Cover Story Now in Stores

Bored, so I'll see what you know about me.

I was looking on my lap top for stuff about us on the drive to Franklin. Let's see what I found:

Paige Katy.
Age: 21.
Birth date: December 14th.
Early life: Paige was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then at the age of four, her family moved to Florida where she met Devoney Lee. The Katy's then moved to Wisconsin where Paige met Autumn Faye, the guitarist for Katy's band, Falling in Flames. Sonny More and Matt Jude joined the group later in their Junior year of high school.
Career: Paige is the lead singer for the cover band Falling in Flames which is signed onto Pete Wentz's indie label, Decay Dance.
Love life: Paige Katy has been seen holding hands with teen heart-throb Pete Wentz and has often mentioned the two dating. During their first tour with Cobra Starship, the Academy Is..., and Fall Out Boy, Katy was spotted running from a venue with tears in her eyes and later reported that she and Wentz had a 'falling out'. During an interview with Rolling Stone, she was asked "So, there are rumors going around that you and Pete Wentz are dating. There are also rumors that you just recently broke up and got back together. Can you clear somethings up for us?" and replied with, "Well, both rumors are true. Pete asked me out right before tour. We had a misunderstanding a few days ago. Thanks to our friends, however, we got that cleared up and we're back together"

Autumn Faye.
Age: 22.
Birth date: November 14th.
Early Life: Autumn Faye was born in Texas, just outside Huston. Around the age of six, she moved to Wisconsin where she met Paige Katy and Devoney Lee ten years later.
Career: Autumn is the rhythm guitarist for Falling in Flames. She has also reported that she will be recording with her current boyfriend, William Beckett, and his band, The Academy Is.....
Love life: Faye has been spotted multiple time entering and exiting the Academy Is...'s bus, most likely visiting boyfriend William Beckett. No report has implied an engagement between the two.
Other: Faye, even though unknown about the guitarist, is also, as referred by Lead singer, Paige Katy, "Can be better at drums then Sonny, at times".

Devoney Lee.
Age: 20.
Birth date: February 23.
Early life: Lee was born in Florida and lived in a small suburb about an hour away from Miami. She met lead singer and best friend, Paige Katy, at the tender age of 6. Miraculously, both Lee's family and Katy's moved to Wisconsin at the same time, giving the two sixteen year olds a road trip.
Career: Devoney is the lead guitarist for the cover band Falling In Flames along with Katy, Faye, Sonny More, and Matt Jude. She also sings back up vocals and is about to record with Rise Against, one of her favorite bands.
Love life: Lee and Gabe Saporta have been together since, as from the words of Autumn and Paige, "since the middle of tour, but act like they've known each other for centuries". Other: Devoney Lee is the only member in Falling In Flames to have experimented with Pot, but gave up on the drug when she moved to Wisconsin.

Matt and Sonny aren't important enough for you. Psyche! But I don't feel like telling you 'bout them.

"Paige, whatever you're doing has to be put on hold. We're here." Matt said. I looked up sharply and put my laptop down then headed out behind Matt, still a little bummed but totally psyched on meeting Paramore. I pushed passed Dev and Autumn off the bus we were so kindly provided by with the help of Decay Dance records.

Hayley Williams was facing with her back to us, talking to Zac and Josh Farro. Jeremy Davis was standing to the side and was the first one to notice we had exited the bus.

"Hey! You must be the cover band that's opening for us...we didn't quite catch your name though..." he said drifting. Hayley turned around and walked over yo us.

"Forget that looser. We did catch your name. Jeremy, for the millionth time, they're Falling In Flames!" she said. Jeremy made a funky face at her and I had no choice but giggling. Hayley and Jeremy looked right at me.

"You must be Paige. Wentz warned us about you." Hayley said. I could tell she was playing, she was smiling like she just found her long lost sister.

"That's me. What has 'Wentz' said about me now?" I asked.

"Besides the fact that I don't know your other band mates because he never shuts up about you." she tried. I turned around and looked at my buddies.

"This big one is Matt, Skinny Minnie is Dev, Lil' one is Autumn, and the queer is Sonny." I said pointing to all of them. Zac and Josh finally joined us.

"I'm going to take a good guess and say that you already know who we are?" Hayley said. I nodded. "I like this chick!" she said, happy to find a hyper girl like me. She wove her arm through mine and dragged me off somewhere.

"This tour is going to be a little more fun then expected!" she said.
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I just imagine Paige as Hayley's twin, only with black hair, instead of red/orange/blond