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TAI saves lives!

Later That Night

I sat in my new bunk. How TAI had an extra, I have no clue. I pulled out my lap top that I had recently bought and saw that Pete was on IM. Maybe he'll talk to me through this. Although I highly doubt that will happen.

I IMd him.

'Pete, I didn't kiss Ryland.' I sent. I waited a few minutes.
'I don't care. Leave me alone.' he sent back. I could feel tears coming back on.
'Pete, I didn't kiss him. I wouldn't do that to you!' I sent back.
'Paige, just leave me alone.' he sent and signed off.

I started to cry. I can't believe this. He won't believe me....... Tears started demanding an exit from my eyes. They all trailed down my face and shirt. I was covered in sorrow. I pulled the laptop off my lap and curled into a ball.

I hadn't noticed how loud I had gotten 'till Sisky popped in.

"Paige," he sighed. He got in the bunk and hugged me tight. "What happened now?" he asked.

"He won't even talk to me." I cried softly. Sisky started running his fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm me down.

"Paige, we'll get him to talk to you. Things'll get better, I promise!" he whispered. I nodded and let him slide out of the bunk. My phone started to ring. 'Autumn' was the name on the screen.

"H-hello?" I asked.

"Paigey, someone wants to talk to you," Autumn said. I braced myself for the worst.

"Paigey! Cheer up. It's your favorite queer on the line!" Sonny's voice rang. I giggled at his comment.

"See, I told you I could get her to laugh!" he said to whoever he had been talking to. "Paigey, guess what?" Sonny asked.

"What you queer?" I asked.

"We're stopping in New York tomorrow!" he said excitedly.

"And?" I asked. He gasped.

"I cannot believe you forgot our life-long plan!" he said astonished.

"Sonny, I haven't known you that long. What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Dude, we made a pact that someday we'd go shopping in New York together, remember?" he asked.

"Ooh yeah!" I said, cheering up slowly.

"Right. So say around...oh, eleven or so. We'll head into the city and do what we do best!" he said.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"Spend Dev and Matt's money, duh!" he said. I giggled at his comment.

"You always know how to make things better Sonny. If only you were straight. And not fucking Hurley." I said.

"Shut up!" he said playfully.

"Sonny, I'm tired. I need sleep after today." I said.

"OK then. See ya in the morning!" he said happily.

"Sweet dreams queer." I said. He giggled and hung up. I put my phone away and looked at my lap top again. 'One unread message' it said.

I opened the message. Bad mistake.


Leave me alone. I can't believe you'd kiss Ryland, then lie to me about it. I can't believe myself for allowing you to hurt me like that. Stupid me.

Well, this message isn't really meant for me reveling in the pain you caused. It's more about your record deal. Once I say that, you're probably worrying. Don't. Just because you made a mistake(or rather I), doesn't mean I have to throw out the best thing that's ever happened to Decaydance.

Just...stay a good distance away from me. And don't worry about your fame, it'll bite you in the ass one day.


I hit the 'reply' button.


I love you. Really, I do. I know we've only been together for a few months...and now not at all, but I do love you. I didn't kiss Ryland. I wouldn't lie about something like that.

I'm not worried about the band. I'm more worried about your reaction to what you saw before. Ryland came into the closet I was hiding in during the game. He wouldn't let me out of the room, so he threw me against the wall and held me there till he forced a kiss. Haven't you noticed the way he looks at me?

I miss you more than you can know. And as much as I know I should be mad at you for not believing me in the first place, I can't. I can't be mad at you. I'm only mad at Ryland for ruining something that could have been great. Something that could have made me whole for once.


All of it was true. From his name down to my last letter. But would Pete believe me now?