Cover Story Now in Stores

G-A-B-E is gonna get to die!

I woke up in the middle of the night. I could hear faint whimpers from the bunk across from me. I sat up and got out of my bed.

"Dev?" I asked. She started crying harder. I got in her bunk and wrapped my arms around her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She didn't answer, she just handed me her phone. It was a text from Vicky T.

'Devoney, the guitarist from Falling In Flames, has reported that she and Saporta are dating, however, Saporta says otherwise. With every question about their relationship, Gabe gave a simple moan or groan, depending on what the question was about. He later revealed that his girlfriend was not in a band, and that she lived back in New York where she was waiting for him every night.

We asked Dev about the relationship and got a response from the other side of the rainbow. She has repeatedly said that she and Gabe were in a very serious relationship, and that she was hoping to be the first and only Mrs. Gabe Saporta.'

I was almost crying, too. That basterd. I went through Dev's phone and found Alex's number first. So I dialed. He picked up almost instantly.

"Oh my god, Dev." he said.

"No, this is Paige. Get Saporta on!" I said through gritted teeth.

Dev started crying harder at the sound of me being mad.

"But he-" Alex protested.

"NOW!" I nearly yelled. I heard the phone transfer from one person to the next.

"Hel-?" Gabe started.

"You inconsiderate basterd. The next time I see your pathetic little posture within five yards of her, I'll break you in half." I gritted.

I shut the phone and placed it on the mattress.

"I can't believe he'd do that to me." Dev cried. I just sat there and held her 'till she cried herself to sleep. I got out of the bunk and walked out to the couch. I was too angry to sleep now. I picked up someone's phone that was on the couch next to mine and dialed Pete's number.

"Hello?" he asked, kind tired.

"Hey baby." I said, trying to calm down.

"Hey Paigey. What's up?" he asked.

"Did you see what Gabe said about Dev yet?" I asked.

" Should I have?" he asked.

"Vicky T sent it to her. She was in hysterics up until five minutes ago when she finally fell asleep." I said.

"What did you do about it?" he asked.

"I called Alex. He got Gabe on the phone and I told him if I ever saw him again, I'd break his body in half." I said. He sighed.

"I'll talk to him in the morning. Is everything OK with you though?" he asked. I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see.

"Yeah. The video shoot went great. Thanks for Neal!" I said. He chuckled.

"No problem baby. I'm glad you had fun!" he said.

"Yup! But it would have been more fun if you and the guys were there, too!" I said.

"I know." he said. We stayed up all night and talked about absolutely nothing. The sun came up and I nearly fell asleep with Pete talking to me.

"I ha-have to go. I'm sleepy." I yawned. Matt came from the bunks.

"Who are you fucking talking to? It's fucking 6 in the morning." he said.

"Pete." I answered.

"Bye baby. Tell Dev I hope she's OK," he said.

"Yup. Bye baby." I said and hung up.

The morning was kinda quiet, Dev is usually the loud one around here in the morning, even though she never used to be. Autumn finally got sick of no one saying any thing and jumped on the couch.

"Psycho! What the fuck?" I asked scooting away from her.

"I'm making a stand!" she yelled. My eyes got wide and I held my ears then fell to the side. Sonny came over to the couch and stood in front of Autumn, wordless and motionless. I stared at him.

"What do you want?" Autumn asked.

"I want you to get off the couch. You're in my spot and it's Saturday morning!" Sonny said.

"So?" Autumn asked.

"Saturday morning cartoons, duh!" Sonny answered. Autumn rolled her eyes, but all this did was keep Dev to herself.

We stopped at the venue, and an idea popped into my head. I grabbed Dev's hand and pulled her off the bus.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked. I kept silent and kept running to the bus. I knocked on the Paramore door. Josh came out and smiled.

"Can I help you two?" he asked.

"Where's Jeremy?" I asked. I could feel Dev tug on my hand, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of Jeremy. I kept her hand tightly inside my own.

"He's still asleep." Josh answered. There was a noise behind the door. A BIG noise.

"OK, now he's up!" Josh said and rolled his eyes. We followed him onto the bus. I shoved Dev in front of me, winked at Hayley (she'll know what to do), and ran off the bus.


Dev's POV

I tried to run after Paige, but Hayley, as little as she is, jumped on me. I fell flat on the floor. I could see Zac dragging Jeremy to the bunks, fearing that would be me soon.

"This is not my fucking day!" I mumbled.

"It will be." Hayley smiled.

Josh pulled me to my feet and started pushing me to the bunks. I was shoved in before the door was closed.

"That's the second fucking time today." I mumbled.

"We'll keep you too in there all day if we have to!" Zac said. I heard Hayley whisper something to him.

"OK, we'll keep you in there 'till two. That's when FIF has sound check." he said. I rolled my eyes and sat on someone's bunk.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asked. I nearly started crying.

"It's a really long story." I said.

"I, apparently, have time." he said.

I looked at his amazingly hot, gorgeous, not-Gabe face. I could tell he really wanted to hear. So I told him, everything. From when we started going out, up until last night. That's when I started crying. He scooted closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks for sharing with me." he said politely.

I smiled and looked at him. He leaned closer to me and kissed me lightly. His blond facial hair tickled a little, but I liked it. We heard the knob turn and in came, flying nonetheless, Josh, Zac, and Hayley.

"Ow." Hayley said grabbing her side.

I blushed and backed away a little.

"Ok, now just get on with it and ask her out already!" Josh said. I blushed even more. I didn't know if I was ready to start dating again, especially since I have no clue where Gabe and I stood.

But Jeremy asked anyway. Wanna know what I said.
