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"I've thought about this for a while. I really don't want to have Pete leave next week, then not be able to see him 'till after our tours. I wanna move out to LA with him..." I said. All five of us; Dev, Autumn, Matt, Sonny, and I, are sitting at the kitchen table while Pete, Will, Gabe, and Andy went Christmas and (my) birthday shopping.

They all just stared at me for a long time.

"Paige, why do you feel like confronting us about this?" Matt asked.

"Because Pete's only condition was to find out what you guys felt about me leaving you." I explained.

"Dude, we don't care. It's your love life. Plus, we're stuck together on tour for four and a half months!" Autumn said. I smiled.

"Thanks guys. This means a lot to me!" I said. Dev leaned over, seeing as she was sitting right next to me, and hugged me.

"We're behind you 100%, no matter what," Sonny said. I smiled as the door slammed shut.

"Paigey! HIDE!" Will yelled from the door.

Dev pulled me out of my seat and down the hall to my bedroom, then shoved Pete in behind me and locked the door from the outside.

"We spend a lot of time in here, don't we?" I asked. Pete smiled, nodded, and kissed me.

"What did the dudes say?" he asked. We sat on my bed and I smiled, looking right at him.

"Their fine with the whole thing! I'm MOVING TO LA WITH YOU!" I said. I hugged him and he chuckled then kissed me again.

"Cool. You'll have to excuse the mess you'll encounter. I'm not much of a cleaner." he said. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he looked down at me.

"I can't wait." I sighed.

"So we're really doing this?" he asked.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"I don't know.....starting a life together, outside of touring. Like a real life," he said. I nodded.

"I like the sound of that." I said.

"I can't wait for your birthday. I'm not sure if I can keep what I got you a secret for three days!" he smiled.

"Oh my god, MY BIRTHDAY IS IN THREE DAYS!" I yelled and shot up onto my feet.

"You forgot your own birthday?" he asked.

"I seem to forget most holidays!" I said.

"Ha ha. But I like you just the way you are." he said, got up, and started kissing all up and down my neck. Well, you can imagine what that led to.
Three Days Later

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAIGEY!" Everyone yelled. I had just blown out the candles on my cake.

"PRESENT TIME!" Dev yelled.

"Spazz," Matt mumbled. I giggled and took the present out of Dev's hand.

"It's from me and Gabe!" she said. I ripped the paper off the packaging. It was a small box with little gold Cobras on the outside. I opened the box to reveal a golden chain with a little gold Cobra that had black fangs hanging off the end.

"AWESOME!" I said. I put the present down and moved on to Sonny's present. Sonny got me a black hat with my name in neon green letters. Andy got me a matching shirt. Autumn and Will ended up getting me the Paramore hoodie I had wanted from Hot Topic. Matt got me lots of clothes, and lots of music! That only left Pete.

He just sat there and smiled the entire night, as if he didn't think to get me anything. Kinda is my 21st birthday. We all partied for a while, then everyone headed off to bed. I slipped into my blanket.

"Paigey, don't fall asleep yet." he said. I sat up, waiting for what he wanted to do. He came over to the bed and sat besides me.

"I didn't want to rush into anything, just yet. I'm still just getting over the fact that I have you as mine. So, for your birthday, I wanted to know if you'd accept this promise ring, and promise to love me forever the same way you do now," he said opening the little box he had in his hand. I looked down from his face to see a light blue ring, my birthstone, on a band with diamonds all around it.

A smile crept its way across my face.

"Of course Pete. I'd love to!" I said. He smiled and slipped the ring on my finger.

"The closest thing to fiance without being it," he said and kissed me.

"That's the best birthday gift ever!" I said. I kissed him again then laid down.

"I'm tired. All this excitement has drained my energy." I yawned. He chuckled and laid down beside me.

"Two more days," he said and kissed my nose.

"Yup. Two more days 'till we go home!" I said. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed my ring, then fell asleep along with me.

Could life be any more perfect?