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How long?

Pete's POV

I walked off my bus and looked around the venue for Gabe. I thought he was crazy about Dev, so why would he do that to her? I started walking around. I walked right into Ryland without knowing it.

"Sorry Pete," he mumbled. I just watched him walk away. Then I thought he might know where Gabe was.

"Wait, Ryalnd. Do you know where Saporta is?" I asked. He just shrugged. I walked away from him and headed to the Cobra bus. I pounded on the door and waited.

"Pete?" Gabe asked opening the door.

"What's up with you and Dev?" I asked. He did that weird smirk then look at the ground thing you see in movies when someone gets caught.

"I'm not in love with her." he said, still smirking.

"But she loved you. What's your problem man?" I asked.

"I just, don't love her. I got back together with Becky." he said.

"Whatever. I didn't think you'd stoop so low to have Victoria send Dev the article, but I guess I was wrong." I said and walked away. Gabe closed the door as I started running.

Paigey!'s POV

I walked right past Dev and Jeremy. I had to take a double take because I saw them making out and holding hands. I smiled. Seeing Dev cry like she did was a once in a life time thing. So seeing her and Jeremy.....actually, it was kind of disturbing because I was like, staring right at them.

I walked on past the happy couple and walked right into (which I happen to do a lot of) Josh and Quinn.

"Hey dude and....dude!" I said. Josh smiled and Quinn chuckled.

"I see you got Jeremy and Dev to, uh.....I really have no clue how to say this," I said looking back at them.

"Damn, they're still making out?" Quinn asked.

"Still....?" I pushed.

"Yeah, we left like, fifteen minutes ago. They were making out then, too." Josh explained.

"Crack heads." I mumbled.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"They're addicted to each other. Like a crack head is addicted to crack. Duh!" I said. Josh gave a unsuccessfully hidden chuckle.

"You're so weird." he said.

"I know!" I happily almost yelled. Josh and Quinn rolled their eyes.

"It's a wonder how Wentz lives with this chick," Josh said.

"Speaking of..." Quinn drifted. His eyes got wider with every passing second for about four seconds before he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to The Used's bus.

"Quinn, what are you doing? Don't you remember her boyfriend?" Jeph asked. Quinn ignored him, let go of my wrist, and went into the bunk section.

"What's up with him?" I asked. Bert, with one arm around Allison, shrugged. Quinn came back out with a magazine in hand.

"Quinn, what is this?" I asked as he handed me the magazine. He opened it to a certain page. I looked down at the article.

"WENTZ AND KATY: HOTTER THAN BRANJOLINA?" the headline read. I burst out laughing.

"What is so funny about it?" Jeph asked.

"Branjolina! Pete and I are absolutely nothing like 'Branjolina'!" I laughed.

"And that's funny?" Dan asked. I just noticed that he was there.

"What is this all about Quinn?" I asked.

"Just take it and read. I don't need it anymore." he said. I smiled and walked off the bus. I read the article on the way back to my bus.

"Pete Wentz and Paige Katy have been seen numerous times, hand-in-hand and absolutely in love. Paige's band, Falling In Flame, is taking their second tour without FOB by their sides, but Paige seems to be managing. Pete Wentz, however, has been recently spotted with dark circled eyes and his head to the ground. We actually got a chance to ask him what he was feeling on that particular day.

"I've been having horrible dreams again. I don't think these can be written into a book though. It always starts farther into the plot and ends later and closer to the final event. I try avoiding sleeping by waiting for her number to show up on my phone or watching movies, but most of the time, it just makes things worse"

I couldn't take it anymore. Just reading that much made me want to puke. What was with the headline if he was having nightmares? I glanced back at the paper. The very last paragraph caught my eye.

"I think she's the reason. Since I actually met her, in person, I've felt different. She's so happy all the time, even when she's sick. I think the only time I made her cry was when I broke up with her," Wentz says. I asked him why they broke up. "We were playing hide and seek at one of the venues. Ryland found Paige instead of Patrick, who was it. The door to the closet she was hiding in was wide open. All I saw was her purple and black vans behind Ryland's figure. I took it the wrong way. She tried to avoid him at all costs, then I just made things worse" he reported"

I was nearly in tears trying to forget what happened last tour. I got on my bus and shoved the magazine in the trash then got out my phone and hid in my bunk. I hit the speed dial with his number, but got his voice mail.

"Hey, it's Pete. I'm most likely either asleep, for once, or on stage at the moment and can't get to the phone. Leave me some info on why you called and I might just get back to you. Bye"

-Beep-"Pete, it's me. Quinn showed me the article about your nightmares. I can fly out to wherever you are if you want. I will if you want me to. Don't think I wouldn't. me back baby. I love you." I said and hung up. I laid back on my bunk and stared at my pictures. Dev poked her head in the bunk, Jeremy right behind her.

"What's wrong Paigey?" she asked.

"He's having nightmares again. I don't have a very good feeling about that, either." I said. She sighed.

"Paige, don't worry about him. He's a big boy." Jeremy said. I looked at him.

"And I love him. I have to worry about him." I said.

"Just.....let's go. We have to be in sound check like, five minutes ago!" she said and pulled me out of the bunk.