All That I've Got

Even The Best Fall Down Sometime

Frank's P.O.V.

"Make way people, she's been stabbed!" a paramedic ordered when we'd rushed into the hospital, people clearing the hall after a nurse had shouted out an available room and two doctors followed beside us as we made our way to the room.

"You five wait out here," a doctor instructed when the paramedic had reported her condition, allowing a nurse to roll Carys into the room and the door closing behind them, the paramedics waiving with exhausted faces before leaving the scene. "Okay, tell me exactly what happened," the remaining doctor said as he turned to face us.

All eyes were on me as I cleared my throat, being the only one to know the most of Carys' history with Kyle. "The one who stabbed her-"


I whipped my head around at the familar voice, a relieved sigh coming out as I saw Dr. Scott walking towards us.

"What's going on this time, and why wasn't I notified that one of my patients was here, Dr. Watters?" he asked as he stopped in front of the doctor that had just questioned us.

"We just found out who she was sir, sorry but things have been a bit hectic all day," the other guy said as he looked down, making me want to laugh at the situation a little, it was like a puppy getting scolded by it's mother.

"Dismissed Watters, I'll have a word with you later, off you go now," Dr. Scott said as he shooed the other doctor off, sitting next to me and across from Gerard. "Now, before I ask what's going on with Ms. Winters, introductions, Mr. Iero?" he asked looking at me.

"Gerard, his brother Mikey, Ray and Bob. While Carys' parents were at a family reunion thing, I was watching her for three weeks and the guys all got back from vacation. To attempt to get Carys to open up a little more, I introduced them all and we've all been pretty close ever since," I said, nodding to each person when saying their name.

"And she's in the hospital again because?" he asked after taking that in, looking as patient as he always was.

"While I was watching her, and not long after I'd introduced Carys and the guys, I'd found out that the reason behind her depression was because she'd went to this football after-party with a friend before she'd been admitted into the asylum and at the party, she'd been raped. I don't know how or why but the same guy that'd raped her, broke into the house while her parents were gone tonight and tried for the second time. He stabbed her right before the cops had loaded their guns," I explained, taking a deep breath as I finished.

"I'll go see what's going on in there and let you all know when you can come sit with her," Dr. Scott said before getting up, soon disappearing into the room they'd rolled Carys into.

"She's going to be fine Frank," Mikey said as he leaned over and hugged me. "We're all worried about her."

"What if she's not Mikes? I was supposed to protect her and he probably fucking tramuatized her if she does pull through this," I said as angry tears slid down my cheek.

"And then what Frank, jump at a guy with a loaded gun and get yourself killed? I don't think you'd have much look protecting her without a pulse," Gerard explained with a calm tone, knowing that I'd have no choice but to realize that he made sense. Mikey let me go after a bit and I stared down at the blood-stained knees of my jeans for what seemed like hours until the door opened, all of our heads whipping up when Dr. Scott finally came out.

"We managed to stop the bleeding considerably and bandaged her up, she's very weak right now and asleep, but you all can stay the night if you wish. Better than her waking up in an empty room and going into shock," he explained, all of us letting out relieved sighs as we got up and walked across the room to her door. We all filed in quetly, and I took the seat nearest to Carys' bed where she lay sleeping, white bandages wrapped around her chest and some smudges of blood on her black jeans as well. I sighed deeply, scooting my chair forward slightly and lying my head down on her pillow, taking one of her hands in mine and gently squeezing it.

"Please forgive me Car," I whispered, mostly to myself since the guys couldn't hear, and Carys probably couldn't either, unless, I thought she hadn't.

I felt a light pressure on my hand, my heart becoming less heavy as she opened her eyes, the pale blue sticking out against her nearly white skin.

"Don't ever scare us like that again," I smiled when she ruffled my hair, the guys cheering when they saw that she was awake. "I would practically glomp you right now if you weren't nearly empty of life."

She wrapped her arms around me with some difficulty, pulling my head down so that her lips were inches away from my ear as she hugged me.

"Of course I forgive wasn't your fault Frank," she whispered lowly, my smile growing at her words.

She'd nearly been raped for the second time and almost stabbed to death but was being calm about it, could she be any more of an amazing person?