Cover Story Now in Stores

Spending Trips in NY topless!

You might have thought the second day of New York would have been spent on stage, right? Wrong! Pete and I were called to meet Rolling Stone magazine downtown for a shoot and individual interviews. We grabbed a cab and headed down to the location.

The ware house was dark and looked decrepit until we walked right into a photo shoot. A white sheet was hung up for a background, cameras and people set up and running around like crazy. Pete and I were pulled in two different directions. The photographer came into my dressing room while some chick was doing my make-up.

"Well, we were thinking of an intimate sort of shoot. Topless to be exact." he said.

"Wait, who's topless?" I asked.

"You and Pete, silly!" he said, trying to make this sound like a good thing.

"And we're willing to pay you whatever it is you're about to ask for if you'll do the shoot topless." he said. I thought about this.

"What are you paying me anyway?" I asked.

"60 an hour." he answered.

"And you're willing to top that for a topless shoot? How long do you expect it to take pictures and ask some questions?" I asked.

"A while. But we're able to front you the money if you agree for a topless cover shot." he said.

"COVER?! A COVER SHOT?" I asked frantically. He nodded.

More money for a topless cover shot on top of 60 dollars an hour.

"Deal. As long as nothing funny goes on." I said.

"Hey, Pete's your boyfriend." he said and walked out with a smile. What is that supposed to mean?

So after my make-up was done, I went into a changing room and took off my shirt and bra then wrapped a towel the make-up chick had given me around my chest. I then walked out to the main part of the building where the white sheet we had seen before. Pete was already there, shirt off and all.

He didn't even bother to look at my clothe less chest and just smiled at me as I made my way over to him. The photographer dude came over again.

"Put your arms around her, Pete. Take off the towel once you're sure you're pressed against his chest." he demanded. Pete obliged and pulled me really close to his chest. Closer than I had ever been to him before.

I started shivering. I was nervous. I didn't want to be topless in front of Pete Wentz. There we go again with the fan girl moments. Pete must have noticed my nerves. He rubbed my back assuringly.

"Paige, I won't let anything happen, promise." he said. I nodded and reluctantly took off the towel. His arms wrapped tighter around me, making sure nothing could like, slip.

"Thats really good. Lean more to Pete, Paige!" the photographer said. I did so, feeling a bit better about this whole situation. The shoot ended, finally. Pete smiled, and with his arms still wrapped around me, managed to pick up the towel and wrap it back around me.

I smiled and kissed him.

"Was that so bad?" he asked. I giggled and shook my head.

"No, mostly because you were there with me!" I said. He smiled and kissed me before I was pulled back to the dressing room to put my shirt back on.

I was then pulled in a new direction where I met a young girl with a pad and pencil.

"Hi, I'm Randy." she said. I smiled and shook her hand.

"Paige!" I said.

"I know. Big fan of yours. I'll be interviewing you today." she smiled and sat down, as did I.

"Let's get started. What's it like being on your first tour?" she asked.

"It's really great. I'm traveling with a bunch of nerds that I just happen to call my friends!" except Ryalnd, but I didn't feel the need to bring that up now.

"So, there are rumors going around that you and Pete Wentz are dating. There are also rumors that you just recently broke up and got back together. Can you clear somethings up for us?" she asked.

I was dreading something like this.

"Well, both rumors are true. Pete asked me out right before tour. We had a misunderstanding a few days ago. Thanks to our friends, however, we got that cleared up and we're back together!" I answered. I didn't want to replay the whole situation. Randy started scribbling notes down then went on.

"So, a lot of your fans want to know, what are some of your personal influences? Like, who inspired you to sing lead in a band?" she asked.

"Sonny. Moore and the one in my band. Sonny Moore was awesome in FFTL and Sonny El. was the one that came up with the idea for a cover band. Other people include Patrick Stump, Hayley Williams, and Travis McCoy." I answered. More scribbling notes.

"What is your favorite band of all time and why?" she asked.

"Fall Out Boy, definitely. I guess because I've grown up with their music and I find most of it inspiring. I just love listening to Patrick preform every night of my life!" I answered.

A few more questions and about three hours later(wow, long time) and I was out of that place. Pete and I got back in the cab and headed down to the hotel everyone was staying at. One more day in New York then off to Philadelphia.

"Pete?" I asked as we got in the elevator.

"Hmm?" he asked back.

"Want to know something about me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I'm a virgin" I stated. He just smiled. So......the way he didn't like, drool over me(for some odd reason) turned me on, big time. And he wasn't getting my hint.

"So....I was wondering....." I had absolutely no idea what to say. I was clueless when it came to sex!

So, I guess Pete got my hint. He kissed me really deep, and really passionate. The elevator door opened on our floor and we got out, lips still attached and all.

"EEEEWWWW, dude, get a room!" Autumn and Dev yelled standing outside their rooms.

I pulled away and looked at them, then at Pete and smirked.

"Good idea ladies!" he said and pulled me into our room. And we made love for my first time.
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When I say "Queer", I mean it in the best possible way!