her from the floor.

"You guys are amazing," she said shaking her head as I pulled her down next to me.

"Okay, so five each, get to looking and find something that could be useful," Paige said passing out random files.

In my five I'd found delivery dates of medicine from the lab they paid, receits, photos of the asylum when it was first built, and a list of the staff, including the dates they'd been hired or in some cases, fired. Emily found photos of side effects found, some of them were actually quite gruesome. She also found staff information, as well as newspaper articles with sections about the police having suspicions about the asylum but not having enough proof to investigate, well this was going to be interesting....

"Oh my god, they're trying to find a cure for all kinds of cancers and using different types of medicine that aren't even safe for lab mice!" Paige said with wide eyes as she looked at a specific file. My guess was that she'd found lab results.

"You guys, somehow we've got to get this to the police," I said, everyone looking up at me. I knew the question on everyone's mind, and the fact that no one had a definite answer was what scared us all.

"I don't know how we're gonna do that Jake, but you're right," Emily said, her hand squeezing mine as she nodded.

"That's crazy!" Paige said after Alec had whispered something in her ear. "They'd catch us Alec."

"Crazy ideas are welcome," I said looking at Alec who thought a minute before he replied.

"You said that your parents were coming back at the end of next week, so if your Dad just happened to pop by for a visit, these files could 'accidentaly' disappear and the police could see that they were right about this place," Alec shrugged, nodding his head at the articles that Emily had found.

"You all really should give him more credit, because that's a freaking genious idea," I smiled.

If only I knew what was happening with Carys right now; I didn't know it then, but her mystery was the last piece of the puzzle, and only Frank would be able to solve it now.