Cover Story Now in Stores

Love is all you need

"Is there anything you remember at all?" the doctor asked. I sighed.

"I wish. I can't even remember his dog!" I answered. Doc. nodded. Well, then he sighed and wrote stuff on his clip board, a grim face plastered to his head.

"Well, other than that, Miss Katy, you're free to go." he said. I smiled.

"Cool. How soon can I be out of this awful gown?" I asked. He....kind of chuckled at that.

"Well, now. Your.....friend over in the next room....he's going to have to be in a wheelchair for a few weeks if he wants to leave with you" he said. Pete. Pete had sacrificed his legs for me.

"His legs will be sprained for at least six weeks." he said. I nodded.

"Does he want to leave with me?" I asked. The doc shrugged.

"I can ask if you would like." he suggested.

"Sure. I'm going to get dressed." I said. He left the room, picked up the clothes that Dev had left before going to get lunch, and headed into the bathroom.

I came back out a few minutes later. Pete was sitting in his new wheelchair right next to the bed, playing with his looser-than-usual jeans. Looser than could remember anyway.

"Are you wearing Patrick's jeans?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah. doc orders no tight jeans until I'm out of the chair." he said.

"So are you going to be wearing Patrick's jeans for that long?" I asked. He chuckled.

"No. I've got shorts at home. In LA. Which, by the way, I was wondering if you wouldn't find it weird if you lived there with me...." he dragged. I smiled.

"No. I'd actually like to see Hemingway....again. God, that's gonna be hard on him. From what you and everyone else tells me about his and my relationship." I said.

Pete nodded. "Can we get out of here then?" he asked. I nodded and pushed him down the hall.

"I have to go get Jeremy and Dev down at the lunch room." I said. He nodded and looked straight ahead. Dev flipped when we met her downstairs, Jeremy just her quiet back ground posse.

We all went back to their hotel room. I booked our flight for later the next day. I had to help Pete into and out of bed. We did get to take the handicapped shortcut in the air port the next morning though. Most of the ride to LA was spent with him staring at me, me staring out the window, wondering what it could be like if only I looked back at him.

But I didn't. I couldn't. I didn't want to see the hurt in his eyes that he'd been trying to hard to hide for the last few days. He can't hide the way he feels like he thinks he can. So I stared out the window and pretended the clouds would bring me the answerers I so desperately wanted.

I wanted to feel again. I wanted to be in love again. I wanted to be able to remember him showing me what love is.

Huh. I always feel like this, don't I?