All That I've Got


40 Minutes Later: Carys' P.O.V.

"Oh you're awake, how're you feeling hon? Anything hurt?"

I opened my eyes to see a nurse standing next to my bed, reading whatever the monitors were showing her and jotting something down on a clipboard. She looked to be in her twenties maybe, brown eyes soft and light blonde hair pulled back.

I shook my head in response, not making a move when she laid a hand on my forehead, eyes going wide.

"You have quite a bit of fever, I'll be right back," she said with a worried look as she left the room.

"How high is it?" I heard Dr. Scott ask after a few seconds.

"About 102, sir, and it feels like her temperature's getting higher every second," the nurse said quickly.

Dr. Scott was soon walking briskly into the room, the young intern at his heels. He did the same as she had, just with less worry on his face.

"We'll get some fluids into her and hopefully some rest will do the trick. Nothing to worry about, Paterson," he said, looking over his shoulder at her before turning his attention back to me. "Assuming we won't be able to get you to swallow anything, look up for me hon," he said calmly.

Even though I didn't like where this was going, I averted my eyes to the ceiling, barely feeling the prick of yet another needle. My eyes slowly closed on their own, and I could only catch the last of their conversation before I went back to sleep.

"You're not worried about her, sir?" the intern questioned in that same worried tone.

"I'm quite worried about her Paterson, but hovering over her like a worried hawk isn't going to help. We still need to run tests and I'm trying to make sure she's absolutely calm before we even think about blood work. And I expected those two to be here right on time, I almost had to force them to leave the first place," Dr. Scott's voice faded as I slipped into yet another dreamless sleep.

Frank's P.O.V.

"So you're going to act like you're mute? How are you going to expect them to believe that? If you slip up and speak they're going to be on to you," I questioned Jake as we were walking back to the hospital.

We'd basically just finished debating about every inch and detail about Jake's brilliant idea, and so far it seemed like we could actually make this work. Since Jake was already 19, he could admit himself legally, but Mr. Winters would be going along just in case. Instead of using his real name, Jake would be signing in as Brandon Laurens, that way the asylum wouldn't get suspicious. The only part of the plan that we weren't sure about, was how to tell Carys.

It wasn't just the fact that Jake was willing to do this without any questions, and it wasn't that he might end up in the hospital, battling whatever Carys was; it was the fact that he might not come out alive. Jake and Carys were brother and sister, breaking up a bond like that would be horrible for her if he did die in there, and he was willing to risk it all, just to save her.

"You're sure about this Jake, there's always another-"

"Frank, I'm positive. At least if I die in there, it'll draw some attention to that place and they can shut it down," Jake said, shaking his head as we walked into the building. The nurse at the desk didn't even have to look up to point us in the right direction.

"You know that's going to kill her inside," I said seriously.


"You being so cool about this. Jake, she freaking loves you as much as you love her, do you honestly think she's gonna jump for joy when you tell her this? You could die Jake, never see your sister again, never get married, have kids and die old with your spouce. You're willing to give all that up?" I asked, hoping there was some way to make him second guess this. Once he signed that entrance form in the asylum, there really was little chance of turning back.

"There's no other way Frank. I can't stand to see my sister like that, knowing they were the ones that did that to her. Carys never did anything to hurt anyone and they took advantage of her, doing whatever they could to make her this way. I've never been more sure of anything else in my life," he said as we reached her door, Dr. Scott putting a finger to his lips when he saw us.

"She had a bit of a fever when she woke up, but she's asleep now, just let her rest," he whispered as he quietly opened the door, closing it behind us.

"When exactly do you plan on doing this?" I asked sighing as I sat beside Carys' sleeping form, taking one of her hands in my own and softly stroking it with my thumb.

"Tomorrow," he said sitting down in a chair. "The plan is to get in there, document their every move, and I don't know, maybe dig around and find any files that might get them shut down. You really care about her, don't you Frank?" he asked randomly, catching me off guard with that last remark.

"I missed her a lot Jake, it was more painful than I thought when my parents got divorced and I couldn't see her for so long. Then I finally get back to my Dad and she's gone. I...I don't know what I feel about her, but I think it's slowly forming into something more. And it's kind of weird explaining this to her physco older brother," I said, chuckling as I looked up at him.

"Honestly, I think you're madly in love with my little sister. Just neither of you know it yet," he smiled.

"You could be right, but I don't want to tell her anything and not be sure about it, and plus, there's no guarantee she feels the same way," I pointed out.

"Frank, will you think about what's happened in the past two days? Let's start from the beginning, shall we? She blacks out in the first hour that she's home, in your arms. She can only be comforted by you, she clings to you whenever she breaks down, and not to mention she falls asleep when you hold her like you do. She feels safe with you Frank, that's only too easy to see. It's almost so cute, it's unbearable," he said, making me blush. It wasn't like I hadn't noticed all that, I just hadn't pieced together the puzzle.

"Fine, but Jake, I'm not telling her anything until she's out of here. Didn't you say that your parents were going to some kind of reunion next week? Who'll be home with her?" I asked, suddenly realizing what I'd looked over when we were at the Winters' house.

"You are, Mom and Dad already got permission from your dad. You'll be spending the whole three weeks with her. We were going to spring it on you when Carys got out of here, but I thought I might as well bring it up now," he shrugged.

"You all actually trust me to be alone with your sister?" I asked jokingly, knowing Jake could see that I was only kidding.

"Of course I'll be the first to make sure you're never be able to have kids if you hurt her, but I suppose it's better than murder being on my record," he said shrugging with a smirk. "But you're a good kid, I don't think I'll have to worry about it. You did just find out that your friends were all coming back a few days after my parents leave, you're honestly going to babysit instead of hang out with them?" he asked.

"Gerard and Mikey will be the first home, Ray's going to be coming back a few days after them and Bob'll be back around the same time, I'll figure it out then. But they're my friends, I think they'll be okay with it. You don't have to worry about any of them, they're all harmless," I assured him. "So you're telling her as soon as she wakes up?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm going to break it to her as painlessly as possible, but that's the plan," he said nodding.

"Jake, I just have one thing to say to you about this whole thing," I said shaking my head with a smile before looking up at him.

"Shoot Frank," he nodded.

"You are the craziest, dumbest, most careless guy I've ever met, and for all you're willing to give up, I think you're a f*cking hero," I said truthfully.

"That may've been the most rudest compliment I've ever gotten, but only from you bro. Thanks Frank."

"Anytime bud," I said as we shook hands.

We were in this together now, and there was no stopping Jake, I might as well get used to that.