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There's Good News....and Bad News....

"What's the plan?" Autumn asked. We were all sitting in circle throughout the living room.

"Well, there's good news...and bad news. Which first?" Pete asked.

"BAD!" we all yelled.

"OK,OK jeez. The bad news is that we're not going on tour together this time." he said, sort of reluctantly. I could feel my throat dry up instantly, then feel constricted from air.

Pete looked down at the floor, as did Will, Gabe, and Andy.

"Well, we are. But not with you." Andy said. Sonny lent his head on Andy's shoulder.

"So where do you four plan on finding good news in that?" I asked, almost mad.

"You are going on tour with one of your favorite bands!" Gabe answered.

"Who?" Dev asked. Pete cleared his throat, a sign he had the same feeling I did.

"Paramore!" he answered. Everyone else started smiling, but not me. I was still in shock, still in pain over the 'bad' turned horrible news.

"C'mon Paigey! We're going on tour with Paramore!" Autumn said, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Hey, that rhymed!" Sonny pointed.

"Shut up queer!" Dev and Matt said at the same time.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't, even after Pete was smiling at me.

"Paige, are you OK?" he asked, truly concerned. I got up and walked to my room, silently, slowly to see who would follow. Pete did, of course. I climbed into my bed and wrapped the blankets around me, Pete following shortly.

"Paigey, whats wrong?" he asked pushing hair out of my face.

I felt a tear fall down my face.

"Pete, it's almost my birthday and Christmas and we can't even celebrate those things together." I said crying.

"Paigey," he said, wrapping his arms around me "Neither of those tours start until after the New Year. We have until then to spend as much time together as you want!" he said kissing my temple.

I nodded, not sure if I could believe him or not. I just wanted to always be with my Pete. I never wanted to leave his side. I never wanted to let my Petey go, not ever.

"Just assure me one thing." I said.

"Hmm?" he asked.

"Promise me you'll never do anything to make me regret falling in love with you." I sighed.

"Paigey, what makes you think I would do anything like that to you?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I just don't want to get hurt. I mean, you're the first man I've ever loved, but no one ever wants to get hurt like that." I cried into his chest.

"I know baby, from personal experience. I know." he said rubbing my back.

"Is Paige ok?" Dev's voice asked. I felt Pete nod then kiss my forehead.

"I love you Paige. I wouldn't ever let anything happen to you." he said and kissed my
forehead again. I just nodded.

"I want to move with you." I cried.

"What?" he asked. I looked up at his face.

"I want to move in with you. In LA." I said.

"Paige, you live in Wisconsin. What about your home here?" he asked.

"Home isn't a home without you." I nearly whispered. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"You really want to move across the country for me?" he asked. I nodded, but I wasn't sure what my friends would say, or what they would think. I didn't really care. I was not about to loose Pete in anyway, shape, or form.

"Huh.....I want you to talk to your friends before moving out to LA with me." he said. "That's my only condition." I nodded.

"I love you Pete. I really do." I said.

"I love you too Paigey. Forever." he replied. And for the millionth time this half a year, I fell asleep in his arms.