All That I've Got

Thoughts Of Confusion

Frank's P.O.V.

"Shh Car, it's okay, I've got you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you," I whispered into her ear, desperatly trying to calm her down.

"Just stop it Kyle, oww," she cried to herself, and it wasn't until I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes did I realize she was having flashbacks.

"Carys, Car, listen to me. I don't know what happened to you, but you've got to understand me, he can't hurt you anymore. I'm here to protect you, I always am. Please look at me Car," I said gulping as I gently shook her shoulders, her eyes soon coming into focus as she clung back onto me. "Carys, look at me. You know you can trust me, please, tell me what happened that night," I said forcing her to make eye contact as her tears lessened.

"I can't," she whispered as she shook her head. "He said he'd kill me if I ever told Frank."

I was shocked for two reasons, one, Carys could speak, her throat was allowing nothing above an almost silent whisper, but still, it was major progress. Two, the fact that this was so serious that it'd involved a death threat, made me wonder if I really wanted to know...

No, I had the chance now, I had to know what had changed my best friend so much. I'd give anything to see her smile again like she used to without difficulty, to see her eyes shine when she laughed.

"You can trust me Car, I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you as long as I live, including myself. Carys, you can't let memories run your life, and I'll do what I can to help you out. But I can't help you if you don't want help," I said staring deeply into her eyes.

"The night before prom, I went to a party with a friend...after our school's football game and everyone got drunk. This jock grabbed me and he wouldn't let go....he took me upstairs and....," Carys breathed, tears choaking her as she started crying again. I'd gotten the message, and I pulled her close to me, whispering what I hoped were comforting words in her ear.

All along, that's what had been hurting her inside. That's why she had such a hard time trusting people, and while I thought it was slightly sadistic of me, I realized that Carys had decided to trust me. But knowing that I couldn't relate to her pain made it harder, I didn't know entirely what was going on in her head, all I knew is that whatever had happened left her afraid, but of what?

I rocked her slowly in my arms, her head against my chest as my fingers ran through her hair. She'd just told me the reason why she'd been put into the asylum, and though I knew the next step was to shut the asylum down, there was still something, one more piece of the puzzle to be solved. Or was it more? The confusion would've given me a headache, but having Carys so close made me relax.

So let's see what we've accomplished so far: Carys got out of the asylum, blacked out in my arms, was in the hospital for a week, got out, became comfortable around new people and from what I could tell, trusted them. We were also slowly forming our old bond again, and more or less she'd just told me a dark secret that'd changed so much about the person she used to be. When you looked at it from a certain perspective, more good had come out of this than bad, that was slightly comforting.

Carys' deep breaths from her tired lungs was really the only sound in the room at the moment, and my thoughts slowly settled, allowing me to think back on some of the things my dad had told me. He'd said that what Carys and I had wasn't an ordinary friendship, and while I disagreed, even the guys had pointed it out on a few occasions. When I was younger I knew that I loved Carys like the sister I never had, but now, it was different somehow, maybe it'd even been different back then too.

I could read Carys so well, I didn't need a notepad to understand what she felt or what she was thinking, and it was the same vice versa. When we were kids she'd always been the one to hold me when I cried or to make me crack up laughing when I was angry, and now I was doing the same for her. We were always there for each other and knew how to make the other feel better, was that really similar to a brother and sister relationship?

When I'd seen her that day she came back, of course it'd struck me that she'd grown and changed from that little girl I'd left behind, but she was still that energetic person inside. And because of that, the feeling I got whenever she was so close to me, whenever she smiled at me or laughed, it confused me because I wasn't sure of it. Did I have feelings for my best friend?

And if I did? How could I ever tell her when I'd just found out what had happened to her? I knew right now that the trust we'd built up couldn't be pushed to it's limit just yet, I knew that I had to be sure when I told her. And I had to be sure that she felt the same way, I wouldn't ruin our friendship on a whim, Carys meant way too much to me. She was my best friend, I wasn't going to loose her again, that was one promise I'd make sure to keep.

Carys P.O.V.

So much weight had been lifted off of me from telling Frank that, and though the memories were still tearing me apart, I felt so relaxed right now. What had kept me so withdrawn and afraid for so long wasn't a secret anymore. I could trust Frank so easily, and though some of those trust issues were still there, I knew that he wouldn't hurt me like Kyle had or abandon me like Lauren had.

I'd changed since Frank and I had been kids, not just physically. But if I could just let down my guard completely and let him and the guys help me, maybe I could do it. Maybe I could be that carefree and happy person that I used to be, maybe I could enjoy life again, and maybe I could learn to forget what had happened. I just had to hope that all of that was possible.