Cover Story Now in Stores

CHRISTMAS! I'm such a little kid.

A Few Weeks Later-

Christmas went by like *snaps* that. So, New Years Eve and everyone, and I do mean everyone(Matt, Sonny, Vicky T, Me, Pete, Joe, Dev, Gabe, Will, Autumn, and Sisky, even though I'm not sure why he came.) decided to hang out in Chicago. More specifically, the Wentz household. That means, for me, I get to meet Pete's parents. And I'm out-of-this-universe-nervous.

"There's nothing to worry about. They'll love you." Pete said as the cab pulled up to his former home.

"How do you know?" I asked. He looked at me like the answer was obvious.

"Paige, I lived with these people for 27 years. You'd think I'd know my parents!" he said, opening my door so we could get out. He paid the cabby then pushed me out the door, sort of.

"I'm going', I'm going!" I said, going around the cab to get our luggage. I had trouble pulling out Pete's suit case.

"Dude, what have you packed?" I asked as he came to help me pull it out.

"I guess more than I can remember." he said hauling it onto the side walk as the car pulled away.

We walked up to the door and he knocked, then we waited for a reply.

"Peter!" his mother(as I assume) called after opening the door. She hugged her son, then waited for him to introduce me.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Paige," he said pushing me towards her. She smiled and opened her arms for me.

"I've heard so much about you. You have absolutely no clue how much Peter talks about you!" she said hugging me. I smiled.

"I guess not," I said back. I like his mom already.

"I'm Dee, Peter's mom." she said. I nodded.

"I would tell you I'm Paigey, but Pete already got that down!" I joked.

"Well come in dear. Make yourself at home!" she said moving just enough for us to get in.

I walked into the front room of the house. Happy New Years decorations hung around the walls, and it felt like home. Already.

"Peter's old room is all the way up the stairs. Peter, why don't you take the luggage up?" she suggested.

"Yes ma." he said and dragged both suit cases up the stairway.

"Now dear, tell me about yourself. Other than "She's amazing" and "I can't believe I found her". Peter already covered that for you." she smiled as we headed into the kitchen.

"Well, has he told you that I sing in a band?" I asked.

"No. He's too busy gushing over just having you. What band?" she asked. I blushed a little then smiled.

"We're called Falling In Flames. We're a cover band." I answered.

"Cover? What do you cover?" she asked.

"Just songs....songs that we like, mostly." I answered. She nodded.

"Mind if I ask you a couple personal questions before Peter comes down? Or Hilary....or
Andrew?" she asked.

"No. Shoot." I replied.

"Are you a virgin?" she asked. I slightly smiled.

"No," I answered.

"Who was your first?" she asked.

"Pete," I answered almost in a dream remembering my first time. She stared at me.

"What? Is something wrong with that?" I asked, scared of her judgment. After all, she is his mom.

"No, there's nothing wrong with it. He's told me you two are so, so in love. I never imagined he'd date a virgin." she said. I didn't know whether to smile or not, if what she said was a good thing or not.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" she asked.

"No. Why would someone think that?" I asked. I wasn't fat, overweight, or even over eating.

"You have a ring." she said.

I looked down at my hand with the tattoo around my wrist. My ring sat on my 'ring finger'.

"We're not engaged. I'm not pregnant. It's a promise ring. Pete gave it to me on my birthday." I said. She nodded as Pete walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey mom, what's for dinner?" he asked.

"You'll see Peter. It's a surprise!" she answered.

Pete turned to me, kissed me, then pulled me out of the kitchen.

"Look," he said. He pulled me to the window and placed his hand around my waist then pulled the curtain back. It was snowing. Little white flakes were falling from the sky. Pete walked over to the couch and picked up a black hoddie. He handed it to me then opened the door.

"Can we make snow angels?" I asked excitedly.

"We can make whatever you want Paige." he said and walked out after me. I ran out to the lawn and laid down in the snow, then started moving my legs and arms. Pete smiled, laid down next to me, and stared doing the same as me.

"I've never done this before!" I said.

"What? Make snow angels?" he asked. I nodded.

"It was a tradition for a war back in Wisconsin. Dev, Matt, and Matt's current girlfriend on one team then Me, Autumn and Sonny." I said.

"Wow. I feel really special. I get to spend your first year making snow angels with you!" he smiled at me. I smiled back.

"You are special." I said and took his hand in mine. We stayed like that for a while.

"Paigey, are you cold?" he asked.

"Not really. Why?" I asked.

"You're shaking." he said. I looked at our intertwined hands and, sure enough, I was shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh. I don't feel cold." I said. He got up and held me up, getting me off the snow. I turned and looked down at the angels we left behind. "They look demented," I said turning my head to get a better look.

"They look they're fused together." he said.

"Like you two?" we heard. We quickly turned around to see Autumn, Will, and Sisky standing on the other side of the gate from us. I ran to the gate, jumped over it and almost knocked Autumn over in a hug.

"Didn't know you missed me THAT much!" she said trying to stand up straight again.

"Dude, I haven't seen you since a few days after my birthday." I said.

"That was only like, two weeks ago." William said leaning down to wait for a hug.

"BILLY BOY!" I yelled and hugged him.

"PAIGEY!" he yelled back.

"Oh yeah, just forget the awesome short dude with blond curly hair. He's only like the coolest person here and he's all alone." Sisky said looking at his hand like he was all that and a bag of chips.

"SISKY! Keep dreaming," I said and hugged him. He chuckled.

"So what have you two been up to?" Autumn asked raising an eyebrow.

"Dude, stop being a perv. We were making snow angels!" I said.

"Looks more like grass angels," Sisky mumbled. I turned to look at the spot Pete and I had been laying down in.

"Yeah. And?" I asked. Sisky shrugged.

"So, when does the party start?" William asked.

"Peter, dinner's ready. Bring your friends in, we have plenty!" Dee called. We all walked up the driveway and into the house then sat at the dining room table. Three people were already seated, two that looked a lot like Pete and one that looked, for lack of a better word, old.

"Dear, this is Paige. Paige, this is Peter's father, brother, and sister." Dee said. I smiled and shook hands than sat next to Pete and Autumn on my other side.