Cover Story Now in Stores

The Flu Sucks

"Peter, I feel sick." I said, light shining in my face. Yesterday we had arrived at his lovely house in LA. And today I feel really sick.

"Pete, I really don't feel good!" I said again. He wrapped his arms tighter around me and kissed my forehead. My stomach turned and I ripped myself out of his grasp and ran into his bathroom, pouring whatever air line food I had eaten into the toilet.

"You OK Paige?" he asked coming in. I flushed the toilet and shook my head. He came over to me, picked me up, and placed me on his bed. "You wanna go to the doctor?" he asked. I nodded and let out a long sigh. "You think you're-" he asked.

"No. I'm positive I'm not pregnant. This is definitely a different kind of sick. I have a fever and everything," I whined.

"OK baby. I'll get you something to wear then we'll head down to the clinic." he said. I nodded, then he kissed my head and walked over to my suit case which I had yet to unpack. Pete came back over with jeans and a red shirt then helped me put them on, sit up, and walk downstairs. (Actually, he insisted on carrying me all the way to the car, Hemingway following).

He sat me down in the passenger, pushed Hem on my lap, then went around and go in the drivers seat and sped down the the clinic. I tiredly played with Hemingway until we got to a disgustingly white building when Pete picked my up again and signed us in.

"Mrs. Wentz?" a lady asked. I stood up.

"That's me," I said. Pete smiled for some unknown reason then helped me walk into an even more disgusting white room.

The doctor came in and asked me a few questions about what I was feeling and where.

"Well, seems like you have the flu. Just relax for a few days and make sure to drink lots of clear fluids. Call if you have any questions." he said and walked out. Pete picked me up again and took me back to the house.

"You gonna be OK?" he asked as he laid in bed with me. I nodded. "You know, you didn't correct that nurse when she called you Mrs. Wentz." he pointed. I nodded.

"So?" I asked hoarsely.

"I don't know. Some girls would have freaked if they were called by their boyfriends last name." he said and kissed my forehead. "You're really hot. You wanna take something?" he asked.

I nodded, my head was pounding.

"Tylenol?" I asked. He smiled and went to go get it for me. Hemingway jumped onto the bed and laid right in front of me. I wrapped my arm around him like he was a stuffed animal.

"These are my boys. Hemingway and Pete." I said. Hem's little tail started wagging and I giggled.

"Aw, that's so cute!" Pete said from the door. "My baby and my puppy cuddling!" he said. I smiled. "He really likes you, you know?" Pete asked. I nodded.

"I would hope so. He's just a furrier version of you!" I said. Pete chuckled then handed me the medicine and water.

He got back on the bed and wrapped me in his arms from behind.

"You don't mind me being like a gillion degrees?" I asked.

"Nope. Now rest baby." he said. He nuzzled his face into my neck and sighed. I fell asleep shortly.


I couldn't tell exactly where I was. I felt as if.....well, I wasn't feeling anything. I saw Pete clearly sitting in front of me, head in his hands and crying like a baby. Patrick came into the room and put his arm around Pete.

"Pete, it's OK. She's in a better place buddy." Patrick said.

"What? Who?" I asked. They both ignored me.

"But Patty, she's not with me." Pete said, lifting his head enough to see that he was tearing like a rain storm.

"Who isn't? What's going on!?" I asked, getting a little angry that neither of them was seeing me.

"Pete, you have Layla. She's the closest thing you're going to get to her." Patrick said.

"Pete, who's Layla?" I asked. Just then, a little baby girl with every feature to match mine crawled from behind the couch.

"Speaking of Lays!" Patrick said.

"That's Layla? Who is she? Or better, WHO'S is she?" I asked outraged. Pete just picked up the infant and smiled.

"Every bit Paige." he said.


"What?" I asked. No one knew I was there. Layla turned around in Pete's arms and started picking at the air around my face. Pete just looked my way and grabbed the infants tiny arm.

"Baby, nothing is there," he smiled at her.

"YES I AM! I'M RIGHT HERE!" I yelled. Layla started crying.

So she can see me and no one else can? Pete picked Layla up and walked the other direction. and I woke up.